chapter 11

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Sophie: yeah it's true we do love each other but I could never let him be harmed the same with Mipha she's my friend, and i'm scared too loose them like i'm scared to loose my brothers. I worked hard to keep them all safe even all my friends but yet I was almost killed and if I die so does Saphira.
Thoron: no she won't die you two have a strong bond but Saphira won't die if you die your bond is different, you are special Sophia never loose sight of what's truly important. you are the dragon rider and you shall protect your new home don't stay upset with your parents.
Sophie: how can I not nineteen years of my life but yet I have no powers that can help protect the one I love, and everyone I cherish i'm just scared.
Thoron: without fear there cannot be courage and you have proven it as you fought a long side everyone when it came to the battle, you had proven yourself Sophia and Atera would be proud of you she is your ancestor. Sophie smiled and put a hand on Thoron's leg she looked out at Rito village seeing Mipha talking with Sidon.
Thoron: I should return to my world be safe Sophia.
Sophie: I will and thank you Thoron for helping me all those years ago. Thoron took off and Sophie went to the village as she was standing in the pavilion then heard Sidon's voice as she smiled at him.
Sidon: I take it didn't go well with your parents?
Sophie: not really I just need my space and I shouldn't have snapped at them but, the fact that they kept a secret from me for nineteen years drove me insane. I just don't know what to do anymore but Thoron went back to his world. Sophie sat on the railing as she looked up at the sky since it was warm in Rito village Sophie felt arms around her as she looked up to see it was Sidon.
Sidon: things will be different I know that but we shall face it together my love for your my angel. Sophie blushed like crazy and playfully shoved Sidon as he chuckled a bit.
Sophie: your such a flirt I hope you know that.
Sidon: maybe so but it's true. Sophie got off the banister then saw Rito children walk over as they asked for a story.

Sophie: what story would you kiddo's like to hear?
Tulin: could prince Sidon tell us one about his journeys? Sidon and Sophie looked at each other as Sophie smiled and she sat down leaning against the banister, as Sidon began his tale then Sophie playfully kicked him which made him chuckle a bit.
Sophie: now why do I find that story unbelievable besides I had been through worse than you have, and believe me it wasn't fun.
Sidon: and how could you possibly have been through worse than me?
Sophie: try cutting your way out of a dragons stomach I would know i was covered in dragon guts and blood, not exactly easy to clean of so be weary young warriors if you fight a monster a word of advice never end up in they're stomachs trust me. it happened to me twice I was in an octorock.
Sidon: now that could only happen to you darling.
Sophie: uh wha Sidon! you jerk your such a big goof kids let me tell you something I was chosen by the dragons for a good reason they saw something in me, and knew that I could keep everyone safe especially the one I love which as you can see is the prince.
Tulin: but how did you two meet each other?
Sophie: when I was back in Mushroom Kingdom with my brothers I saw Sidon when he was younger on the beach, I brought him to the castle and took care of him. then I took Sidon back to Zora's domain there the king asked me to look after Sidon and I did we became close but now he's, here before me a grown yet strong proud Zora. Sidon smiled at Sophie and kissed her head Sidon told more stories of his travels then Sophie interuppted him.
Sophie: Sidon I swear you can be somewhat reckless which explains the scar on your fin.
Sidon: please don't interupt darling but how should we punish her children? Sophie's eyes grew wide and looked at Sidon.
Sophie: don't make to harsh kids but if you can think of something that's not to cruel. the kids all tried to come up with something then Tulin whispered something in Sidon's ear and he nodded then Sophie got pulled into Sidon's lap as he tickled her.
Sophie: (screams) ah no (laughs) Sidon stop! alright alright I give I give!
Sidon: well suggested Tulin.
Sophie: you can be evil sometimes Tulin.

