Suspenseful Ending

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Gaara's P.O.V.

I had walked into the familiar doors of the E.R. visiting (Y/N). Tamari and Konkuro had come along with me this time. They had brought flowers and a get well card. I walked up to the desk to see an unusually chipper nurse standing there. "Hello there Gaara." She said like a giddy school girl. "Hello, I'm here to see (F/N) (L/N)." i said plainly  "No need!" The nurse had said, almost jumping out of her shoes with excitement  I stared at her confused and Tamari was somehow able to put my expression into words. "What do you mean?" The nurse grew a slight look of confusion came across her face but then she wen't back to her chipper self. "Because she woke up yesterday and checked out of the hospital!" Tamari and Konkuro seemed over eccentric, sharing there excitement with me, but then i realized the second part of the nurse's sentience. "Who checked her out yesterday?" (I'm sure there is someone out there in the world they would willingly check you out because I am 100% Positive that you are beautiful in someone's eyes ;D) "Someone by the name of Ackatrain Ninsubre. He said that (Y/N) Had talked to you a lot about him and that you would be happy to know that he came to pick up (Y/N)." The nurse had said, scanning my face for any sign of excitement, but I had become the complete opposite. "Ackatrain was the name of the person she was saying in her nightmare yesterday" Konkuro said. The nurse's face grew a ghostly wight at the statement. "DAMINT!" I yell, kicking the desk. The nurse shuttered and hid behind her chair. "Wait, maybe her team mate know who this guy is and where he might have taken (Y/N)." Said Konkuro  refilling the room with hope. "Is there a Gumo Tsubaki here?" Tamari asked the cowering nurse. She flipped through a stack of papers then began walking down a hallway. "He's in room 124 A."

Your P.O.V.

 I was lying down on the cold damp floor of the dark cell. How long had i been here? was it hours, or a day? A day or a week? There was a small creak as the cell door oppened. I tried to remain still, in hopes that my captitator would think that i was asleep. "Get up (Y/N), I know you're not asleep. Ackitrain is allredy mad at you so there is no need to make things worse." I had one og those 'hug yourself' jackests on and mu feet were put in small shoes and bound together. The man had walked in and dragged me out by me feet. The back of the jacked had been pulled up from the friction of the ground, causing my bare back to come in contact with the gravely floor. I was dragged for 20 minutes until the man had grasped my sides and had thrown me onto an examination table. "How do you like your new jacket and matching shoes (Y/N)? They were made especial for you so you cant use your demon." Said that familiar, bone chilling voice. Ackatrain pulled out a knife and had begin talking like her was talking to along lost friend, not a prisoner  "There is no need to play the big hero (Y/N), there is no on here to impress. Now, I already gave you a warning earlier, when you had ran away  and made 'Friends', nit I'm the kind of person who doesn't believe in a third chance." He held the knife close to my throat where he scar of the shireken was. "W-What are you going to do to me?" I ask, trying to stall the time to my death. "Glad you asked," Said Ackatrain in a happy voice. "I'm going to strip the demon from your soul to create a more... Obedient subject. The first par of those process id to weaken you to your core then slowly kill you." I began to shake as Ackatrain had leaned in close to my ear. "First I'm gonna starve you for a day, to give you friends enough time to get here, then have you torcher them to the brink of death, then use them to kill you." He pulled away from my ear and clapped his hands together. Alright  lets begin the first part of your 'treatment'." I was lifted up off the ground and throne back into the cold damp cell. The impact with the ground caused several of my old wounds to re-open. I rolled myself over onto mu back and tried to blink away tears of pain. There coming. Why did i have to make friends. If i would have just listened to Ackatrain, Gaara's face came into my mind. The he wouldn't get hurt. The tears had found there ways out of my eyes and began falling down my face at rapid speeds.

"Up and at 'em sweet heart." Said Ackatrain  picking me up and dragging me back out to the man room. I was laced an the same examination table, but this time my fingers had been taped together and my arms and legs were strapped to the table. "First up on our menu  it to slowly drain you." He help up a knife that looked similar to that of a butter knife. "Chop chop goes the knife, time for you to loose your life." He quickly ran the knife down my arms and legs, making a dark red line appear on my arm as my warm blood began running down my limbs. I screamed out in pain but had slowly stiffelled it into sobs. I felt something grainy wrap against my feet and Ackatrain began to laugh. "IF you tell them about my plan," Ackatrain said next to my ear. "The next slit will be on your throat. I swallowed hard as i heard the familiar trio run in. "Its a Tra-!" I went to yell but felt my head go dizzy. my throat felt warm, like someone had been poring water down my neck. There was a giant burst of wind that had pushed everything, including me and the table i was on, forward with tremendous force. Before i came in contact with something, i was cushioned in a giant blanket of sand. I suddenly felt tired but struggled to stay awake. Ackatrain had a sly smile on as he pulled himself up to his feet. Before he knew it, Konkuro's puppet has came around and was in an intense battle with him. There was footsteps behind me and soon the familiar red head's face came into View. "(Y/N)!" Gaara had shouted, Taking off A giant cloth that was wrapped around him. He held it, ever so dellicatlley, to my neck as he and Tamari began undoing the straps. Gaara's warm arms soon engulfed me as i was picked up off the ground. He nodded to Konkuro and Tamari as they both ran behind him. "Sand burial!" Gaara's hoarse voice yelled out. There was a loud crunch and soon the sand had turned red.  "I love you..." I whispered to Gaara A soft smile grew across my face. My tiredness had engulfed my mind and I had welcomed it.

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