chapter 15

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five years had passed and Celestia was walking around the Mushroom kingdom then saw her uncles as she ran to them.
Celestia: Uncle Mario Uncle Luigi!
Luigi: there's our adorable niece how are you sweetheart?
Celestia: i'm good but Mother and Father are busy they thought I could spend time with you two.
Mario: did they really well we're always happy to see you kiddo soon will have your own dragon.
Celestia: I hope so but my birthday is coming up and honestly I don't know what I want.
Luigi: you want to be a big sister like how we're your Mom's older brothers?
Celestia: in a way yes I want a baby brother I really want to be a big sister like Aunt Mipha.
Mario: well we hope you get a brother you'd be a great big sister I promise you that.
Peach: Celestia your parents are here.
Celestia: coming Aunt Peach. Luigi set Celestia down then saw her other grandparents as she ran to them.
Mr. J: ah there's my beautiful granddaughter look at you look just like your Mom at your age?
Celestia: I do Papa?
Mrs. J: he's right sweetie you do oh your Mommy was the cutest little thing she used to dress like a princess when she was younger.
Sophie: Mom! oh this is so embarrassing please don't bring it up in front of Sidon besides he might tease me with it.
Sidon: you were already a princess when I married you. Sophie blushed then playfully punched Sidon as he laughed a bit. Celestia was put down then she walked over to her parents and held Sophie's hand.
Sophie: well we should get back to the domain we still have alot to prepare for since it's someone's special day tomorrow.

*in Zora's Domain*

Sidon was with Celestia as she hiding from as she tried to cover her giggles.
Sidon: Celestia I know your in here (smirks) now where did my little princess run off too, I am going to find you it's almost your bed time. Celestia tried to sneak by Sidon but got grabbed by him and she screamed a bit as he held her close.
Celestia: Father you found me.
Sidon: i did and now it's time for bed you need all your energy for tomorrow.
Celestia: can't I stay up a bit longer please?
Sidon: sorry sweetheart but no  now your mother and I had something made for you (holds up music box) this music box plays the lullaby your mother used to sing too me when I was younger.
Celestia: (yawns) could she sing it too me please.
Sophie: I heard that and of course I will sing it to you Celestia my my baby girl.

Sleep my love as the trees above protect you from the dark.
a great river watch you as you dream until dawn.
Sleep my love, close your eyes.
And when you awaken, the new day will bring you to a bright new world.
Sleep my love as the birds above.
Do rest their weary wings.
Let the rain play a gentle song to help your dreams sing.

Sleep my love, close your eyes.
And when you awaken, the world will bring to you a bright new world.
Ever so gently hear my voice.
Ever so softly feel my touch.
Always so gently I walk.
So go to sleep my love.

after Sophie finished singing to Celestia she was fast asleep with Pikachu by her side Sophie smiled and kissed Celestia on her forehead then Sidon covered her with the blanket.
Sidon: sweet dreams Celestia. they both left Celestia's room and went to get somethings done before tomorrow once they were finished they both went to bed knowing their daughters birthday would be wonderful.

*next day*

Sophie had gotten up then both her and Mipha went to Celestia's room to see her still sleeping, Sophie held up a finger showing Mipha to stay quiet then they both walked in.
Sophie: today it is your birthday and we are here to let you know that you will be queen for the day, whatever you say goes. Celestia woke up when her Mother was singing and giggled a bit.
Sophie: happy birthday Celestia.
Celestia: thank you mother.
Mipha: I find it hard to believe you six years old now. happy birthday my niece.
Celestia: thank you Aunt Mipha. the girls all left Celestia's room after she got changed out of her nightgown then walked with her Mother and Aunt, to see Sidon in the throne going over something with Muzu and Bazz. then saw the girls as Celestia ran to her Father and he picked her up as eh tossed her into the air.
Sidon: there's the birthday girl happy birthday Celestia.
Celestia: thank you Father but where's Grandpa?
Dorephan: i'm right here and I wanted to say happy birthday my precious granddaughter, you have truly been the light of our lives. Celestia smiled and was placed onto Sidon's, shoulder as she held on as he walked over to the balcony that's above the statue of him and Link.
Sidon: one day Celestia when your older you will take over for me and your Mother as queen that is once you find the one you love, just as I did when I met your mother but it took me a hundred years to grow.
Celestia: you are tall Father your basically a big Zora like Grandpa.
Dorephan: (laughs) she's not wrong. but Celestia you are half Zora due to your mother being, who she is but I am happy to have her apart of the family. then Sidon, Sophie and Celestia went to have a family day they were all down by the water, Celestia saw that she had her fins out but turned into a Zora.
and tried to go after Sidon but he caught her as she was laughing.

Sidon: you managed to turn into a Zora you look just like when I was that age.
Celestia: really?
Sophie: he's right you do sweetie but let's head back to the Domain we have a guest coming and he has a very special surprise for you. they all walked up then heard a roar which meant their guest had arrived.
Sidon: King Thoron welcome.
Thoron: thank you for the welcome I see the young princess has grown a bit.
Celestia: welcome Dragon King.
Thoron: you look well trained young one.
Celestia: I have good teachers and they have been teaching me well.
Sidon: I believe you have a surprise for our daughter don't you?
Celestia: Father you mean I get to go on my first dragon flight?
Sophie: of course Saphira wants to take you on a fly.
Thoron: I have something better for her Celestia meet Sila she is a friend of mine and has been searching for a rider, and one for your father as well as a thank you for helping me when I was injured. another dragon walked over and nudged Sidon.
Sophie: he's incredible.
Thoron: this is Draco an old friend. but now I give you my blessing Celestia may you and Sila fly together as one.
Celestia: can I go now Father?
Sidon: you may my princess but be careful. Celestia nodded and hugged her parents as she climbed onto Sila's back and flew off.

*on the balcony*

Sophie: she was born for that dragon.
Sidon: indeed she was our little girl shall grow strong just like her mother.
Sophie: and her father. thank you for Sila Thoron our daughter is more happy than she's ever been but she doesn't know that we have another surprise for her.
Thoron: I never expected this congratulations on the little one. may they grow strong like their parents.
Sidon: we can only hope that our child will be healthy.

*nine months later*

after nine months Sophie had given birth to a healthy baby boy he had Sidon's eyes and Sophie's hair as they smiled at their son. but soon he shall grow strong just like his Father.

(a/n: the baby is supposed to have Sophie's eyes I messed up on that as well, my bad)

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