The Thunder Storm

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Alright, I'm first up against the sound ninja. he uses the brace on his arm to create sound waves to  mess and attack his opponent. I'm going to either have to cover the brace or get rid of it all together. I began thinking of ways to defeat my opponent for the exams. i was walking across the roof tops of the buildings in the leaf village. it was past midnight and everyone was asleep. well, everyone except for me. I've never been able to sleep. Since i seem to have a very good plan of what to do with the sod ninja, i should start working on my plans for my next opponent. That would either be Konkuro or the bug man. if I'm up against Konkuro then I'm screwed but with the bug dude, i have a chance to defeat him. I looked up to see Gaara leaning up against a chimney of one of the houses, looking into the night sky. "Hi Gaara!" I said, waling up to him. "Oh! (Y/N), its you. Hows your wound doing?." Gaara said as he saw me approaching him. "Its ok," I said, sitting next to him. "I went to see a medical ninja after the second part of the exam." "Well that's good to hear." Gaara said with a smile. His smile soon faded and a sad and worried look grew on his face. "Whats wrong Gaara?" I ask, noticing his face. "Oh, its just... its just that how well you fight, we may have to go up against each other " I felt my face growing sad at the same thought I never thought about that. What am I going to do if I do have to fight him? I felt something wet touch my head and i looked up.. I saw a bunch of dark clouds and realized the weather change. "Hay Gaara, its raining." I said with a soft smile. I turned my head to look at him. "Gaara?" I asked out loud, noticing that the ginger wasn't there. "Over here" i heard his familiar voice call out. I followed his voice and found him sitting underneath a covered section of the roof. "Why did you go away?" I asked, sitting myself next to him. "Water and sand don't mix." He said, looking at his feet. "Ok'" I said. " Doesn't the sound of rain seem relaxing?" I asked him. "Yeah, it kind of does." He said as a smile grew across his face. Suddenly there was a loud booming sound and a flash of light. I shot up as fast as possible an took up a defensive position. "W-w-whats that?" I asked holding up one of my kunai  "that's thunder and lightning." He said with a small chuckle. "Whats thunder and lightning?" I asked, checking my surrounding for the source of the loud noise. Gaara's funny smile dropped into a puzzling look. "You don't know what thunder is?" he asked. A loud roar echoed wearied thought the town and a giant burst of light shot down no more that 5m away from me. I curled up pint a small ball and brought up my protective little hut of rock. (Y/N), "Are you alright " asked Gaara in a slightly worried tone. "T-t-the sound and t-t-the light. It was, it was-" I tried to say but I fear struck from the unfamiliar noise and light. "(Y/N), are you afraid of the lights and sounds?" He asked, knocking on the rock walls exterior. "It-it-its sca-" I tried to say but was interrupted by a loud shout of the bone rattling thunder. Tears began to stream down my face and I tucked in my knees and tried to stay calm. "(Y/N), please let me in." Gaara said through the wall. "I-i-I can't. if I l-let down the w-wall then the thing will come in." I said, panicked at what could be causing such noise outside. "(Y/N)," Gaara said in a calm voice, "I promise that the giant loud thing won't come in if you let the wall down." I rose a shaky hand and let a small section of the wall come loose and Gaara came in and sat next to me. HE waved his hand and a small cloud of sand patched up his former entry way into the rock shelter. He wrapped his arm around me and began speaking in a soothing voice. "Don't worry (Y/N), nothings going to happen to you. Thunder is just a sound and lightning is just light from the clouds, its not going to hurt you." I found his voice calming and didn't jump as much when the next roar of thunder came. "There is a story on how thunder and lighting came to be," He said in his soft voice. "Its about a Tiger and a snake..."

Long ago when only animals ruled the lands, they all worked hard, Keeping the lands looking nice and other things that animals do. On one day, there was a lazy day and every animal just lied around, lounging in the sun, and sleeping. Now, there was a snake and a tiger who both wanted to do something, other than lying around, on there break day. The two creatures brainstormed ideas, trying to combine things that they liked to do so they could do something together that they would both enjoy. While the Tiger liked to run around, the snake liked to fight. they had combined the two together to create a game where one animal would run and the other would chase it. once they caught up to each other, they would fight. They played this game for hours, enjoying themselves when they both had a brilliant idea. they wanted to show everyone there cool new and fun game. So the tiger and the snake climbed there way up to the clouds and began to play. The tiger would run so fast and roar so loud when he was caught, that winds began to blow tremendously and loud thunderous noises would appear  the snake would strike the tiger so hard that there would be a burst of light. some say that the two are still up there, waiting for the world to become boring so they can show everyone how to have fun.

I looked into Gaara's eyes and saw that they were filled with happiness once again. we stared at each other for what seemed to be forever when he moved his face closer to mine.  He wrapped his other arm around me and pressed his lips to mine. I felt my face turn red as he looked at me again. "(Y-Y/N), I kind of like you and i don't ever want to see you get taken away ever again. Your someone like me. I-I'm going to stay buy your side fro now on and protect you from any harm. I...I love you..." I watched as his face turned a bright red color and felt warm inside, like I had found true happiness. Gaara, you're the first person who's ever cared for me. I think I love you to. That bight the rain stopped and i spent the rest of the night exploring the rooftops of the other houses, hand in hand.


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