Love Unbound

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The tension between you, Test, and Edge was spilling over as the next few weeks went on. Slowly falling for them even more and harder at the same time from backstage talks to lunches together, you weren't sure how much longer you could hold back the feelings you grew for both of them since they helped you with the posse, you smile when you see edge in the doorway of your locker room before sharing a kiss and hanging out with Christian until your tag team match together which ended after an interference from Billy, all of you watch other matches before going out ringside with test for his match against Jeff Jarrett. The two of you have a late dinner and share a few kisses before he leaves, you're surprised and confused when you pull notes from him and edge to meet you at your hotel room which leaves you a bit nervous and excited all at once while in the elevator, "You're in for a good night" Steph's words make you raise a brow at her and chyna before you walk down the hall only to stop with a smile when you see the boys at your door while asking, "What's all this?" they follow you in the room with the roses they gave you which you put on the nightstand when you feel hands on your shoulders and waist, the three of you lose yourselves in each other as you're sandwiched between them while soft kisses are placed on the side of your neck by test while sharing a gentle kiss with edge. You felt vulnerable and safe all at once as they stripped you and each other down until they noticed your eyes filled with tears before handing the notes you had wrote for them not only about how much you trusted and felt safe with them but how much you loved them separately and at once, they both felt their hearts melt into puddles at each word realizing that they loved each other as well, the three of you hold each other before things picked up where they left off with test kissing your thighs while your head was in the crook of edge's neck as you focused on how they both were showing the love they had for you while not minding that the other was there watching. You notice that both of their hands were intertwined together along with your hands while they shared a kiss most likely in the spur of the moment as you turned to putty on top of test with edge over you as your vision dimmed from the pleasure to their gentle touches as they slowly talked you through the high before all of you were pressed together after showering, edge lightly runs his fingers over your back while test kisses your temple before falling asleep, you wake up the next morning with sunflowers next to you and a note from edge that said "Went to the gym with Christian and waiting for you with food, I love you sweet girl" you smile ear to ear while putting the note in your purse when you find the note from test next to your phone on charge and the smile got bigger reading it. "Left you something in the drawer and let's do that again, I love you baby" you laugh and squeal in your pillow, finding chocolate and a polaroid of the three of you backstage last night in the drawer that went in your wallet leading to you walking in the arena with the biggest smile on your face and sunflowers in hand when you hear, "We got a smile!" you and Bradshaw laugh and share a hug before locking yourself and steph in Trish's locker room, telling her of the night as you were putty on the couch before the two of you hug and reading the letters to her before she says "Head over heels you are!". You and the boys burst into laughter before eating take out Japanese, test lays on the couch with an arm draped over edge while he laid against him with you in edge's arms and test's hand tangled in your hair in a comfortable and affectionate silence.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12 ⏰

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