chapter 13

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Sidon walked over to the bed as he sat down next to Sophie and held her hand.
Sidon: Sophie we shall do great things for the domain and I believe in my beloved wife, (kisses Sophie's head) one who I love with all my heart. Sophie smiled and put her hand on Sidon's cheek.
Sophie: i swear you can be a bit of a romantic and it's what I love about you. right before Sophie could say anything else Sidon kissed her and she felt her eyes close as Sophie's arms moved around Sidon's neck, they both pulled apart and looked at each other.
Sophie: what're trying mister?
Sidon: what can't I show my wife how much I love her? Sidon had his hand on Sophie's cheek as she moved her hand over his.
Sophie: if your trying to get me pregnant then that's going to have to wait for now but that's if you want to try Sidon, I could end up loosing the baby. Sophie laid down then felt Sidon lay beside her then kissed her cheek.
Sidon: you would be a wonderful mother Sophie. but if you'd like to try we can. Sophie looked at her husband while laying on her back with a smile on her face.
Sophie: you sure Sidon I mean we've been busy as king and queen.
Sidon: I want to see my wife happy so it's worth a shot. Sophie smiled and kissed Sidon as he kissed her back the kiss was filled with passion then it got heated, the night was filled with love and passion for them both.

*next day*

it was now morning and Sidon woke up as the sun shined into the room he saw that Sophie was still sleeping since it was, a long night for them Sidon gently laid Sophie down on the bed while she was still sleeping.
Sidon: she is truly an angel one who won my heart (kisses Sophie's head) I love you. Sidon had gotten ready for the day and went to the throne room.
Muzu: morning your majesty.
Sidon: good morning Muzu and if your wondering about Sophie she's still asleep we had a bit of a long night last night.
Muzu: that would explain the scratches on your back (chuckles) I can only guess how much you two love each other. after a bit Sophie had woken up and she got up but couldn't feel her legs a bit.
Sophie: damn it i'm a bit sore but can't blame my husband. Sophie managed to get up but she wobbled a bit due to being sore then Sophie walked into the throne room as she sat down on her throne.
Muzu: your highness are you alright?
Sophie: yes i'm fine Muzu my leg's just hurt at the moment but I will survive not the first time this happened.
Sidon: I take you were working to hard?
Sophie: yup but right now let's focus on the task at hand before we discuss something else. as they both did their duties Rivan had come over with a message for both Sidon and Sophie.
Rivan: your majesties a letter from Princess Zelda. she is going to be crowned queen soon.
Muzu: he is right and she is a most trust worthy alias.
Sophie: but also my friend well I suppose we could go and support her since she did us. what do you say Sidon you and Mipha up for it?
Sidon: of course let us support our dear friend.

*two months later*

it was the day of the coronation and Sophie had yet to tell Sidon about the great news, soon but at the moment everyone was at the coronation and Zelda was crowned queen of Hyrule. she and Link were also still a team he was her appointed knight then it was now time for the party to begin.
Sophie: Sidon can I speak with you privately please?
Sidon: of course my love. they both walked out onto the balcony of the castle and Sophie sat down on the railing.
Sophie: Sidon I don't know how to tell you this but i'm pregnant.
Sidon: (eyes widen) what you mean i'm going to be a father?
Sophie: yes (tears up) after three years I am finally going to have a family of my own and I have a very loving husband, along with the best sister in the world. Sidon smiled and kissed Sophie as she kissed him back they both went inside and Sophie told Zelda the wonderful news.
Zelda: I don't believe it your pregnant we must tell everyone (taps glass) everyone listen up Sophia has some wonderful news to share with us.
Sophie:a s you all know that Sidon and I have became the new rulers of Zora's Domain, but what I am about to tell might shock you. but Sidon and I are going to have a family of our own.
Purah: you mean your?
Sophie: yes Purah i'm pregnant. everyone was surprised to hear the news and cheered for them.
Riju: congratulations Sophia your going to make a wonderful mother.
Sophie: (giggles) thank you Riju I couldn't believe it myself when I found out but now Sidon and I shall be parents soon, we can only hope that our child will be healthy.

Mipha: I can't believe I am going to be an aunt Father would be happy to know about this.
Sophie: and so would my parents along with my brothers they would be excited to hear about this good thing Tails made a, way to talk with them while i'm here in Hyrule I owe him big time. now I should go tell them the good news. Sophie went to go tell them and used to communicator and told everyone the good news which ended up with yells of cheers which caught Sophie off guard.
Sophie: geez you guys don't scare me like that everyone inside the castle will hear you that is if they didn't already.
Teba: we did I take it your friends are happy about the news.
Sophie: they are but Shadow is the more calm one thankfully he's a close friend of mine he was there for me, and I was there for him.
Teba: is there a reason he's doing what he does? Sophie looked down and walked over to the railing looking up at the stars.
Sophie: yes there is but Shadow doesn't like to talk about it much he lost his only friend a long time ago her name was Maria, he there for her mostly because she was sick until they came. soldiers came and took Maria away they shot her!
Teba: but how?
Sophie: because the leader thought that Shadow was dangerous he was created by Maria's, grandfather Gerald Robotnik he was a brilliant man. sadly everyone was taken from the ark and Shadow he's older than I am but I know how it feels too loose someone, although I wish there was something I could do for Shadow but yet I can't.
Teba: your friend knows that you tried to support him but you found your king and now your queen, as I am elder of Rito Village we both have our parts to play.
Sophie: (chuckles) you are wise sometimes Teba no wonder you became elder, now let's head inside before Sidon starts to worry.

*eight months later*

Sophie was sitting down in her throne as she helping out as much as she could while pregnant, then heard Sidon's voice as he kissed the side of her head which made Sophie smile.
Sidon: how are you both darling?
Sophie: we're fine Sidon but the healers have been making sure nothing happens to me and our child, at the moment our little one will be here sometime next month.
Sidon: that's good to hear.
Mipha: Sophia you shouldn't stay on your feet for so long.
Sophie: I know Mipha and I promise but after I finish up here I have head straight to the healers for a check up, they want to make sure nothing goes wrong when I give birth.
Mipha: well I should hope so now let's get you there. the girls both went to the healers and Sophie sat down on the bed as the healers were making sure everything was alright with the baby. a gel was put onto Sophie's stomach and she jumped from how cold it was.
Sophie: whoa that's cold.
Tila: sorry but it seems everything is doing fine if you feel any kind of pain just come straight here that's if your somewhere else, i'm sure they will help you.

Sophie: alright thank you Tila but the baby has been a bit active and won't stop, kicking their very active. but I better get back to the throne room. Mipha helped Sophie up and they both went to the throne room it was getting late and, Sophie was really tired mostly due to being pregnant Sophie had gotten her nightgown on and but her bump really showed more.
Sidon: I never realised how much our child had grown. thank you for this gift Sophie you are a truly the most magnificent woman I had ever met. Sidon put his hand on Sophie's stomach and they both shared a kiss then felt a kick from the baby, which made them both smile at their child.
Sidon: I see someone is excited.
Sophie: we can only wait till their born and soon we'll have a family. but for now let's get some sleep it's been a long day. Sidon nodded and they both went too bed. later that night as they were sleeping Sophie felt a pain in her stomach only to know it was a contraction Sophie was in alot of pain, she gently shook Sidon and he woke up to see that Sophie was in pain.
Sidon: dearest what's wrong?
Sophie: I just had a contraction and it hurts I think the baby is coming.

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