chapter six

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The following day, Remus moves quietly around their guest room, the early morning light casting a pale glow on the walls. He carefully folds his clothes and places them into his bag, each item feeling like a heavy reminder of what he's leaving behind. His hands tremble slightly as he zips up the suitcase.

He sits at the small desk by the window, pulling out a piece of paper and a pen. The words don't come easily, but he writes from his heart.


I wish I had the strength to say this to your face, but I know I'd never be able to leave if I did. Please understand that this isn't because I don't love you. It's because I do. You deserve a family that accepts you, that loves you without conditions. And I can't stand to see you torn between two worlds.

You've been my everything, my joy, my heart. I hope one day we can find our way back to each other. Until then, take care of yourself, my love.


He places the note on the pillow, where Sirius will see it when he wakes. The finality of it feels like a dagger in his chest.

Remus takes one last look around the room, memories flashing before his eyes. He shoulders his bag and quietly opens the door, stepping into the silent hallway. The house is still asleep, unaware of his departure.

He moves swiftly down the stairs, every step echoing in the stillness. Outside, the early morning air is crisp and cool. He pulls his coat tighter around him, glancing back at the mansion one last time.

The cab arrives, headlights cutting through the dawn. Remus takes a deep breath and gets in, the door closing with a soft thud. As the car pulls away, he watches the house grow smaller in the distance, tears silently streaming down his face.

The city begins to wake up around him, but Remus feels like he's in a different world, a world where the pain of leaving Sirius is the only thing that exists. He clutches his bag tighter, the note he left feeling like a lead weight in his heart. The journey ahead is uncertain, but he knows he must take it, even if it means leaving a part of his soul behind.


The Heathrow Airport is bustling with activity, the noise of travelers and announcements filling the air. Remus moves through the crowd like a ghost, his mind numb with the profound sense of loss and heartbreak that weighs heavily on him. He clutches his boarding pass tightly, the reality of his decision pressing down on him with each step.

He boards the plane alone, the familiar yet now painfully empty space beside him a constant reminder of Sirius. As he takes his seat, he gazes out of the window at the dreary London sky. He feels as vast and gray as the sky itself, his heart heavy with the weight of his decision.

The flight back is a blur of emotions. Remus tries to distract himself, but his mind keeps drifting back to Sirius. Memories of their time together flood his thoughts-Sirius's laughter, their shared dreams, the tender moments that now feel like they belong to another lifetime.

The flight attendants move up and down the aisles, serving drinks and meals, but Remus barely notices. The world around him feels distant and unreal, his focus entirely on the emotional turmoil within. He replays the moment of their parting over and over, the heartbreak in Sirius's eyes haunting him.

As the plane begins its descent into NYC, Remus stares out at the sprawling city below. The lights of the city twinkle like stars, a stark contrast to the darkness he feels inside. The familiar skyline brings a mix of comfort and sorrow, a reminder of the life he must now face without Sirius.

The plane lands smoothly, and the passengers begin to disembark. Remus moves through the motions mechanically, collecting his luggage and making his way through customs. The vibrant, bustling city that once felt like home now seems cold and unwelcoming.

As he exits the terminal, Remus realizes he can't go back to the loft he shared with Sirius. That was Sirius's place, their place, filled with memories now too painful to face.

Remus hails a cab and gives the driver Lily and James's address, his mind clouded with exhaustion and sorrow. The city lights blur past him as the cab weaves through the streets, the familiar landmarks offering no comfort. He feels adrift, untethered from everything that once grounded him.

When the cab pulls up to the modest townhouse, Remus takes a deep breath and pays the driver, his hands shaking. He stands at the door for a moment, gathering the strength to knock. The late-night silence is broken only by the soft hum of the city in the background.

James opens the door, his face immediately registering concern at the sight of Remus. "Remus, what happened?" he asks, his voice filled with worry.

Remus can't find the words. He just shakes his head, his vision blurring with unshed tears. Lily appears behind James, her eyes widening in alarm.

"Oh, Remus," she whispers, stepping forward and pulling him into a tight embrace. The dam breaks, and Remus collapses into her shoulder, his body wracked with sobs. The weight of his heartbreak pours out, and Lily holds him, her own eyes glistening with unshed tears.

James guides them both inside, closing the door softly behind them. "Let's get you settled," he says gently, leading Remus to the sofa. They sit with him, their presence a comforting balm to his raw emotions.

Remus clutches Lily's hand, his voice barely above a whisper. "I couldn't stay. It was tearing us apart. I... I left him."

Lily strokes his hair, her heart breaking for her friend. "Shh, it's okay, Remus. You're not alone. We're here for you."

The silence is filled with the weight of his sorrow, the painful void where Sirius should be.

He stays like that for a long time, surrounded by the warmth and support of his friends. The night stretches on, but for the first time since leaving, he feels a glimmer of hope. With Lily and James by his side, he knows he will find the strength to heal, even if the road ahead is long and filled with heartache.

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