chapter 7

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it was the next day and Sophie was getting ready to leave as she was walking to the ship, Sophie saw everyone and smiled at them.
DK: hey Soph have a safe trip your a good friend.
Sophie: I will and hey Dk.
DK: yeah?
Sophie: stay out of trouble and stop being such a showboat.
DK: you know that's not going to happen. Sophie playfully rolled her eyes then set her stuff down then saw Eclipse walking up with the Dark Arms as she smiled at him.
Eclipse: I hope you have a great time.
Sophie: you and me both but Eclipse thanks for helping out with everything but I hope you stick around when I come back.
Eclipse: yeah I might stick around it's nice here.
Decoe: we are ready to set sail.
Sophie: good now be warned if there are monsters let Saphira and I take care of them but luckily this baby is made of strong titanium, thanks for that Decoe, you too Bocoe.
Bocoe: your welcome Saphira is comfortable so we are ready to leave.
Eclipse: well I better go join the others see you again soon. Eclipse walked off of the ship and joined the others as Sophie waved at everyone and they waved back at her.

*on the sea*

Bocoe: so where do you plan to head to first?
Sophie: i was thinking of seeing Riju and Urbosa first I love being in Gerudo town although it's hot there, then I am heading to Rito village to see how everyone's doing. after that Goron city finally Zora's Domain to see my beloved Sidon even Mipha we've become close almost like sisters.
Decoe: you two did seem very close but according to the map we should be at Hyrule any minute.
Sophie: good I should get Saphira ready you guys head back to the Mushroom kingdom we can go the rest of the way. Sophie had gotten Saphira ready then climbed onto Saphira's back as Pikachu jumped on thanks to Bocoe.
Sophie: head back to the kingdom bye guys.
Decoe: bye be safe. Saphira took off and headed to Gerudo desert there Saphira had landed and Sophie snuck up behind Riju and surprised her which made Riju jump.

*in Gerudo desert*

Riju: Sophia! they both hugged each other then got hugged by Urbosa.
Urbosa: I see you decided to visit.
Sophie: I did I'm going to visit everyone before heading to Zora's domain to surprise Sidon and Mipha.
Riju: well come along and we can get you into some more comfortable clothes for this land. Sophie followed Riju and Sophie had walked out wearing a black skirt that, reached the floor and a black crop halter top Sophie was still wearing her necklaces along with the bracelet from Sidon, along with shoes like Riju's.
Urbosa: how do you feel?
Sophie: much better thank you Urbosa you Gerudo have great style.
Riju: we do but Patricia is happy to see you again. Sophie smiled and petted Patricia on the head as Pikachu jumped into Riju's arms which surprised her, she smiled at him as Pikachu climbed onto her shoulders.
Sophie: I see Pikachu missed you Riju.
Riju: he is cute. but for now you must be starving from a long trip.
Sophie: guess I am a bit hungry. they all went to sit down and Pikachu was nibbling on some fruit as Sophie held out something for him to try, Pikachu took it and he tried it which his little eyes lit up.
Urbosa: I see he likes the meal.
Sophie: since I know his favorite foods but sooner or later Pikachu we gotta keep you in shape buddy. they all enjoyed time then Sophie had traveled to Rito village.

*in Rito village*

Sophie: whew is it always cold here?
Revali: shoudl've warned you about that this village does tend to be a bit cold every now and then.
Saki: follow me and we can find you something warm to wear. Sophie followed Saki and she came back wearing a thicker coat which helped a lot.
Teba: feel warmer?
Sophie: yea much better thank you and thank you Saki.
Saki: your welcome Sophia.
Tulin: Sophia! Tulin almost tackled Sophie as she saw him coming.
Sophie: whoa slow down Tulin your going to knock me over one day (chuckles) but it's to see you again kiddo your getting big. they all talked until a rumble was felt it shook everything.
Tulin: what was that?
Teba: don't know but it wasn't friendly.
Sophie: that rumble felt like Vah Medoh landing or I could be wrong. but let me go see (whistles) Saphira let's go. Sophie climbed onto Saphira's back and she flew up to see what caused the rumble only to see it was Vah Medoh.
Sophie: it's just the divine beast nothing more.