*mini time skip*

Mipha and Sophie were walking around the domain then Pikachu ran over as he jumped into Sophie's arms as she held him close.
Sophie: you didn't get into any trouble now did you Pikachu?
Pikachu: Pika Pika pi.
Sophie: what is Sidon at Vah Ruta or is he somewhere else.
Bazz: Lady Sophia.
Sophie: yes Bazz what is it?
Bazz: prince Sidon has asked to see you on Ploymus Mountain. Sophie and Mipha looked at each other confused then Sophie went up to Ploymus mountain once she got there Sohie searched for Sidon but saw that the moutain had been completely been changed.
Sophie: wow this is beautiful.
Sidon: I showed this too Mipha when it was finished welcome to Mipha Court.
Sophie: it's gorgeous Sidon did you come up with this?
Sidon: yes as a surprise for Mipha and she loved it. but now I have a surprise for you so close your eyes and take my hand. Sophie closed her eyes and let Sidon guide her they both stopped and Sophie felt Sidon sit her down.
Sophie: what're you doing?
Sidon: don't worry and not a sound little one.
Sophie: hey Pikachu can say something if he wants. can I open my eyes now?
Sidon: not yet (sets tritont down) alright now. Sophie opened her eyes only to see a picnic with all of Sophie's favorite things it was all in a pavilion.
Sophie: Sidon did you do this?
Sidon: I had some help from everyone this is for you Sophie happy birthday.

Sophie: I forgot about my own birthday thank you Sidon this is very sweet of you and I see you found my favorite flowers, roses, lilies and is this a silent princess I never thought that they would grow everywhere.
Sidon: I managed to find to find it even water lilies. Sophie smiled at the bouquet she felt so happy and didn't know that Sidon had went through alot of work to make this surprise for Sophie.
Sophie: this is really sweet of you Sidon thank you I love it.
Sidon: (smiles) i'm glad you do but I have something for you.
Sophie: Sidon you didn't have to get me anything. Sidon sat down next to Sophie as he held her hand as she looked at him.
Sidon: Sophie I went to talk with your brothers and you family visited I asked them for their blessing.
Sophie: blessing Sidon what're you - (eyes widen) wait no your not? Sidon had gotten on one knee and held Sophie's hand as she was surprised by what was going on.
Sidon: Sophie I know that we have been together for a year now and I was hoping to ask you something.
Sophie: what?
Sidon: Sophie would you do me the honor of being my wife and marry me? Sidon opened a ring box which had an engagement ring inside it the ring was shaped like a dragon and Sophie couldn't believe it, tears were in her eyes as she held her heart.
Sophie: Sidon yes! yes! yes! yes! yes! Sidon smiled and he put the ring on Sophie's finger as she tackled him into a hug which they both were laughing then, both shared a kiss which was filled with love as they pulled apart Sophie smiled at Sidon.
Sophie: how long did you plan this?
Sidon: since we were in Rito village Mipha had thought I would be a wonderful ruler of Zora's Domain, but now with you as my queen. Sophie giggled a bit and kissed Sidon on his cheek.

*few months later*

Sophie was with Purah and she was helping fix up a few problems then hear Paya as she smiled at her friend.
Purah: alright let's power this bad boy on. Sophie got out of the way and it was powered on.
Sophie: yes we did it not bad. but i'm guessing you girls heard the news.
Purah: we did Link and Zelda are so happy for you but they send their regrads I can't believe that if you die your dragon doesn't, I guess you were mislead.
Sophie: suppose I was but at least I know but hopefully they'll be alright Saphira and I are going for a fly, I have a bad feeling about something. Sophie climbed onto Saphira's back then flew off only to see that the castle was now in the sky Saphira went back to Zora's Domain as she flew straight towards it. as Saphira landed in the domain Sophie went to find Sidon but saw sludge everywhere and she went to find Mipha.
Mipha: Sophia I was so worried about you.
Sophie: i'm alright but where's Sidon there is sludge everywhere.
Mipha: up in Mipha court we both got so worried we must hurry. they both ran to Mipha Court and saw Sidon there in the water but he saw Sophie and she ran to him as he held her close.
Sidon: my beloved angel your alright when I saw Hyrule Castle go into the sky I got so worried.
Sophie: i'm alright but what's going on this is really strange.

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