Letting things pan out

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Your week had been shitty so far and all you wanted to do was see some of your friends before your match. But that changes when you get hit in the face with a door and kick it back open to see Chyna and Tori, "YOU FUCKED UP NOW BITCH" everyone's down the hall when they see you smack tori which makes her fly across the table before throwing a smile at chyna and hear, "Oh shit it's everywhere" you look at Bradshaw as Edge props your head up and holds tissues to your face which makes your brain short circuit and Test wiping blood off your arm and shoes wasn't helping matters as chyna drags tori away "I think this is bad luck since Halloween is not even three months away" you roll your eyes at Christian with a small grin knowing he was trying to lighten the mood, finally your nose stopped bleeding as chyna comes back with the match card. It was a mix of individual and tag team matches along with your match with Trish and a triple threat match against tori with chyna, "You'll get even" the boys laugh as they look at the match card while you sit stunned "Getting more attention that's good" you felt your jaw drop on the floor as chyna smiles sweetly leading to jokes and talks with the boys throughout the night before walking to the ring with edge while test walked down with trish, "You got this" a smile forms on your face at the kind gesture but your heart spins when he kisses your cheek before you climb in the ring only to hear. "What's going on with you and softie?" you're confused as you reverse the headlock into a DDT which starts off the first half of the match while edge cheers you on which makes your heart pound faster as you whisper during a cover, "Edge? What do you mean?" the match continues on before you're locked in a sharpshooter, you try to grab the rope and hear edge yell at the ref but what you weren't expecting was for test to grab your hand as you quickly grab the rope before he walks around the ring and pulls edge down off the apron leading to them yelling at each other until you dodge a hit and land between them which makes them both turn bright red after you climb in the ring and perform the infamous move you did on lita in your debut seven weeks back. You share a hug with trish before walking backstage and feel both men watch you until you were in your dressing room, the first thing you hear after walking out from your locker room is chyna laughing when you see both men looking at you as chyna drags you to the ring where tori demands you to get in the ring and start the match which makes the boys lose their minds seeing the confidence and evil in your smirk before starting the match, the three of you put good hits and defensive comebacks in before you tagged chyna in leading to you laughing backstage after winning. Everyone shares a few drinks at a local bar while you sip on soda before walking to your hotel room after saying bye to everyone while being confused when you didn't see edge anywhere, a hand grabs the door as you close it only to smile when you see edge before he locks the door leading to him kissing you gently, the kiss continues with small pauses in between while smiling against each other's lips with laughter as you decide to see where things would go between both men as he caressed your face before sharing another kiss with your arms wrapped around each other on your bed, falling asleep wrapped in his arms while he kissed the top of your head before your head was tucked under his chin.

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