The outcast

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The bottled up nerves in you weren't calming down along with the excitement. You walked inside the arena and met the head of WWF, his wife Linda, and two children, Shane and Stephanie who gave you a task; which was to blend in with the crowd and interfere in any match, the first matches are pretty good and you even secretly help a female wrestler get the upper hand after sneaking some brass knuckles in her pocket and helping her back over before she uses them and wins the match, you were currently watching a tag team match between two blonde men about your age and two bigger men who kept saying Dudleyville every once in awhile before deciding to help right after the two other men are knocked down. After jumping over and tugging one out of the ring, you place the other's foot on the ropes before helping the first back in the ring who was very dazed as you hear a voice say "The fuck is your problem!" you look up at the two bigger men feeling your anxiety rise, but you don't stand down as the two other men watch until one leans over and throws you in the ring as you yell before getting free and turning with a cheshire grin to the other man who runs to you until the taller of the blondes to take him down with his shoulder in the other guy's gut as you smile with a wave and a middle finger before rolling the referee back in and allow them to win as they watch you grab the titles. Instead of taking their titles, they lift you on each shoulder as you hold their titles before stopping them as they leave, "Hey listen, I know we don't know each other yet but know that not only am I here to prove myself, but also to not underestimate me. Know no matter what you have my support, and that I am an ally" a big handshake followed by an unexpected hug seals the deal before following them backstage where you see Linda waiting with approval, you start the rounds to meet everyone else with another blonde man called Test with a short blonde woman known as Trish, followed by Lita and the Hardy boys along with a great interaction with the APA until you meet DX, which makes you yank your shoe off and throw it halfway across the room. Which lands next to Undertaker; who looks up only to see you jump on Billy Gunn with a yell after an insult, he pulls you off and carries you across the hall before asking what happened and listens to you explain everything leading him to slam billy through a table and walk past you while patting the top of your head which makes you smile before walking around the corner and bumping into a tall woman and a man, you accompany them to their match and quickly realize just how different you were from everyone else, feeling like an outcast and out of place amongst the roster of who you've met so far, and the ones you still have yet to met. Edge and Christian found you backstage and asked if you wanted some fun that earned them a confused brow before jokes and laughs are shared while waiting to bloodbath DX, the two look at you when you grab the bucket before they both shrug and say, "Your honor" you smile big with a giggle before dumping the whole bucket on the group while the three of you laugh uncontrollably and run away, enjoying the night of fun before your debut the next week.

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