blinded... by... CHEESE.

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Victim 37: Nolan. age:24.

nolan used to be great friends with peter... one day, he went to Peters House And Saw a note On the table, it read: "DONT APPROACH THE WHITE MAN, DO WHATEVER YOU CAN To NO STO" nolan was terrified to say the least. (sorry if paragraphs are short, my ipad broke so im on my phone)


nolan decided to look for this... white man that peter was talking about. he went outside, but... something had caught his leg. and like in one of those goofy movies, he had gotten stuck in a tree. then, suddenly, a white blob thing had just fallen on his face. "HEY! MPH-" he tried to yell, but just then, they had dissapeared.


he woke up in the animatic battle realm. "what the..." "HEY! you STRANGE creature!" nolan gasped... pea... WAS THAT... no... nolan grabbed pea. "PETER?!? ARE YOU... IS... ARE YOU IN THERE?!?!?!?" nolan yelled. then, a long silence occured...

"whos... this PETER?!" nolan dropped pea. nolan fell to his knees, and began sobbing. then, without any time to mourn, animatic shoved a picture of nacho in his face and the transformation had begun.


Nolan had dug his face into his hands, which were now 2 black spheres, he felt a subtle pain in his arms and legs, but the pain of his losing his only friend had overtook him. "WHY DID IT HAVE TO BE HIM...?!?" he finally opened, or at least, tried to open his eyes, but to no avail. he felt his head and torso merge, making him a torso with legs and arms. his sadness was somewhat overtook with fear and pain. he stumbled a bit on his now 2 black spheres for feet, and accidentally... cracked himself?!? "WHAT THE-" he had yelled to himself as he was reshaped into a nacho, with cheese and blood dripping down his top.


his insides were being mushed, causing him to throw up red stuff, but also yellow stuff, his mouth also changed and became a black line. he yelled some... profanity... as his (🗿) became nothing, making him genderless, yet, he still felt like a male. "what... have you done to me..." nolan said, whimpering in pain, the emotional kind and the physical kind. "youre... the white... mAAAAAAAAGH..." he screamed in pain as the mental tf had started.


Nalan started forgetting about Peter, and had remembered pea, everything was becoming so much more natrual to him. "peter..."

Nacan had started remembering competing on "Animatic battle" with his team, Grant Swag. he had remembered his Oak, that he had showed to gapple, and how gapple had "LOVED the oak".

Nachn now sat, just pondering what was going on...

Nolan was now gone, and Nacho sat in his place.

"wha... oh, my team." he said as he walked over to go talk to his team.

next: darry -> demoncore

Animatic battle TFs [part 7! hope long forgotten.]Where stories live. Discover now