chapter 4

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after Mephiles was defeated Mario and Luigi were checking on Sophie as they were making sure she was alright, then Sidon walked over and kneeled down to Sophie.
Sidon: are you alright?
Sophie: yeah i'm fine but it's good to see you again.
Sidon: (see's marks on Sophie's neck) your neck it has some marks on it. that must've been very painful being trapped like that.
Sophie: it was and i'm glad he's gone thanks to Sonic, Silver and Shadow, even you Scourge I never knew you could do that?
Scourge: yeah well i'm tired it burns me out so i'm gonna go lay down. right before Scourge could go lay down he fell to the ground and made everyone winch.
Sonic: I got him (picks up Scourge) nothing new too me. Tulin walked over and held out Sophie's necklace to her as she thanked him.
Sophie: thanks Tulin (puts necklace on) it's very special to me it's how I met Azula my Mom told me stories that a dragon would choose their rider, if you put your faith and trust into the necklace. she was right that was how I met Azula even managed to save Luigi from Bowser he even tried to propose too me, as everyone else saw how that went.
Mario: she walked away and screamed.
Luigi: then she flew away on Azula we never heard from her since.
Link: yikes.
Sophie: yeah but it's fine he found someone else to marry and the Koopalings are getting a mother, so that's means i'm no longer going to be bothered by him thankfully. Sidon helped Sophie up from the ground as she was blushing a bit then looked away as she was holding her arm.
Sophie: I should get changed but it's good to see that everyone is still around. Sophie went back to the castle as she went to her room got showered and got changed into her usual leather outfit then Pikachu jumped onto her shoulder as she nuzzled cheeks with him, then left her room as she grabbed her sword. after walking outside Sophie saw Saphira and she saw that everyone was enjoying themselves Sophie went, into town and got enough fruit for everyone as she carried the fruit in a big basket even got some baked goods.

Sophie: hey guys.
Urbosa: Sophia you seem to be doing better today.
Sophie: I am Urbosa I brought some food for everyone and I thought we could all have some lunch, I also cooked a bit so there might be alot.
Mario: you guys haven't lived till you tired our sisters cooking. everyone sat down and a few blankets was broguht by Toad and Antoine Sophie got the, food out as Peach helped out a bit everybody was eating and laughing.
Impa: this is delicious Sophia.
Sophie: glad you like it Impa even Pikachu loves my cooking especially when I make macarons they're his favorite.
Riju: he is really cute. Pikachu hoped onto Riju's lap as she petted him on the head.
Sophie: he likes you Riju.
Sidon: your truly amazing Sophie. Sophie blushed and looked away then smelled something only to know what it was.
Sophie: Sonic you made your favorite again didn't you?
Sonic: sure did and I know you love them too.
Sophie: shut up I am trying to stay in shape hedgehog now get.
Sonic: alright fine guess more for me then.
Yunobo: how can he eat all those?
Sophie: you'd be surprised Yunobo trust me but sorry if I could make rock roast for you and Daruk.
Daruk: it's alright but this food is really good your quite the cherf.
Sophie: guess I am but it's something I learned from my Mom she taught me everything I know.

