Someone Like Me

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Hay, this is my first fanfic, CAUTION "you" fall off a tree and Break your shin, if your a squeamish person, you're probably want to skim past the underlined parts. Hope you like it. I suck at making paragraphs so its all just one big paragraph. Sorry if anyone seems O.O.C. I'll Update as fast as i can type. 


"Catch her! We can't let her get away" Yelled the men chasing me. "Stop her!" they kept yelling. I need to get away. i need to find a place where no one can find me. I hear a whistling behind me and make an quick left. three shuriken landed in the spot where my head was previously. I kept running , trying to loose them in this dense forest. I looked up above me as there was a rustle in the leaves. A ninja went to jump at me with a Kunai in his hand. I quickly pulled myself into a ball as a wall of condensed rock came up and blocked the ninja's path. I flicked my wrist and a ball of fire engulfed my attacker. I was running through the trees, looking fr the other ninja, when i miss stepped and fell. As i fell, a cluster of rocks began to form beneath me. Sadly it doesn't realize that on the outside, i'm still human. I fell on the rocks, Landing with my Right foot first. There was a loud snap as my leg bent in half between my knee and my ankle. I bit my lip, forcing myself not to scream, and pulled my self into a near buy bush. Dirt and rock flew around my injured leg as i waved my hand around it. The material made a cast like shell on my leg. i flicked my wrist, causing the cast to catch aflame, hardening the cast so it wouldn't be so easy to break. I rand up to the branch of a tree and hid in the leaves until i heard the ninjas leave (Haha, funny pun). I slumped down to my knees as my forehead began dripping with sweat from the pain. Just when i felt i was on the verge of passing out, a girl with fort blond pony tails landed on the branch in front of me. I stood up, best i could, and formed a ball of fire. "Woah, woah! calm down. i don't want to hurt you. I know someone who can help you with your leg" another person, a man in a full black onzie, appeared in front of the girl, almost as if on Que  "I know your probably very scared, but we don't want to hurt you. We can help you." The man said, slowly and cautiously approaching  me.  "I...Help...Pain..." I say as i drop the fire ball and fall to my rear. The two ran up to you and helped you to your feet. "Can you get the cast off your leg?" asked the blond. I waved my hand and the cast fell off. She let go of my side and went to examine my leg. The sudden loss of support caused me to loose balance and fall off the tree. Like last time, A "Cushion" of rocks appeared beneath me. i braced myself for the incoming pain, but relied i had been caught by soft sand. I looked up to see a guy with messy red hair and a gourd strapped to his back, run over to me.  The last thing that i can remember before passing out is that he picked me up and yelled to someone named Tamari and Konkuro.


Darkness was every where. I couldn't move at all, Everything was cold, I was by my self. Its not like its anything different than before. This is how i always felt, Alone. Suddenly i felt warm, and i was able to open my eyes. I shot my self upward and tried to figure out where I am. I felt extremely dizzy and almost fell back down but, the same red haired man from earlier came up and caught me from falling. "A-Are you all right?" he asked in a hoarse voice, "I'm- I'm ok, but i need to leave." I say, being slightly panicked. I went to get off the bed i was laying on, when their was a sudden shock in my right leg. I screamed in pain and held my leg. It had turned purple and was covered in dried blood. Mid way past my shin, the bone had been sticking out past the flesh. "Konkuro!" the ginger yelled, "She's awake but her leg is causing her immense pain." with in second seconds, the main in the black onzi came in with a bunch of bandages and a couple bottle of various ointments. The blond came in after him and watched as he went to touch my leg. I panicked and cured up into a ball, My familiar wall of rock surrounding me. W-What are they going to do to me? Where an I? Can i trust these people?.  There was a sudden shout from someone on thee other side of the rock."Hay!" It was the blonde. " Please calm down. We're not trying to hurt you. I'm sorry if Konkuro scared you, all he wants do do is help you with your leg. Can you please let down your rock wall?" "W-Where am I?" i asked, trying to get some answers. "Your in a hospital in the village hidden in the sand. the village is about 10km away from where we found you in the forest." said the red head. "B-but, the ninja. Their- their-" the red head cut me off and said,"The ninjas from the forest aren't going to be following you for a little while." I sat their, in my little ball, and ponders my options for a second. I slowly let down my rock wall to three faces of relief  "May you please let me see your leg? Asked the man in the black onzie, as he was still holding the medical supplies. I hesitantly extended my leg and he began to apply ointments to my leg. After that, he wrapped my leg up in a soft material. "Well that wraps the up, hahaha." said The man after sitting down. "We've haven't officaly met. My name is Konkuro. The blond is Named Tamari, and the ginger over there that saved you is Gaara." Garra's face turned pink and he adverted hiss gaze to the floor. "Whats your name?" asked Tamari. Should i tell these people my name? Will they Be scared of me? They did help me after all. I decided to tell them my name. "I'm (Y/N)." i said bracing myself for what would happen next. "Wait, You mean you're (F/N) (L/N), the girl with the elemental demon?" Konkuro asked, being quite scared. "I, Uh... yes." Oh no, They're gonna try to kill me. i shouldn't have told them my name. "Calm down Konkuro! Its not like your not used to this." said Gaara. "Yeah well you only have one demon. She has the equivlant of four demons!" Said Konkuro  Trying to prove his point. "Shut-up Konkuro " I yelled. I buried my face into my knees and wanted to leave. Gaara caught a glimpse of my face and looked over to Konkuro. "You'll Be fine." Did, did he know what it was like, going through these kind of people?"Sorry, Konkuro Just doesn't think before he speaks " said Tamari, trying to comfort me. "What did Gaara mean by 'It's not like you're not used to this.' ?" I say, creating a cast for my leg. "Well..." Tamari said seaming hesitant  "It's because I'm like you. I have the soul of a sand demon within my soul." I stared at him and got a sudden feeling  "I need to leave, Their coming." i say, standing up and heading to the door. Gaara lightly grabbed my shoulder and asked me why? I looked up into his pale eyes, they seemed to be filled with loneliness  Just like my eyes. I felt my cheeks growing hot and i adverted my gaze. "Because i cant stay in the same spot for long." I say, walking towards the door. "Look out!" yelled Tamari. I forced up a wall of rock and noticed that there was also a wall of sand. Five shuriken and three kunai hit the make shift walls. "I'm sorry, i need to leave. Thank you for helping with my leg." I say running towards the door. Suddenly two ninja appeared in-front of the door way. "(F/N) (L/N), Come with us now or face fatal measures. suddenly, a wall of sand came around Konkuro, Tamari, Gaara, and I. "Whats Going on?" Tamari asked. "How come these people keep hunting you down?" asked Konkuro, following Tamari's question. "I, It's, well" i keep saying stuttering on my words. "Are you ok?" asked Gaara, looking into my eyes. "No..." i said sitting down, not wanting to look at these people who have helped me so much. "These men are chasing me because i ran away..." i said. "Well why don't you just go back?" asked Konkuro  Tamari proceeded to smack him in the face. "Because if you would have know where i came from, You'd want to run away to.  Its not like i had a family and i decided to run away because i didn't have the newest barbie doll, Its because i was being used as a test subject." I say, still trying to advert my gaze. I could hear as the men kept trying to break down the sand Barrier. Gaara let down a small slot where his eyes were and looked at the men. "What do you want?" He asked in an angered tone."It-It's G-Gaara, RUN!" I heard the men yell. After the men ran away, Gaara dropped his sand barrier. I felt everyone's eyes staring at me. I became uncomfortable and shifted how i was sitting. Gaara came and knelled in front of me. "Now those men won't dare look for you for a day or so since they now know that your acquainted with me, We can help you with your problem. I looked up to see his pale eyes, this time they seemed kind of happy. You want to help me?" I ask, wondering if they were just joking and wanted me to leave. "Sure." Said Tamari with a happy voice. "Its not like we have anything else to loose. " Konkuro said after her. "T-Thanks everyone." I say with a warm feeling growing in my chest. Is this what happiness is? 


