chapter four

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The cold, gray morning light filters into the guest room, casting long shadows across the lavish yet impersonal space. The heavy drapes are partially drawn, allowing a sliver of the overcast sky to seep in. The chill in the air matches the somber mood hanging over the room.

Remus wakes up first, he turns to look at Sirius, who is still asleep, his face drawn and tense even in slumber. The silence is almost oppressive, each breath echoing the unresolved tension.

Sirius stirs, his eyes fluttering open. He turns to Remus, offering a small, tired smile. "Morning, Moony."

"Morning," Remus replies, trying to sound normal, but the strain is evident in his voice. He sits up, stretching his arms and forcing himself to go through the motions of starting the day.

Sirius watches him, sensing something is off. "You alright?" he asks, his voice soft with concern.

"Yeah, just a bit tired," Remus replies, avoiding eye contact. "Let’s get ready. We have a long day ahead."

The tension is palpable as they move around the room, gathering their clothes and preparing for the day. Remus’s movements are methodical, almost robotic, as he tries to keep his emotions in check. Sirius, feeling the weight of the previous night’s confrontation, doesn’t push him to talk, but the worry in his eyes is unmistakable.

As Remus brushes his teeth, he glances at his reflection in the mirror, seeing the fatigue and anxiety etched on his face. He knows they need to stay strong, but the dread of what lies ahead makes it difficult to muster the energy.

Sirius, meanwhile, is quiet as he dresses, his thoughts are a mix of anger, sadness, and determination. He casts occasional glances at Remus, trying to gauge how he’s holding up without pressing too hard.

The sense of dread hangs over them like a thick fog, making every movement feel heavy and deliberate. The cold light from the window does little to brighten their spirits, serving only to highlight the bleakness of their situation.

Finally, dressed and somewhat prepared, they stand in the center of the room, facing each other. Sirius reaches out, taking Remus’s hand in his, giving it a gentle squeeze. "We’ll get through this, together," he says, his voice filled with a mixture of resolve and vulnerability.

Remus squeezes back, offering a small, reassuring smile. "Yes, we will. One step at a time."

The dining room of the Black Mansion is a picture of cold elegance, with a long table set for breakfast. The silverware gleams under the light of the ornate chandelier, and a variety of dishes are laid out, from fresh fruits to pastries and eggs. Despite the opulent spread, the atmosphere is tense and formal.

Remus and Sirius enter the room together, their expressions carefully neutral. Walburga sits at the head of the table, her eyes sharp and watchful. Orion sits beside her, his face impassive. Regulus, if present, sits quietly, his gaze flicking between his parents and the newcomers.

"Good morning," Sirius greets, his voice trying for cheerfulness.

"Morning," Walburga replies coolly, her gaze sliding to Remus with thinly veiled disdain. "I trust you both slept well."

"Yes, thank you," Remus answers politely, taking a seat beside Sirius.

The meal begins in uncomfortable silence, the only sounds being the clinking of cutlery and the occasional rustle of the newspaper Orion reads. Remus tries to focus on his plate, but he can feel the weight of Walburga's eyes on him.

"So, Remus," Walburga begins, her tone deceptively sweet, "tell us more about your family. I understand you come from rather modest beginnings?"

Remus swallows, keeping his voice steady. "Yes, my parents were both teachers. They valued education and kindness above all else."

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