chapter seven

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The early morning light filters through the curtains of Lily and James's house, casting a gentle glow on the quiet living room. Remus stirs on the couch, waking from a fitful sleep. His body feels heavy with exhaustion, his heart hollow and empty. He sits up slowly, rubbing his eyes, and glances around the familiar room. The comforting presence of his friends is a small solace, but the ache of missing Sirius remains a constant, dull throb.

Remus stands and makes his way to the dining room, where he finds Lily and James sitting at the table, quietly eating breakfast. They look up as he enters, concern etched on their faces.

"Good morning, Remus," James says softly, offering a small smile. "We made breakfast. Would you like to join us?"

Remus nods and takes a seat at the table, though the thought of eating feels impossible. He looks down at the plate of food in front of him, his appetite nonexistent. Lily places a comforting hand on his arm.

"It's okay if you don't feel like eating," she says gently. "Just take your time."

The silence stretches on, heavy and oppressive. Finally, James breaks it, his voice filled with concern. "Remus, what happened in England?"

Remus takes a deep breath, his hands trembling as he struggles to find the words. The memories flood back, overwhelming him. He looks up, tears brimming in his eyes.

"It was supposed to be a chance for Sirius to reconnect with his family," Remus begins, his voice breaking. "But it turned into a nightmare. They were so cruel, so judgmental. They made it clear that I wasn't welcome, that I wasn't good enough for him."

Lily squeezes his hand, her eyes filled with empathy. "Oh, Remus."

Remus takes another shaky breath, the tears spilling over. "I overheard his mother threatening to burn Sirius's portrait from the family tapestry if he didn't break up with me. I couldn't stand the thought of being the reason he lost everything. So I... I made the decision to leave."

James's expression hardens with anger. "Those bastards. They don't deserve him. And they certainly don't deserve you."

Remus shakes his head, tears streaming down his face. "I thought I was doing the right thing, but it hurts so much. I love him, and leaving him behind feels like I'm tearing out a part of my soul."

Lily moves her chair closer, wrapping her arms around him in a tight embrace. "You did what you thought was best, Remus. It's okay to feel this way. We're here for you, and we'll help you through this."

James nods, his expression softening. "You're not alone, mate. We're in this together."

The tears continue to flow as Remus clings to Lily, the weight of his sorrow pouring out. The morning sun continues to rise, bathing the room in a warm light, but the pain remains. Yet, surrounded by the love and support of his friends, Remus feels a glimmer of hope that, with time, he might begin to heal.


Sirius enters their loft, the familiar creak of the door a stark reminder of the home he once shared with Remus. The space, usually vibrant with life and art, feels hollow and silent now. The walls, adorned with his paintings and sketches, seem to close in on him, amplifying the emptiness within.

He drops his keys on the counter, the clink echoing in the quiet room. He stands there for a moment, his heart heavy with the weight of Remus’s absence. The loft, which had been a sanctuary filled with love and creativity, now feels like a shell of its former self.

Sirius moves through the space, touching the familiar objects that now seem foreign without Remus there. He stops in front of one of his paintings, a piece he’d been working on with Remus’s encouragement. The vibrant colors blur as tears well up in his eyes.

Only Love Can Hurt Like This [WOLFSTAR ✨] - Song fic Where stories live. Discover now