the recovery microwave's origin.

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victim 38.5: reena. age: 21.

reena loved cooking. alot. she would rather use a stove than a microwave anyday. little did she know, this would be her last day cooking. ever.


reena was walking to the store to get groceries to cook with, but animatic had other plans for Reena Michelle. animatic popped into existance. "HEY! its TIME!" then, without warning, he took out a... needle, and put it in her neck. the transformation began, as animatic grabbed Reena and (pop!) they went into a dark alleyway.


Reena felt her vision go blurry, and her mind go foggy. her limbs just fell off, she closed her eyes, and could not open them again.




Reena Michelle was...

GONE. dead.

her body however, was still in tact, and was changing. it became brown, and the whole body became a rectangular box. even though Recovena Microchel was dead, her... Nether regions... (🗿) became nothing. they were neither a girl or a boy, but now, an immobile object. a microwave. it now had no feelings, no emotion, no life. just like that, Reena Michelle had been replaced with the Recovery Microwave. animatic picked it up and, (pop!) off he went with the recovery microwave to the AB world.

next: banny to bouquet and Ceelo to cmc (need name ideas lol)

Animatic battle TFs [part 7! hope long forgotten.]Where stories live. Discover now