chapter three

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The hustle and bustle of JFK Airport are in full swing as Remus and Sirius navigate through the sea of travelers. The loudspeaker crackles with announcements, and the constant chatter of people fills the air. Remus holds their boarding passes, guiding Sirius toward their gate.

Sirius glances around, his anxiety evident in the way he fiddles with the leather bracelet on his wrist. "Blimey, it's like a bloody circus in here," he mutters, trying to mask his nerves with humor.

RRemus smiles, squeezing his hand reassuringly. "Just think of it as the first step of our adventure. We'll be in the air soon, and then it's just a matter of time."

They gather their belongings and make their way to the boarding gate. The anticipation builds as they step onto the plane, the hum of the engines already promising the journey ahead. They find their seats, settling in for the long flight. Sirius takes the window seat, staring out at the busy tarmac. Remus sits beside him, placing a calming hand on his knee.

As the plane takes off, Sirius's anxiety seems to intensify. He fidgets, twisting the bracelet around his wrist. "I hate flying. Always have."

Remus leans closer, speaking softly. "I know, love. But we're in this together. Try to focus on the positive-think about the moment we land and we've taken the first big step."

Sirius attempts a smile, though it's strained. "Easy for you to say. You're not the one who has to face a family reunion from hell."

Remus chuckles lightly. "True, but I am the one who gets to be there with you. And that makes all the difference."

The hours pass slowly. Remus engages Sirius in light conversation, sharing stories and plans for their future to distract him from his anxiety. They talk about their favorite memories together, the places they want to visit, and their hopes for what lies ahead.

As the plane begins its descent into Heathrow Airport, the weather outside is cold and gray, matching the somber mood that settles over them. Sirius gazes out at the clouds, his expression tense and apprehensive.

When they finally land and begin collecting their luggage, Sirius hesitates, a deep frown creasing his forehead. "We're really doing this, aren't we?"

Remus places a steadying hand on his shoulder. "We are. And remember, we're doing it together. One step at a time."

Sirius takes a deep breath, nodding. "Right. Together."

They make their way through the bustling airport, the cold air biting as they step outside. The reality of their journey sinks in, but with Remus's constant, reassuring presence, Sirius feels a flicker of determination.

As they get into the rental car and begin the drive to the Black Mansion, the weight of their decision looms large, but so does the strength of their bond. They know that whatever challenges await, they will face them side by side, their love and resilience guiding them through.


The rental car winds its way up the long, narrow driveway, the tall iron gates of the Black Mansion looming behind them. The mansion itself is grand and imposing, its dark stone walls and towering turrets casting long shadows in the fading light. The air is thick with tension as Sirius and Remus approach the front door, their hands clasped tightly together.

Sirius takes a deep breath, his grip on Remus's hand tightening. "This is it," he murmurs, his voice strained with anxiety.

Remus squeezes his hand reassuringly. "We're here together, Sirius. We can do this."

They step out of the car, the crunch of gravel underfoot the only sound in the still evening air. The mansion's massive oak door creaks open, revealing a well-dressed butler with a gentle smile. Remus had always imagined butlers to be men with haughty eyes and sneers of contempt, but this one seems unexpectedly warm and kind. Suddenly, he feels that the holiday might not be so bad after all.

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