the haunted headless giggler

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victim 42: buck cray baylee. age: 37.

buck cray baylee had... a rough childhood, he never really got over it. he never talks about it, leading me, the narrorator, to not know about it. 🤷.


one day, he was out on a walk to try n get over his trauma... but... was he oh, so wrong...


he was walking, trying to rid his trauma, he came across something... IT FUCKING GRABBED HIS NECK AND... (pop!) they were both gone.


the white one was still grabbing his neck, hard, as he screamed, but all that came out was a muffled gurgle. the white one showed a picture of... his own head... but it was decapitated, and extremely png'ified... then...


his head had snapped off his body, blood spilling from his neck.


in an instant, HIS FUCKING HEAD REGAIND CONSCIOUSNESS- "Ehehe!!" buck said, but... he didnt feel like he was giggling of glee, he didnt even know why he was giggling... "ehehehe! 😨"

his head got png'ified, becoming 2d, and now, his body was totally immobile

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his head got png'ified, becoming 2d, and now, his body was totally immobile. buck was now a 2d head, png'ified, and messy parts appearing all over. "ehehehe!" he giggled in pain as the mental tf started.


budck crud boiley started forgetting his trauma, and he was remembering his team, Most.

buddck crut boley's past was slipping away fast. he tried grasping onto it, but like his other memories, it was no use... "ehehehe!" he giggled, still scared.

buddcy cut boey's giggles actually came out now normally, when he tried to speak, giggling was normal for him.

now buck cray bailey was gone. and Buddy cut boy was where he once was.

"ehehehe!" he giggled as he went over to his team.

next: tina->tea

Animatic battle TFs [part 7! hope long forgotten.]Where stories live. Discover now