chapter 8

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Sophie was walking around Zora's domain then heard laughing only to see it was Mipha and Sidon spending time, together as siblings Sophie smiled seeing them hang out together. Sophie walked over to Saphira as they both flew over to the east reservoir Saphira landed then Sophie walked into Vah Ruta memories, had came back and Sophie wanted to forget about what happened but the scars. were a reminder she walked over to the pedastal as she moved her hand over it.
Sophie: well Ruta things may have almost gone to hell but at least now things can finally be at peace hopefully, if what I heard about my ancestor then I shall help fight whatever harms Hyrule.
Saphira: you are truly the dragon rider your ancestor would be proud.
Sophie: I know but with Azula and Frost's crystal's nothing will stop me from protecting everyone I love and care about. what Sophie didn't know was that both Mipha and Sidon were listening, Sophie walked over to Saphira as they were both talking Saphira walked over then the royal siblings ran for it.
Saphira: they don't know I knew they were there.
Sophie: (chuckles) leave them be Saphira no need to chase Sidon and Mipha but let's scare them come on. Sophie had snuck up behind Sidon and Mipha as she touched their backs which made them both jump, Sophie ran for it before they could get her but Sidon had caught her.
Sidon: got you my love.
Mipha: we thought it was Saphira behind us.
Sophie: no it was me I wanted to mess with you guys.

*later that night*

Sidon and Sophie were on the edge of the water fall as they looked out at the horizon Sophie, was leaning against Sidon's chest as he held her close.
Sophie: I almost forgot how beautiful the view is from up here but yet it's better now that your here Sidon.
Sidon: (chuckles) that maybe true my love but I am truly happy to have you in my arms.
Sophie: well I have a place where I work and I was working on something that help us fight monsters.
Sidon: now that would truly be useful what have you been working on? Sophie smiled then told Sidon to follow her as they went to where she works.
Sophie: this is my workshop i've been working on a few things in here (picks up firecracker) like this it's like a firecracker, back home but instead it gives us cover kinda like a smoke bomb but I haven't gotten it right yet. (sits down at desk) I just don't know what I'm doing wrong.
Sidon: what is it really supposed to do?
Sophie: it's supposed to scare the monsters when you light it it's supposed to scare them into a trap, I just can't get the explosives right. ugh this is going to drive me crazy!
Sidon: what if this little project of your isn't a good idea.
Sophie: maybe your right I'm used to working with mechanical things not this (picks up firecracker) although this is just not me, I didn't go to the school I went to for years and this just isn't what I studied for.
Sidon: Sophie what is it that your good at other than fighting?
Sophie: well back home I used to work on machines and I did really great but yet I feel as if my skills, are being wasted by just well who knows. maybe Purah could use my help but I know nothing about the technology that was used to make the towers and the divine beasts, could be a challenge who knows.
Sidon: perhaps but I know you can do this sort of thing. Sophie playfully rolled her eyes then stood up as she was walking out of her workshop Pikachu jumped into her arms as she caught him.
Sophie: oh (laughs) I swear Pikachu you can be so sneaky but adorable. Sophie and Sidon both walked to the domain Sophie was about to walk to her room until Sidon said something.

Sidon: Sophie since we are together would you prefer to stay with me in my room?
Sophie: I uh (blushes) I will meet you in there Sidon I have to get changed first. Sophie went to her room and got changed into her nightgown that was long and had long sleeves but almost covered her feet, Sophie had picked up Pikachu and went to Sidon's room as she knocked on his door then the door opened.
Sidon: come in Sophie. Sophie walked in while Pikachu was in her arms as she set him down and petted him on the head.
Sophie: I haven't been in here since you were little. I used to sing to you every night to help you sleep whenever you had a nightmare.
Sidon: you truly have a have a beautiful voice Sophie and i was lucky to have you there when I was little.
Sophie: guess so but you would cuddle up by my side remember?
Sidon: how could I forget.

