chapter 2

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once they had gotten Daruk and Urbosa to join them Azula flew down and roared which surprised Revali.
Revali: what the?
Sophie: the Rito Champion suprised by a dragon.
Revali: and who are you?
Sophie: (climbs off of Azula) the names Sophia the dragon rider.
Revali: what but it's not possible the legends can't be true.
Azula: what legend?
Revali: and the dragon can talk. according to legend there was once a dragon rider here in Hyrule but after the imprisoning war she left, stories of the rider has been told through Rito village for a thousand years. but now stands the descendent of Atera the great dragon master.
Impa: that's you Sophia you wear a dragon crystal around your neck!
Sophie: what?! me the descendant of a dragon rider no no way it's impossible Revali please tell its not true.
Revali: it is you look just like her. Sophie ran off and climbed onto Azula's back as she flew off not wanting to believe any of it she was in the labratory with Robbie and Purah.

*at the labratory*

Robbie: what you the descendent of Atera the great dragon master!
Sophie: oh shut up Robbie it's not true my parents would've told me about this but if they did know. then why keep it a secret from me all my life I knew I had some kind of connection with dragon like creatures.
Purah: could be but I ran some tests and it's true we know you can help the others.
Sophie: even so Purah it doesn't make sense why would my parents hide it from me. I ahve to go find the others I have a bad feeling something is going to happen. Sophie walked outside and climbed onto Azula as she flew off but heard something to see it was the Yiga clan she flew to Faron forest then, landed on the ground Sophie landed and fought along side Mipha.

*in Faron Forest*

Sophie: everyone alright?
Mipha: we're alright.
Sophie: what are you all doing here in Korok Forest seeking the great Deku Tree? but I should warn you a sorcerer wishes to stop all of us and up ahead is the master sword, I know you can weild it Link trust me. follow me and Hetsu was it stay close big guy we'll get you home. Link and Sophie were both fighting Astor but she got blasted back and her side stabbed by a tree branch, Urbosa was beside Sophie as she was wounded.
Urbosa: it's deep we have to get you somewhere to heal your wound.
Mipha: let me.
Sophie: ngh we should clean the blood of first mmph it really hurts right now. water was poured onto Sophie's wound as she gritted her teeth a bit then Mipha put her hand on the wound to help heal it.
Sophie: thanks Mipha Astor is strong but I felt something inside me like a power that almost awokened inside me, maybe it's true I am the descentdant of Atera.
Zelda: Sophia we are heading back to the castle there was something left behind by Atera she left it for her descendant. they all went back to the castle and Zelda was showing Sophie what was left for her.

*at Hyrule Castle*

Zelda had showed Sophie what was left for her and it was an armor that almost looked black as night, with purple details she gladly put it on then she held the mask knowing it was her destiny. Sophie was sitting down on the stairs while looking at the mask then heard a voice behind her which made her jump.
Sophie: oh your majesty (kneels before the king) I did not hear you sire. apologies.
Rhoam: it's alright Sophia please stand. (notices armor) I see you are wearing Atera's armor it suits you well.
Sophie: I never wanted to believe that I was her descendant but I can't denie the truth if I am meant to be the dragon rider then it is my destiny, and I choose who I am meant to be.
Rhoam: (chuckles) well said now go join the others they will need you. Sophie nodded and went to join everyone else they all saw how she looked in the armor.
Revali: now I see a true rider in front of us.
Sophie: not like I have a choice my parents never told me the truth but let's focus on the task at hand Mipha I shall see you at Zora's Domain, and I will be waiting inside Ruta. good luck everyone may we all be victorious in this battle! everyone all raised their weapons then went to their respective divine beasts Sophie gave Mipha a ride back to Zora's domain and they went inside Vah Ruta.

*inside Vah Ruta*

they went to the controls as Sophie saw the view from Ruta.
Sophie: wow this view is incredible. but the question is how do you pilot this thing and luckily Azula can change her size but, the saddle will change as well expect for when I take it off of her.
Mipha: she is a magnificent creature and is very lucky to have you as her rider. a rumble happened which surprised them and they saw it was Calamity Ganon Sophie gasped and was worried about everyone else, she was about to go help them until a monster showed and Sophie jumped out of the way as she held out her sword.
Sophie: where did this thing come from? Mipha look out! Sophie pushed Mipha out of the way as they both were fighting even Azula was helping as she, turned big since Ruta was big enough on the inside. but the girls were both getting tired Sophie stepped in front of Mipha and got hurt her injury was deep it left a gash and Sophie tried to fight but she fell to the ground and Mipha held her close.
Mipha: Sophia!
Sophie: ngh I won't stop until we stop this thing and I won't loose my best friend (tears up) not now not ever! a bright light had shined and Sophie's hair had changed blue and purple streaks had appeared in her hair on, the right side of her face even on her bangs and a mark had appeared on Sophie's left shoulder. Sophie held up her sword and began to fight more since her wound had miraculously healed as the crystal on her necklace was glowing, Azula's crystal was glowing as well.
Azula: (roars) I won't fail my friend and rider! Sophie smiled proud at Azula Sophie threw her dagger then stabbed the blight but got smacked into a wall.
Sophie: ow dammit I knew I should've trained more Shadow was right. (sigh) if I die I won't be able to save anyone. a brightlight had shined and a voice was heard.
???: no I won't allow you too take her again!
Mipha: Sidon?
Sophie: what? (sees Sidon) whoa.

*on Rudania*

they were all tired from the fight once the fight was over Sophie almost fell to the ground but Sidon caught her.
Sidon: Sophie are you alright?
Sophie: i'm fine just tired I knew you would grow into a strong Zora and I was right.
Sidon: (smiles) you were but your hair has changed it looks wonderful. Sophie was blushing and she stood up while moving her hair out of the way then heard a snicker from Link as she kicked him in the butt which made him jump.
Sophie: I heard you laughing Link it's not funny now I will go with Mipha and Sidon they could use some help from the sky, it is my job to help so I will what I can you two. Sidon held Sophie's hands which made her cheeks turn red a bit as he was so close to her.
Sidon: I know you will be a great help thank you Sophie.
Sophie: I I I uh s sure Sidon. is it me or is it really hot up here?
Yunobo: you do look a bit red maybe it's your armor.

*tiny time skip*

Sophie and Azula were helping from the sky as she blasted monsters that were attacking, and Sophie was hitting them with arrows they were succeeding. Ruta had emerged from the water and Sophie whistled at Robbie.
Robbie: hey there's our girl!
Sidon: we shall cover the perimeter.
Mipha: and join you as soon as we can.
Sophie: not alone your not we fight together.

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