Tiers of the transformed

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victim 41: Tony. age: 34.

tony was a very chill man. he didnt really care about anything. when he saw posters of "the white one", he didnt care. he didnt think he would get taken by ANIMATIC himself, he had watched AB for a while now.

 he didnt think he would get taken by ANIMATIC himself, he had watched AB for a while now

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(the white one.)
why do i love this image


when he was making a (BTW TONY IS LIKE A YOUTUBER AND MAKES TIERLISTS ON HIS CHANNEL HIS CHANNEL WAS TONYS TIERS) tier list for a video, he saw a new square. his livechat noticed it first. "redlan's regretevator channel: what is that? a new square?" "wh- oh, what...?" he clicked on it with his mouse, and suddenly he (pop!) vanished. "redlan's regretevator channel: CHAT WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED TO HIM"


tony woke up, and he was in a place he knew far too well. "IM IN ANIMATIC BATTLE!! CHAT IS THIS REAL?!?" he yelled, expecting to be heard, but no one heard him. then, ANIMATIC HIMSELF appeared in front of him, holding up a picture of his favorite character, Tiery. "HOW DO YOU KNOW MY FAVORITE CHARACTER?!" animatic then ripped his arms off. blood spilling out, when the transformation had started.


tony felt a bit of pain, but was too excited. HE WAS BECOMING HIS FAVORITE CHARACTER!!! :D

"OH MY GOD ITS HAPPENING!!" tony yelled in a teensy bit of pain, but mostly excitement, as his legs started becoming 2 black sticks, and his feet, 2 black spheres. he went off balance and fell, flattening his WHOLE BODY into a square. he. was. so. excited.

his clothes got shredded off of him as he became a square, and his square self was turning black, with a purple, a red, an orange, a yellow, a green and a blue square, indincating the tiers, on the side of him. his eyes stung a bit, he blinked, and now they were 2 white dots, and his mouth was a white line. "woah! My dream has came true!" he said in excitement, blood dripping down him.

 "woah! My dream has came true!" he said in excitement, blood dripping down him

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he was too happy to even notice his (🗿) just... 💣

now he was genderless, but also every gender all at once.

Tony got up, and now, came the part he was waiting for.


Tiny finally experienced new memories, but... at the same time, he forgot his most famed viewer of his channel, redlan's regretevator channel. did he even have a channel? what even is a channel?

Tieny was becoming more dull, and he finally had memories of him almost winning object fool, getting 2nd place, eh, that was a c tier time to be honest.

finally, tony was gone. but at least he was happy.

"wheres my team? oh, there they are." he said as he walked over to his team.

next: Buck-> BCB (ehehe!! 😋)

Animatic battle TFs [part 7! hope long forgotten.]Where stories live. Discover now