"Alright, the main thing we need to figure out is how the ninja always know where you are. Once that's done, the rest should be easy." Said Gaara. "Wow, I've never seen you so eager to help someone before." Konkuro said with a small chuckle. Gaara yelled at Konkuro to shut up as his cheeks turned a light pink color. "I don't know how the ninja keep following me." I say sadly, not being much help at all. "Don't worry, we'll figure something out." Said Tamari. "Sorry guys *Yawn* but i'm pretty tired. I'm heading to bed." Said Konkuro with  yawn. "Same here *Yawn* (Y/N), the room you can stay in is the second one one the right in the hallway." Said Tamari, following after Konkuro. "it is getting late, I hope you sleep well tonight (Y/N). " Gaara said as pink dusted hi cheekes. "Ok, Goodnight." I said headding to my room.


The clock falshed 2:17am, as i was sitting board on the bed i've never been able to sleep well since hte demon. I looked out the window to see it coverd in beautifull stars, I couldn't help but sit on the roof and stargaze the rest of the night. "So, I take it you can't sleep?" Said a familar voice. I jumped at the sudden suprize of Gaara's Voice. "Yeah..." I said looking over at him. There was an awkward scilence between the two of us until i decided to say something. 

"T-Thank you"

"Thank you?"

"Yeah, fot helping me in the forest and helping me with the ninjas"

"No problem" Gaara said as a grin grew on his face. He got up and came and sat next to me.

"So... Whats your favorite constellation?" he asked me. I pointed to a group of stars that were in a line. He looked at me kind of funny. "Do you know the names of the constellations " he asked. I adverted my Gaze as i didn't want him to think i was stupid. "N-No, i don't, i never learned the names of any constellations."  "Well here" Gaara said laying down on the roof. "What?" I asked slightly confused. "lie down and ill tell you the names of the constellations " he said with a grin. "O-ok" I said as i lied by his side. The constellation you like is called Orion's belt. Now the one that looks like a bent line then into a square is called the big dipper." He said, pointing into the sky. He... He's so nice. He didn't make fun of me when i didn't know the constellations, and is even telling me the names of them. I... I'm so happy that there is finally someone in this world that is nice to a monster like me. Before his eyes were filled with loneliness but now... they look so happy. "...And that group over there is called, Hay (Y/N), why are you looking at me like that?" said Gaara as his cheeks turned a rosy red color. "Its... Its because, your eyes, they look so happy." I say as i feel my cheeks going red. "Well... That's because i met you. I'm actually happy that there is someone out there other than me that knows what it like to be... to be a monster. I'm Happy that-that there is someone like me." I was shocked at his words, i felt the same way, happy that there was someone like me. "Gaara I-" i tried to say but was cut  off. "(Y/N)! LOOK OUT!" yelled Gaara as a giant sand barrier came up over the two of us. "N-n-no, they always f-find me." I say as i begin to panic. "Calm down (Y/N), we'll be ok. Gaara said looking at me, being confident. "Whats... Gaara cover your face, Don't breathe the air!" I yell as I realize that the little room is being gassed. Oh no, I breathed in some of the air, i need... i need to stay awake. The sand wall crumbled as Gaara began coughing. I felt extremely dizzy as i tried to stand. "(Y-Y/N), no..." said Gaara as the ninja began closing in on us. The last thing remember before passing out was someone picked me up and a crying and unconscious Gaara. After that, Everything became dark and cold.

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