Chapter - 4

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Months have passed since Hoseok died, and the kingdom has changed a lot. The once busy streets are now much quieter. The people of the kingdom were getting quieter than usual.

People still go out for work but there's a noticeable tension between them. Conversations are short and the usual laughter in the market is hard to find.

Hoseok's death shook the whole royal palace. The guards were more watchful and the servants quieter.

The palace which seemed warm and welcoming now seems so cold and empty. The usual hustle and bustle of the palace was long gone.

Outside the palace, the security is now even tighter. There are more night patrols and the borders of the kingdom are heavily guarded.

The people of the kingdom had gotten used to seeing the guards everywhere, but still, there was a sense of fear in their hearts. The fear of vampires.

In the royal palace, all the servants were quietly doing their work. Their usual chatter was replaced by the silent work. The guards were firmly standing at their places. The soft footsteps of the servants are only heard in the palace.

Taehyung was in his room. He was staring out of the window. The room was dimly lit with the faint light of the sky filtering through the curtains.

It's been months since Hoseok died but for Taehyung, all the memories were still fresh. He was still unable to agree with the fact that Hoseok, who meant everything to him, was no more.

"Why did you leave me alone?" he muttered.

Taehyung still remembers their last talk. He wasn't like before anymore. His cheerful personality was long gone.

"Will I have to live with the pain that I couldn't save you?" He again talked to himself.

Taehyung and Hoseok have been together since childhood. Hoseok saved him from all the troubles and gave him the freedom that he would not have had as a prince.

The thought of never meeting with Hoseok again was killing him inside. For Taehyung, Hoseok meant everything. There was not a single day when he didn't talk with him.

After Hoseok's death, Taehyung never showed his emotions in front of others. He always hides his pain behind his faint smile. The pain was killing him inside.

He was lost in his thoughts when a servant knocked on the door.

"Your Highness, you should get ready for the official's meeting," the servants said bowing down.

Taehyung nodded his head. The servant quietly left from there. Taehyung sighed and started getting ready for the meeting.

After an hour, Taehyung stepped out of his room. The corridors were mostly empty, with only a few servants, each bowing slightly as they saw him but Taehyung paid no attention to them.

He walked down the long hallways, his footsteps echoing in the quiet palace.

When he reached the doors of his father's chambers, the guard stationed outside gave him a respectful nod before opening the doors. With slow steps, Taehyung stepped in the room.

He found his father sitting at a large wooden table, many documents spread on it. The king looked up at Taehyung and nodded in acknowledgement. Taehyung took a seat across from his.

The king began telling Taehyung about the points that would be discussed in the meeting. There were matters concerning trade routes, the allocation of resources and the rising tension with the neighbouring kingdoms.

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