Gaara's Point of View

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"I'm, I'm so sorry (Y/N)..." I whisper as a warm tear streaks down my face. I look at her. Her still body lying down on the hospital bed. All covered in bandages as they were still slowly leaking blood. I'm so sorry. I lean over the hospital bed and slowly reach my arm forward, Holding her hand in mine. Its so cold. "I wanted to protect you... but i was the one who hurt You... I'm so sorry..." There was soft footsteps behind me then came Tamari's concerned voice. "Gaara, Its not your fault." She said, moving her hand onto my shoulder. The sand had come up and prevented her hand from touching me. I didn't want to be touched. I didn't want to be told it wasn't my fault. I just wanted her to be back. I wanted her to be ok. "It's obviousley my fault, if it wasnt for me she would have been fine. If she never met me, she would be able to walk and move and-" I began to say as more tars meat with my eyes. Konkrou walked in and cut me off. "If it wasn't for you then she would have been attacked by her own comrads and even killed by them." I just stared at (Y/N) not knowing what to say to Konkerou. I sat down in a chair next to the still body on the hospital bed and recalled the day's events.

I was Lyon on the ground, facing Naruto. I watched him I terror as he became crawling, inch by inch, towards me. "W-what makes you so strong?" I ask him, hoping to learn where he had gained this mass amount of strength. "It because I have people I care about. People that I would die forPeople that I love." He said. "No wonder your so weak, you only care about yourself." He staitted, staring at me with disgust. At that moment, (Y/N)'s face had found itsel are front of my mind. How when we first met and were stargazing, and how she had became so happy when we saw her in the chuneen exams. Her smiling face as what made me reply back to Naruto's comment. "I do have someone I care about, deeply." I feel my checks begin to warm up as Naruto asks who it is. "It's (F/N) (L-N)." Within seconds of retrieving the reply, Naruto became furious. "YOU, YOU HORIBLE PERSON. YOU ARE A LIAR. IF YOU TRULEY CARED FOR (Y/N) YOU WOULDN'T HAVE TRIED TO KILL HER!"
The last two words hit me like a bowling ball to the chest "k...kill her..." I restate, my throat growing dry a my eyes begin to tear up. "What, do you not rember. After your fight with sauske, she tried to stop you bet here time she tried you swatted her away like a pest! Eventually she stopped coming to stop you, God knows what happens to her! If that's how you show affection, then you have a sick, twisted mind!" A tear streaked down my face as the words finally sank in "(Y/N)!" I screamed, more tears rolling off my face. I forced myself to stand, even though I was week. I have to find her. "N-No... (Y-Y/N)! I scream again, searching every where for her. I found a giant form of rock, jaggedly sticking out of the ground when the disturbing image came. When we had first met (Y/N), she was being chased by ninjas and when she tripped on a branch, the same cluster of rocks appeared below her, causing her to brake her leg. "(Y/N)!" I yell and begin crawling to the top of the mound. At the top I was greeted with a motionless (Y/N), her arms and legs sprawled out in an impossible position. "Oh (Y/N)... I whisper as I hold the delicate glass girl ion my arms. Scars, fresh and old, litter her porcupine skin only to be topped with a fresh robin of crimson blood. "(Y-" I whimper her name but can't finish it. I placed my ear to my chest. A small sigh of relief came as I realized that she was still breathing but a bigger wave of panic came when I realized that the was just barley breathing. "Help!" I screeched, hoping that someone might see past my mask of a monster to see a poor child, wishing for his love to come back. "Please... Someone help..." I say in a whimper as I put my forhead to (Y/N)'s. Almost as if on que, Tamari and Konkrou had come. "Gaara! Are you- oh no. (Y-Y/N)" said Konkrou, his tone changing immediately. "We have to get you both to a hospital!" Said Tamari, leaning over to pick up (Y/N). She reached for (Y/N)'s hand, but I wouldn't let go of her. I had done this to her and the last thing that I wanted was for he to leave and I never be able to see her again. Tamari, seeming to understand, stupid up and helped me to my feet, with (Y/N) in my arms.

I looked over at (Y/N), and noticed that she had begin moving and twitching. "(Y/N), are you ok?" I asked hoping for a reply. She didn't answer. "She's having a night mare. That's the 7th time since you braught her in yesterday." Said a nurse who had came in to the room. "Ak-Akitrain... N-No..." (Y/N) stutters while tossing around I the light bed sheet of the hospital bed. Her jerkey movements slowly subsided and Ashe went back to being the sill, lifeless body in the E.R. Bed. Who Ackitrain and why is he in you night mares. Oh (Y/N), I'm so sorry. The visiting hours ended soon so I had to go home. That night, I had actually fallen asleep, but the dream was word than reality. 8 agonizing hours of Naruto's voice rang through my ears as scenes of how I had killed (Y/N) had flown through my mind. 8 agonizing hours of toucher to the one that I love, in the worst ways possible.

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