chapter 1

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it all began in Hyrule and Sophie was staying in Hryule to help fight off the calamity she, was training with Link then saw Impa as they helped her out.
Sophie: think we got them?
Link: we did your getting better.
Sophie: I had trained hard as a kid what can I say Link. Impa you alright?
Impa: i'm good but shouldn't you be heading to Zora's Domain the king is expecting you.
Sophie: oh no Muzu is going to kill me! (whistles) Pikachu Azula let's go now! Azula walked over and Pikachu jumped onto Sophie's shoulder as she climbed onto Azula's back then felt someone grab her wrist, she looked too see it was Impa.
Impa: here take this it's a Sheikah slate this will help you find us.
Sophie: (nods) right (puts Sheikah slate on belt) thanks Impa bye guys see you in Zora's Domain. Azula flew off and headed straight for Zora's domain Sophie couldn't think straight at the moment she was worried about everyone else, until Azula Sayed something.
Azula: something on your mind Sophie?
Sophie: maybe Azula but I can't help but worry about everyone there could be a ton of monsters maybe Lynels which worries, me mostly about Link has to be the chosen knight to seal the darkness. but right now let's head to Zora's Domain or other wise Muzu is going to chew me out.

*at Zora's Domain*

Azula had landed then Sophie climbed off as she walked into Zora's Domain then heard a familiar voices only to see it was Sidon, she smiled and picked up the young prince as she spun him around which made Sidon laugh.
Sophie: how has the most adorable prince been?
Sidon: I've been good but I missed you.
Sophie: I missed you too kiddo but I better head to the throne room other wise i'm shark bait. Sophie went to the throne room and Dorephan welcomed her.
Muzu: Lady Sophia your a bit late.
Sophie: sorry Muzu I got distracted and almost forgot but I know as the dragon rider I, need to be more focused on the task at hand.
Muzu: I was going to say that i'm glad you made it here safely.
Sophie: well sort of I was fighting Bokoblins with Link to protect Impa. after everything was taken care of Sophie went over to the east reservoir lake there she saw Vah Ruta, then heard a rucus going on and went to find Sidon only to see Lynel Sophie grabbed her sword and fought the Lynel.
Sophie: stay away from him you big beast! Sophie stabbed the monster and it fell to the ground Sophie fell to her knees while holding her arm.
Link: Sophia!
Sophie: (stands up) Link you guys made it. Sophie almost fell to the ground if Link hadn't caught her in time then helped her sit down near a tree.
Link: take it easy that was crazy what you did.
Sophie: I was protecting Sidon besides I heard over the Sheikah slate that you became Zelda's appointed knight, I was worried that something happened to you guys.
Impa: we're alright but you might have an injury some where. Sophie took off her jacket luckily she was wearing a crop top underneath it and Zelda saw a scratch on Sophie's side.

Zelda: you have a slight wound but we have a bigger issue we need to help King Dorephan.
Sophie: Mipha I know you can do use Ruta she can help your Father.
Mipha: right stay here with Sidon please and keep him safe.
Sophie: I promise now go. they all ran to Vah Ruta and Sophie leaned against the tree feeling the pain on her side, Sidon was beside Sophie and she smiled at him.
Sophie: you were brave Sidon but wait until your older to fight monsters I can only imagine the, brave prince your going to be when your older. one who will protect his people even his home.
Sidon: really Sophie?
Sophie: mhm my big brothers protected me and I helped keep them safe but I know my friend would defeat the lynel so easily, but he has his team he's strong powerful and a good friend to keep others safe. (chuckles) I swear he would see me as someone he once lost but I know that she's in his heart, that would be said for me if anything happens Sidon, just remember in your heart is where I'll be.
Sidon: I hope nothing does happen to you Sophie your my friend and if I become king one day I want you to be there for me.
Sophie: (smiles) that I promise kiddo as your friend and dragon rider I swear to it. (holds up necklace) here take this you'll be able to find me if I get badly injured. Mipha had walked over and healed Sophie's wound which helped alot Sophie thanked Mipha then went to help the others.

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