*flash back*

a younger Sidon was in Sophie's arms as she put him to bed then covered him up with the blanket.
Sophie: all comfy?
Sidon: uh huh Sophie how did you get to be so brave?
Sophie: well too be honest when I first faced monsters I was scared but I learned to face my fear head on, then I realized what I had to fight for.
Sidon: and that was?
Sophie: my brothers then Pikachu came along and he really likes you Sidon. Sidon laughed when his cheek got nuzzled by Pikachu then he petted Pikachu on the head.
Sophie: (chuckles) like I said I had my brothers to fight for so I did what I had to do my big brother could be free from Bowser, I took his place and Luigi took Azula as she flew to the jungle kingdom where Mario and Peach were. but I was lucky to fight back then I found you but that's enough stories for tonight you need your sleep if your going to grow into a big Zora, and a proud strong prince. just as Sophie was about to walk out of Sidon's room he grabbed her hand which made her look at him.
Sidon: could you sing me that lullaby please.
Sophie: alright then it's straight to bed.

Sleep my love as the trees above protect you from the dark.
a great river watch you as you dream until dawn.
Sleep my love, close your eyes.
And when you awaken, the new day will bring you to a bright new world.
Sleep my love as the birds above.
Do rest their weary wings.
Let the rain play a gentle song to help your dreams sing.

Sleep my love, close your eyes.
And when you awaken, the world will bring to you a bright new world.
Ever so gently hear my voice.
Ever so softly feel my touch.
Always so gently I walk.
So go to sleep my love.

when Sophie had finished singing she noticed that Sidon had fallen asleep so did Pikachu, Sophie gently placed a kiss on Sidon's forehead as she picked up Pikachu and walked out of Sidon's room.
Sophie: sweet dreams kiddo.

*end of flash back*

Sidon: your voice was like an angels that always helped me sleep when I was younger.
Sophie: oh really you think my voice sounds like that nice try lover boy.
Sidon: I am only staying the truth. Sophie playfully pushed Sidon as he chuckled a bit but Sophie noticed that Sidon didn't have any of his jewelry on and she blushed from seeing him like that, Sophie turned around then moved her hair out of her face Sophie sat down as Pikachu was on her lap.
Sophie: have you've been working out Sidon?
Sidon: suppose I have. Sophie's blushed as she looked away not wanting Sidon to see her face so red.
Sophie: we should get some sleep it's been a long day. Sophie laid down then felt a kiss on her cheek which made her eyes go wide then Pikachu curled up against Sophie as she went to sleep, but felt Sidon's arm around her waist Sophie went to sleep knowing that she was with the one she loved.

*next day*

it was now morning and Sophie had woken up she looked over to see that Sidon was still sleeping she smiled at him, then kissed his cheek as she tried to get out of bed but got pulled back by Sidon.
Sidon: and where does my beloved think she's going?
Sophie: Sidon let go we don't want Muzu yelling at you now come on get up. (feels arms move more) hey watch it mister now get up. Sidon let go of Sophie as she went to her room and got ready for the day by wearing her new outfit which made her look more like a dragon rider, Sophie's new outfit contains a long sleeve purple top with a leather belt around her waist, Sophie even had a belt for her sword as she wore fingerless leather gloves as she was wearing black pants with her boots, Sophie still wore her necklace's and the bracelet Sidon gave her. Sophie grabbed Pikachu as he was on her shoulder.
Sidon: (stretches) now that I am ready for the day (see's Sophie) wow.
Sophie: I take it you like my new look?
Sidon: you look like Atera.
Sophie: guess I do but i'm the complete opposite of her now come on let's head to the throne room.

*in the throne room*

Sophie: good morning King Dorephan I see your doing well this morning.
Dorephan: I am Sophia and you look like Atera.
Sophie: suppose I do but like I told Sidon I am the opposite of her but I know that she is proud of me, for doing my part against the calamity.

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