chapter 3

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the battle was over and Riju hugged Sophie as she hugged her back.
Sophie: thank you for the help Riju, Teba, Yunobo and Sidon you truly became the prince you were meant to be.
Teba: it was a pleasure Lady Sophia.
Sophie: please call me Sophie but feel free to call me Sophia I go by both.
Sidon: Sophie before I go I want you too remember one thing.
Sophie: what? Sidon gently picked up Sophie as she was confused by what was going on and felt Sidon kiss her which caught her off, guard then she moved her arms around his shoulders Sophie kissed him back they both pulled apart and looked at each other.
Sophie: that was very bold of you Sidon.
Sidon: only for the woman I love. Sophie giggled and saw that he was still wearing the crystal she gave him.
Sophie: you still have the crystal I guess you do truly love me good bye Sidon I hope too see you soon.
Sidon: you will soon my dear Sophia. they all left back to the future and Sophie felt something in her hand then saw it was a bracelet that she would always cherish.
Sophie: good bye Sidon I hope too see you again my brave prince.
Impa: well someone's a lucky girl.
Sophie: what Impa shut up just because I kissed Sidon doesn't make it official he's still a kid in our time, it will be years before he is grown. but I should head back home bye guys and Daruk you take care big guy.
Daruk: same too you but hope you come back and visit. and maybe you'll be with your lover in a hundred years. Sophie turned red and looked at Pikachu a she smirked.
Sophie: quit teasing me or else Pikachu will shock you guys.
Revali: you wouldn't dare.
Sophie: try me.

*in the Mushroom kingdom*

Sophie was home and hugged by everyone as she was laughing.
Rouge: your hair is different looks good.
Sophie: thanks Rouge but it turns out that I'm the descendant of Atera a proud dragon rider, she came from Hyrule but I am the only one with her blood. I never thought this would happen.
Saphira: you were chosen by us for a reason Sophie not because of your ancestor but for your bravery and kindness. Sophie smiled and hugged Saphira's snout then heard something only to see it was the little guardian.
Sophie: (gasp) Terrako your alright! Terrako ran around Sophie as she held him close.
Shadow: I see he's a friend.
Sophie: yes he helped us defeat the calamity and brought help Riju, Yunobo, Teba and Sidon he was older and well this might come as a shock when I tell you.
Peach: what?
Sophie: before Sidon went back to his own time he he kissed me. Amy screamed and Sophie covered her ears so did the guys when Amy stopped everyone uncovered their ears.
Scourge: ow my ears.
Sophie: I know geez Amy it's not that big a deal so what if a Zora prince kissed me besides right now in this time he's still a kid but, I will be waiting for him to grow and soon who knows but I think I found someone to spend the rest of my life with. but now I can't wait to go back it will be a hundred years before I can see them again but I know Riju and the others will remember me.

Sonic: i'm sure they will considering your their friend.
Sophie: (smiles) how right you are Sonic but who knows right Pikachu. I mean Sidon would definetly recognize you but the memory of us will be in Sidon's necklace that I gave him, but one day I will make Atera proud as her descendent and as the dragon rider!
Luigi: she's grown so much i'm proud of her Mario.
Mario: so am I Lui so am I. but we gotta meet the prince when he's older.
Sophie: if it were possible Mario time works differently in Hyrule but I will be heading when the time is right. and you two aren't going to stop me.
Luigi: who said we would it's your choice but you gotta tell Mom and Dad.
Sophie: yeah I know but maybe in a few years I will return to Hyrule. a rumble was heard and Sophie went to fight but Azula was hurt she was dying. it crushed Sophie knowing her dragon was dying.
Sophie: no Azula no please don't go please NO!
Eggman: I was aiming for Sophia not the dragon! Sophie was crying then she glared at Eggman and she ran at him but Eggman was knocked out of his robot as Sophie walked up to him with her sword out.
Eggman: (chuckles nervously) uh hi Sophia nice new look really suits you.
Sophie: you killed Azula you killed my dragon! and now your going to pay Eggman! Sophie raised her sword but got held back by the guys Silver took her sword and Sophie fell to the ground while holding onto Shadow, she was grieved with pain for she had lost her beloved dragon.
Sonic: leave Eggman you caused our friend enough pain now you shattered her heart.

