chapter five

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It’s Christmas morning at the Black Mansion, and the dining room is bathed in the morning light filtering through the heavy curtains. The long, mahogany table is set for breakfast, adorned with fine china and gleaming silverware

Remus and Sirius sit side by side, their hands brushing occasionally under the table for reassurance as it became a common occurrence between the two of them ever since stepping on the Black Mannor for the first time.

Sirius feels a wave of relief upon noticing Bellatrix's absence, but Remus's shoulders are slumped, his eyes downcast, clearly feeling like the problem amidst the cold scrutiny.

The meal begins with an air of forced silence. Walburga then breaks the silence with a pointed remark. "Sirius, I don't think you've told us where you're living in New York."

Sirius bristles but responds evenly. " I’ve found a cozy loft in Brooklyn where I can pursue my art without any of the old constraints."

Walburga’s lips curl into a faint, disdainful smile, as if the mere mention of a loft made her want to vomit. "A loft in Brooklyn, how... charming. And you, Remus, what was it you do again?"

Remus maintains his composure, though he feels the weight of her scrutiny. "As I mentioned before, I’m a teacher. I work with young children."

Walburga’s eyes narrow slightly. "A noble profession, though I imagine it doesn’t pay well. But I suppose one must make it do."

Sirius’s patience wears thin. "Remus is an incredible teacher. He’s making a real difference in people’s lives, he even won an award."

"Is that so?" Walburga replies, her tone passive-aggressive. "Well, I suppose it’s admirable to find satisfaction in such modest ambitions."

Orion remains silent, his gaze shifting between the participants, while Regulus watches with a slight smirk.

The conversation continues, filled with thinly veiled barbs from Walburga about Sirius’s choices and Remus’s background. The tension builds, and Sirius finally snaps.

"Mother, enough," Sirius says, his voice rising. "I didn’t bring Remus here to be insulted. He’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me, and I won’t let you belittle him."

Walburga’s eyes flash with anger. "Watch your tone, Sirius Black. You chose this path, abandoning your family and our values. Don’t expect us to accept your… choices without question."

Remus places a calming hand on Sirius’s arm, though he feels increasingly out of place. "It’s alright, Sirius. Let’s just try to get through this morning."

Sirius looks at Remus, his expression softening briefly before turning back to his mother. "No, it’s not alright. Remus deserves respect, something you clearly don’t understand."

The tension in the room is palpable, the air thick with animosity. Remus feels the sting of the family’s judgment, the pain inflicted by their love for each other evident in every glance and comment.

He takes a deep breath, trying to remain composed. "We’re here to try and find some common ground. Let’s not make this any harder than it already is."

Walburga’s gaze is cold and unyielding. "Common ground? Perhaps you misunderstood us, Remus. Our family has standards, traditions. What you represent… it’s a departure from everything we hold dear."

Sirius, not ready to back down, adds with a hint of sarcasm, "At least I’m not a puppet who blindly follows this ridiculous outdated rules."

Regulus, with a smirk, leans forward and says, "It must be nice to run away from your problems instead of facing them like a man."

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