Chapter 10. Sweet Nothing's

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With the weight of her secret finally lifted, Lucy found solace in Tim's embrace. They settled onto the sofa, her head resting on his shoulder and her arm draped across his chest. He wrapped his arm around her, pulling her close, providing the comfort she so desperately needed. Tim could feel the steady rhythm of her breathing slowing down as she began to relax. He couldn't imagine the torment she must have endured, keeping all that pain locked inside. His heart swelled with love for her, and he vowed to be her refuge whenever she needed one. He pressed a tender kiss to the top of her head, whispering words of reassurance. *From now on*, he thought, *we face everything together*. He stroked her hair gently, feeling her tense muscles start to unwind under his touch. As they lay there, the room filled with the quiet sounds of their breathing and the distant hum of the city outside, Tim realised that this was exactly where he wanted to be – holding Lucy close, sharing both her tears and her laughter, and loving her through every storm she might face.

The rest of the day passed in a blur of laughter and tears, interspersed with moments of silence that spoke volumes. Tim and Lucy remained entwined on the sofa, finding solace in each other's company. They watched movies – Mean Girls and Barbie marathons – that brought a much-needed smile to Lucy's face, even if Tim couldn't help but roll his eyes at some of the plotlines. But he didn't complain; he was simply grateful to see her happy, even for a few fleeting moments. In between films, they shared stories of their childhoods and dreams for the future, creating new memories to replace some of the painful ones. Tim's arm never left Lucy's shoulder, and he frequently found himself stealing glances at her, marvelling at her resilience. In those brief moments, he saw glimpses of the vibrant girl she once was, and he knew they'd find their way back to that place together. As night fell, he held her tighter, whispering promises of a better tomorrow. And though he secretly dreaded the next Barbie movie, he'd endure it a hundred times over if it meant bringing her peace and happiness.

Exhaustion eventually claimed Lucy, her breaths becoming shallow and even as she drifted off to sleep on Tim's chest. He watched her carefully, tracing her features with his eyes – the curve of her nose, the arch of her brows, the delicate shell of her ear. She looked so peaceful, so beautiful, that he couldn't resist placing gentle kisses along her cheekbones, across her forehead, and along her jawline. His heart overflowed with love for this fragile yet fierce woman, and he found himself completely and utterly obsessed with her. In his mind, she was perfect – flaws and all – because she had chosen him, trusted him with her most painful secrets. He knew that he'd move heaven and earth just to see her smile. As he continued to shower her with affectionate kisses, he couldn't find the words to express how much she truly meant to him. All he knew was that he'd do anything to keep her safe, happy, and loved – now and forever.

Tim's gaze drifted down to Lucy's thighs, where her scars lay – each etched a story of pain and resilience across her skin. His fingers trailed lightly over them, each touch a silent testament to his admiration for her strength. He marvelled at her courage – the strength it took to endure what she had and still emerge as the beautiful, vibrant woman lying in his arms. He felt a surge of pride swell within his chest, knowing she'd chosen him to share this part of herself with. He wanted nothing more than to take away the hurt that lingered there, to erase the scars and replace them with memories of love and acceptance. But he knew it wouldn't be that simple – healing was a process, and one they'd have to navigate together. So, he simply continued to trace patterns on her leg, whispering words of comfort and love, hoping she'd hear them in her sleep.

886 words.

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