Chapter - 1

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The Fiona kingdom was surrounded by green hills and lush forests, and the rivers were also clear and fresh. The kingdom was the epitome of beauty. The people of this kingdom were kind and always ready to help each other.

The king, known as Kim Joon Ho was loved by everyone. He was fair and wise. He ruled with a gentle hand and a kind heart. The kingdom meant everything to him.

Everyone in the Kingdom lived together in peace but there was a threat to this kingdom and that was the vampires.

The vampires lived among the people, disguised as humans, making it hard to tell them apart from the regular folks. These vampires were brutal. They killed many people just because of their hunger for blood.

To protect its citizens, the kingdom had set up many security measures. The guards were posted at every corner and gate of the kingdom, and the number of guards was always increased at night time.

Despite these efforts, imprisoning these vampires was impossible as they had supernatural speed.

The vampires had the power to vanish into thin air, move at incredible speed, some could even control others' minds and many more that were still hidden from the humans.

In the royal palace, the king was sitting on the throne with the other ministers sitting in their respective places.

"Your Highness, the reports of vampire attacks are increasing at a rapid speed," A middle-aged man said.

"We must find a way to stop them. The people of our kingdom are at risk," the king said, his eyes looking like he was sleepless for many days.

One advisor, an elderly man with a long white beard, nodded. "We are doing everything we can, Your Majesty. The guards are powerful, and we have increased their number at certain places."

"But it's not enough," The king said frustratedly, "These vampires are not someone with whom we have dealt before. They are always a step ahead of us."

A woman with sharp features replied, "Yes Your Highness, perhaps we can ask for help from outside the kingdom."

"Very well. Send words to the neighboring kingdoms that we need their help," the king said and got up from the throne making all the ministers also stand after him.


Near the edge of the Kingdom, hidden from human sight, was a huge castle. It was made of black stone with some touches of red. The castle looked very old, with some ancient trees surrounding it.

Inside the castle, three people sat in a dimly lit room. On the right was Min Yoongi, a cunning vampire who always had a smirk on his face. He always seemed relaxed but was always quick to react.

On the left was Kim Namjoon, a thoughtful man who always thought about the consequences of their actions.

In the center was Jeon Jungkook, the leader of the vampires. He had a dark, commanding presence. His sharp, intelligent eyes were filled with coldness, and his expression was always serious.

"We need to be more careful. The kingdom is tightening its security," Yoongi spoke, his voice cold and raspy.

Jungkook leaned back, smirking, "Let them try. They can't catch us."

Namjoon nodded, "But we can't be reckless. No more unnecessary killings."

Yoongi's eyes narrowed. "Exactly. We need to be smarter. Only take what we need. No more, no less."

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