The Preliminary Exam

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The more Gumo punched me, The more blood i coughed up. They were punching so fast, faster than i could protect myself. Every time i tried to stop them with a fire ball, they'd punch me hard, causing me to drop the fire. I saw as Gumo raised his hand, this time with blood thirst in his eyes. I braced myself for the on coming blow but opened my eyes when i heard Gumo yell out, "What the-". I looked up to see that his arm was wrapped in sand. A familiar hoarse voice yelled "Sand coffin" and Gumo began to scream. Akira, who was holding me in place to be used as Gumo's Punching bag, yelled out "Your not getting her this time!" Before anyone had any time to react, i suddenly felt something hard and cold flash through my stomach. "(Y/N)!" I heard Tamari yell out. "You... You hurt (Y/N)," I heard Gaara said in a hurt voice. His expression quickly changed. "Now you'll pay!" he yelled. i felt sand running behind me to my team mate who was still holding me. He let go and i began to fall forward. There was a soft cushion of sand beneath me and i heard Gaara yell "Sand Burial!" Akira's muffled screams were replaced with a loud crunch noise. I tried to stand up but felt extremely dizzy. i fell to my hands and knees, but was suddenly struck with the pain. I held my stomach and almost screamed in pain when i felt someone hold me. "I-Its gonna be ok, Your gonna be ok..." Said Gaara softly  with a quiver in his voice. Does... Does he care about me... Is it even possible for someone to care about me. "We need to lie her down on her back and apply pressure to her stomach to stop the bleeding." I heard Konkuro say. The warm arms that were holding me, put me down gently on the ground. "Here" Tamari said, holding some type of cloth to my stomach. I winced with the sudden pain and felt tiered. "(Y-Y/N), you have to stay awake, (Y/N) stay awake!" i heard Gaara say in a panicked voice. Why does he sound so far away? Everything began feeling distant as i fell into my familiar darkness. The darkness is always so cold, and barren. Wait... is that a light? It feels so warm. I reached out to touch the warmth and found my self opening my eyes. I looked up into his face and met his gaze. "Y-Your alive!" he said while engulfing me into a warm hug. "I... Where..." i say, trying to figure out my surroundings. "Your safe, and you'll always be safe when i'm with you. I'll never let anything hurt you again." He said with a final hug. I felt my eyes weld up with tears when i had realized something, someone actually cared about me. "Here." He said, helping me up to my feet. "Thank goodness I know what i'm doing." Konkuro said with a smile. I looked round and saw Gumo on the ground in pain. "I-I, G-Gumo!" i stuttered, scared he might hurt me again. Don't worry, Gaara broke his arm so he wont hurt you again." Tamari said with a smile. Oh No! "We're still in the Chunin exams!" I said, quite panicked, looking over at Akira's remains. "That's why we didn't kill Gumo. You can still finish the exam with 1 other team-member." Konkuro said with a grin. "Now lets help you and your teammate get to the temple." Gaara said, standing right by my side helping me walk. Tamari and Konkuro were behind us carrying the unconscious Gumo.


"Wow, There are a lot more of you here than i expected to see." Said a familiar ninja, the same one who introduced us into the 2nd part of the exam. The third Hokage of the leaf village had appeared and began talking to us. "Since there are so many of you, we are going to be having a preliminary exam. Two of you will be picked t random to fight each other. the winner of the two will proceed to the 3rd part of the exam. Does anyone here want to opt out of the exam? If you do, you will not proceed to the 3rd part of the exam and and will have to wait until next year to take the exam. A wight haired ninja, with a purple outfit, Rose his hand, Gave a crappy excuse on how he was tired and didn't think the fight would be even. He proceeded to leave the room as the first two ninja's names appeared on the Board. I was the last one to be called up to fight. "Alright, Gumo Tsubaski and (F/N) (L/N), please come down to the arena " I stood there, slightly nervous, staring at my injured teammate. "Begin!" shouted the Jonien in charge. I ducked swiftly as Gumo tried to punch with his uninjured arm. I twisted my self so I was under his good arm and quickly engulfed it in a heavy rock cast. I Jumped back and hurled a fire ball at him. The flame hit and he screamed from the intense heat. "Stop. The winner of the match is (F/N) (L/N). Will the next two ninja please come down." said the Jonien as medical ninja came in and got Gumo. I walked up to the side lines and noticed that everyone was staring at me. I Quickly made my way to a bench and tried to ignore all the eyeballs gazing at me with a mixture of fear and anger. "Good job (Y/N)!" said Tamari as she walked up to me and sat next to me on the bench. "To tel the truth, i was slightly worried that the guy might pull a wild card." Said Konkoru with a nervous laugh. "I'm happy to see that your not hurt." Said Gaara with a nice smile. "Y-Your a monster! Just like Gaara!" yelled the yellow, spiky haired ninja with an accusing voice. "How could you do something like that to your own teammates!" I sank in the chair, trying to hide from the people who reminded me of everyone else in the world. I looked up to see Konkuro grabbing Gaara's arm and telling him to calm down. "Will all the winning Gennien please come down to the arena " Said the Hokage. We all walked down there and he began to explain why he had called us down. You will all be drawing numbers to figure out who you will be fighting for the final part of the exam." The female ninja came around with a box with small slips of paper. Number 10. A male ninja asked us for our numbers then showed us a chart of who would be fighting who. "Now, you all have 30 days to learn some new tricks for the final exam. Go and train!"

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