*many years later*

Sophie walked to a statue that Pauline had sent when she heard about what happened to Azula she felt sorry for her friend, a splash was heard and Sophie looked over the edge only to see it was Mipha.
Sophie: Mipha come on up but if the others are here then meet me at the front of the palace. Sophie walked to the front of the palace then saw everyone but didn't see Sidon.
Zelda: Sophia it's wonderful to see you again but your eyes you look so tired.
Sophie: just nightmares they won't leave me alone but you all deserve to know this Azula is dead and, enemy of our killed her and it shattered my heart.
my precious girl gone my beloved dragon is dead because of that fool.
Riju: she was good friend.
Yunobo: don't you have another dragon one that your bonded with?
Sophie: yes Saphira (rolls up right sleeve) this mark if proof of our bond if I die she dies, and I won't let that happen. but Teba I noticed you brought your family with you.
Teba: yes my wife Saki and our son Tulin.
Sophie: a pleasure to meet you all but i'm sorry if i look terrible it's just nightmares haven't been letting me sleep as much, it's like they keep haunting me just to torture.
Link: try to get some sleep tonight it's getting late.
Sophie: right Peach can show you all to your rooms she rules this kingdom and I'm just her advisor well I was before I became the dragon rider. everyone was showed to their rooms Sophie showed where hers was in case they needed anything, then she went to bed when Sophie was sleeping she was tossing and turning then shot up while panting. Sophie was covered in cold sweat she got up from bed and walked out of her room then walked out onto a balcony as she looked up at the sky, seeing the stars and moon Sophie was thinking until she heard someone coming only to see it was Peach.
Peach: nightmare again?

Sophie: yeah it just won't leave me alone it's like something is haunting me but ever since Azula died I haven't been able to sleep, I could've killed Eggman if Shadow and the guys hadn't stopped me I don't deserve to be the dragon rider. Peach held her close but didn't know that Tulin was listening he felt sorry for Sophie but what the girls didn't know was that Shadow was also listening since he is outside since he looks at the stars every night.
Peach: listen just head back to bed and try to get some sleep everything is going to be alright I promise.
Sophie: (nods) yeah hopefully. Sophie went back to her room but got scared by Shadow she was holding her heart from the surprise then Polterpup came running in, as Sophie smiled at him.
Sophie: I swear Professor Robotnik chose the right name for you, stop scaring me.
Shadow: sorry I wasn't trying to scare you but I over heard you talking with Peach and she's right try to get some sleep. Sophie nodded and laid down in bed as Pikachu and Polterpup both cuddled up to her but, a shadow loomed over Sophie and took her as she screamed which woke everyone up.
Mipha: what was that?
Saki: did you hear that?
Teba: yeah I did let's go see if Sophia is alright. everyone went to Sophie's room since it was morning only to see she was gone everyone searched but Tulin, found Sophie's necklace.
Tulin: guys I found something.
Sonic: what did you find.
Tulin: it's Sophia's necklace her dragon one. Shadow took the necklace hoping that Sophie would be alright they all heard a scream everyone took out their weapons, only to see a crystalline hedgehog.

*next day*

everyone was fighting against Mephiles but he had Sophie trapped in vines she couldn't move or say anything, since her mouth was covered Sophie tried to find a way out but nothing worked the vines got tighter on her.
Link: why did you take her!
Mephiles: so I can take her crystal it has great power but it seems only she can use it, so I took her either she gives me the power to weild the crystal or she dies. the vines tightened more around her as she screamed tears were coming down her cheeks then saw one reaching toward her neck it wrapped, around her neck which made it hard for her to breath. Sophie was choking until someone sliced the vines and Sophie fell but was caught by a certain prince.
Sophie: (coughs) Sidon? Sidon smiled and gently set Sophie down so he could help the others.

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