A broken Family.

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victims 39 and 40: Banny flora and Ceelo maybel caeyino. ages: 36 and 39.

"SYLVIA?!?" banny yelled when she heard the scream of her daughter. she quickly got on her phone and, here is the chat on discord they had.

bannybun! is banny and ceilingwater is ceelo


ceilingwater: no i have nothing to do with you anymore



(ceilingwater is typing...)

ceilingwater: ugh fine ig ill look for her w u 🙄

Bannybun!: 😅 thanks

ceilingwater: fuck u.

so Banny and Ceelo went off to find sylvia. they met up at a local burger king and started searching.


as banny and ceelo were looking, broad daylight, the "white one" grappled onto their wrists, and they thought this was the end.


they ran for their lives when the white one unhooked onto their wrists.


(huff) (puff)

bannybun!: ceelo where are you ive lost you im in some abandoned grocery store

ceilingwater has not responded or read.


the groupchat has been disconnected.


animatic had grabbed 2 pictures. and shoved one each in ceelo and bannys face. "hold me..." "i will as long as i can..." said banny.


Ceelo's arms were met with a sudden ache as they were becoming black, and thin, and he kept holding onto banny as his hands became 2 black spheres. "your... hair... its pink..." ceelo whimpered as banny felt her hair, still grabbing onto ceelo. and sure enough, her hair was reforming into pink flowers. ceelo screamed in pain as his head had merged into his body, making him a torso with arms and legs, but banny's body began reforming into a plastic bouquet... and her clothes began changing color, into the bow on the bouquet. her arms and legs also became black lines and circles. "MAKE THIS STOP!" ceelo yelled as his... (🗿) got disentegrated, so did banny's. they were both genderless now, but banny still felt like a female, unlike ceelo, who now felt like they had no gender.


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"i... would help if i could..." banny said with sadness invading her new voice. "im... scared..." ceelo said as they looked down at their new body, which now looked like a milk carton, a chocolate milk carton. they kept a tight hold on banny, who was shaking. silly straw witnessed this happen, and felt a bit bad. then a headache from hell appear in their heads.


chelo mibel caryene grabbed his straw. "I DONT WANNA LOSE EVERYTHING!" they yelled. "we... will meet again soon, i promise..." bouqanny said, sadly.

chocolo milbe carteyn finally let go of bouquny and grabbed their head, as memories of their human life began escaping their head, and new memories of their team, grant swag enter. they started becoming more nonchalant, and they didnt remember sylvia or banny anymore.

bouquey and chocolat milke cartyn were almost complete, as their last memories escaped their heads, the family, was at last, broken. and bouquet and chocolate milk carton sat in their places.


next: tony -> tiery

Animatic battle TFs [part 7! hope long forgotten.]Where stories live. Discover now