*tiny time skip*

after spending some time in Goron City and in Lookout landing she hung out with Link and Zelda but heard Sidon's voice as she hid, Saphira flew off as Pikachu was hiding with Sophie. she saw Sidon and smiled but thankfully no one saw her Sophie had a cloak and mask that she got in Gerudo town Sophie put them on as Pikachu went under it as Sophie walked over to the lab and Purah let her in.
Purah: whew that was close he almost saw you.
Sophie: I know but thankfully I got a cloak and mask so he won't know it's me, but i'm gonna mess with him when I head to Zora's Domain. that's if something doesn't happen on my way there.
Purah: good luck same to you little guy man your so cute.

*at Zora's Domain*

Sophie was still wearing the cloak and she giggled about how Sidon is going to react, she saw him talking with Bazz and Sophie smiled seeing him.
Saphira: are you sure this plan of yours will work?
Sophie: it will Saphira trust me now Pikachu you remember what to do right?
Pikachu: pika. Sophie smiled and kissed him on the head as he ran to Sidon.
Bazz: oh it seems we have a little guest your highness.
Sidon: oh hello Pikachu what're you doing here? Pikachu held up a letter from Sophie and he read it then Sophie got ready as she began to sing a little which both Sidon and Bazz heard.

Sleep my love as the trees above protect you from the dark.
a great river watch you as you dream until dawn.
Sleep my love, close your eyes.
And when you awaken, the new day will bring you to a bright new world.

after Sophie had sang she ran off but Sidon saw her.
Sidon: wait! that song it sounded like what Sophie sang to me when I was younger.
Mipha: I remember she sang that to help you sleep.
Pikachu: Pika.
Mipha: what is it?
Bazz: perhaps he wants you to follow him your highnesses. Pikachu was running a bit while Sidon and Mipha followed him up to Ploymus mountain then heard the singing again only to see Sophie standing near the cliff while wearing her cloak.
Mipha: excuse me but who are you?
Sophie: I mean no harm and of course a little one would know. Pikachu ran over to Sophie as she held him close while getting scratched under his chin.
Sidon: but who are you?
Sophie: surprised you two didn't figure it out. Sophie took off the hood of her cloak and then took off her mask as both Sidon and Mipha were surprised to see Sophie in front of them.
Mipha: Sophia?
Sophie: surprise. Mipha hugged Sophie as she hugged back they both pulled apart then Sidon ran over and picked up Sophie as they were both laughing, while he spun her around Sophie held onto Sidon's shoulders as he spun her around.
Sidon: if we had known you were coming then but I am just happy that you are here my love.
Sophie: I wanted to surprise you both.

*in the throne room*

Sophie had bowed before Dorephan and he asked her to rise Sophie did so as she put her hand on her hip.
Dorephan: you have changed since I last saw you.
Sophie: if you mean my hair then it's because something had awakened inside me and sorry if I hadn't visited lately your majesty, I was greatly sick I almost died because of my heart.
Bazz: that doesn't sound good.
Sophie: it wasn't but i'm better now and still kicking. but also here with the one I love. Sidon smiled and held Sophie's hands as they both looked at each other with love in their eyes, it surprised Muzu but Dorephan and Mipha smiled knowing that Sidon had found love with someone he cherish's with all his heart.
Dorephan: never thought I would see the day that my son had found someone to love. Sophia I hope that your truly happy with Sidon.
Sophie: more than you know your majesty he truly makes me smile also makes me laugh Sidon is the greatest guy I could've ever met, he's very brave, caring, and wonderful prince along with brother. but Sidon is also a proud warrior.
Dorephan: (laughs) that is good to hear but what about you Sidon what do you have to say about Sophia?

Sidon: well there are many things that would describe Sophia she is beautiful, kind, caring, a proud fighter, a great friend and also the very woman I love with all my heart. Sophie blushed hearing Sidon say that about her as she moved her hair out of her face so she could see more.
Mipha: it seems you both have truly expressed how you felt about each other. Sophie looked away but felt a hand on her shoulder as she looked at Sidon with a smile.
Sophie: I guess we did Mipha but I truly love Sidon as he is no matter what, and I know that he loves the same.
Sidon: that is true dragon rider or not I love you with all my heart.

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