*mini time skip*

it was later in the afternoon and Sophie was walking through the mushroom forest until she heard something and pulled out her sword, as she swung it only to be met with Sidon's which surprised her.
Sophie: Sidon geez I almost cut you be more careful please I don't want to hurt you.
Sidon: it's alright Sophie but I found something back in Zora's Domain I was swimming around, with Mipha and we both thought that you would like it. Sidon held out the crystal to Sophie as she kindly took it only to see it looked like Azula's crystal, Sophie felt tears in her eyes as she held the dark blue crystal as she held it close to her heart.
Sophie: I miss Azula so much her crystal went onto my necklace it's next to Frost's.
Sidon: she was a wonderful dragon and a dear friend she'll always be in your heart. Sophie looked at Sidon and smiled at him for remembering that Sophie hugged him as he hugged her back, then felt a rumble and Sophie knew it all too well only to see Junior and the koopalings run over.
Junior: Sophie it happened again!
Sophie: the fury shadow is back uh oh we have to warn the others. they all ran to the castle and warned everyone the toads all evacuated the city then Saphira walked over but Sophie stopped her.
Sophie: no Saphira if you get hurt I wouldn't be able to forgive myself we already lost Azula, now go hide I will help the others fight.
Saphira: we depend on each other there is one other thing we're a team I won't leave you behind. Sophie nodded and climbed onto Saphira's back then held the reins.
Sophie: we fight together as one! Saphira breathed fire and it made Sophie smiled then they took off into the air as Saphira blew fire at Bowser, everyone tried what they could then Sophie got grabbed she was having deja Vu all over again.
Sophie: Bowser put me down your a married man! Saphira blasted Bowser and Sophie jumped out of his hand as she landed on Saphira's back as they both dodged the arrows from Teba and Revali.
Sophie: try not to hit us please!

Revali: then you might want to move. Saphira flew out of the way only to see it was Urbosa's lightning.
Sophie: nice shot Urbosa!
Urbosa: it's not over yet! they all continued until it was over Bowser was back to himself and Saphira landed on the ground as Sophie walked over with her arms crossed as she glared at Bowser.
Bowser: Mmmph (looks up) uh hi Sophie been a while hasn't it?
Sophie: care to explain yourself mister the Koopalings ran here and told me you got possessed by the fury shadow again! i'm sure Pira has some words to say to you since you are her husband, you idiot next time Bowser think. Sophie walked away but not before throwing something at Bowser's head as he rubbed it.
Bowser: (sigh) she is still a fiery woman.
Riju: one who clearly doesn't like you its no wonder Voe are forbidden in Geurdo Town.
Pira: Bowser we have alot to talk about but we are going home. sorry for him everyone I do not know what happened to my husband.
Zelda: we're alright and you must be his queen?
Pira: I am allow me to introduce myself I am Pira queen of the dark lands and Jurassic kingdom, as you can see I am a raptor.
Sidon: I am Prince Sidon of the Zora and beside me is my dear sister Mipha the princess she is my older sister.
Pira: a pleasure your highnesses but I believe Sophie could use a friend to talk to right now.
Sonic: I think Shadow is already talking to her.

*at the course*

Shadow: I thought I might find you here.
Sophie: it's where I can get some peace and quiet Shadow not even the others have seen this, I don't want them to get hurt.
Shadow: I think they're already here. Sophie turned around and saw them on the balcony.
Riju: wow what is this?
Peach: an obstacle course the Toads used it to train me I grew up here they found me and raised me as their own. Sophie and I can show you how it's done.
Urbosa: I am curious. Sophie stood up then Shadow took her hand as he teleported them to the balcony Peach went first on the course she completed it which surprised everyone.
Zelda: that was incredible.
Sophie: now it's my turn I can show you how I do it. Sophie jumped onto the course as she was making her way through it came to the cut out of Bowser, and Sophie kicked it then made it over the bullet bills as she grabbed the pole and landed on the ground. everyone was surprised and Sidon was very impressed by her skills.
Sophie: whew it felt good to do that. Sidon you okay?
Sidon: that was truly maginificent how did you do that?
Sophie: I had a lot of practice and did alot of gymnastics in high school back in my world. just ask my brothers they would know but would you like to give it a try Riju.

Riju: I don't think I can.
Sophie: just follow me alright I will help you. they both went through it together and Riju did it.
Urbosa: well done Riju you've done well.
Riju: it's thanks to Sophia. Sophie smiled and felt Riju hug her which she hugged back.
Sophie: now how about some dinner I don't about you guys but I am starving.
Impa: I am getting pretty hungry.
Peach: follow me dinner is being made right now and the Toads are making something for Yunobo and Daruk. everyone went to the dining room and they all sat down the food was brought out and it was a big old feast everybody began eating and telling stories about their past, but Sophie was quiet and Luigi noticed.
Luigi: Soph you alright?
Sophie: yeah i'm fine Luigi just not that hungry please excuse me.

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