Stuck within the core. (no mc :0)

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victim 38:darry. age: 36.

Darry was a police officer, he was the only one that knew about animatic, or, "the white one.". he had put up posters showing what he looked like, saying: "THE WHITE ONE HAS BEEN FOUND. PLEASE, REPORT HIM.". He thought someone would report him, but he was so, so wrong.


one day, darry finally spotted him. grabbing the wrists of a female and a male. he grabbed out his gun. "FREEZE! DONT MOVE!!" yelled darry. "WHUH OH!! looks like someone has spotted me!" animatic let go of their wrists and grabbed onto darry's instead. (darry is about to do a pro gamer move btw-) darry grabbed out his handcuffs, and tried to cuff animatic, but, as he feared, his arms were too thin, making it so that nothing happened, and his arm slid right out. "your little PARTY TRICK wont work on me!" then, (pop.) they were gone.


Darry woke up on the ground, he grabbed his gun, but... THE GUN SPOKE?!? "UPPIES!! my favorite! ~^_^~" his gun had been replaced with a spas-12, that could speak. he dropped it quickly. "WHAT THE FISHERMANS FUCK?!" he yelled, and then animatic appeared in front of him and shoved a picture of a demoncore (the bomb) and animatic wagged his finger at him and said: "oh no no no my little demoncore! we dont say those profane words here!" "my... name isnt demonc-" (RIP.) animatic suddenly ripped off his arms and his head, and thats when it started.


Derry fell unconcsious, but that would only last a few minutes, as his legs were becoming 2 black lines, and his shoes fell off his feet, as they became 2 black circles. demry began to regain concsiousness, as he felt an electrical shock go through his (🗿), making him genderless, but he still felt like a male. his body had started shrinking and reforming into a sphere, a metal ball, with 2 pieces, and before they could touch, a screwdriver had formed in the middle, preventing a massive distruction. to his amazement, even without a face, he could still see, and talk. "what... my... WHY AM I BRI'ISH?!" he jumped, demoncor had looked up at animatic, and said "what is your name..." "im ANIMATIC!" there was a long pause, as demoncore waited for any... mind change... to happen, but, somehow, nothing happened. he knew animatic thought he had been brainwashed, so he just played along. "WELCOME DEMONCORE! your team is over there!" "oh, thanks mate.(🧐🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🧐🇬🇧🇬🇧)" demoncore (darry) said, as he walked over to canes cup and the rest of his team, he whispered to canes cup/Cayden. "are... you somewhat there...?" animatic then disapeared into the human world to grab those 2 people he originally had. "yeah... im still somewhat human..." canes cup/cayden said. "are there others like you here?" demoncore/darry said. canes/cayden pointed at a few. "all the others are braindead though..." "HEY! im NOT braindead!" pea yelled. "ok, ok. (whisper) he is." canes/cayden said.

next: Banny and Ceelo to bouquet and chocolate milk carton...

actually next: reena... ill make it a surprise. (wink)

Animatic battle TFs [part 7! hope long forgotten.]Where stories live. Discover now