The Chunin Exams

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"My name's Naruto Uzamaki and I'm going to become hokage, Belive it!" yelled this ferocious little kid with yellow spiky hair. "That kid sure is full of himself." said Akira, my teammate. "I'm probably gonna die laughing if he bombs the firs part of the exams." Said my other teammate, Gumo. "Remember what Ackatrain said. If none of us become Chunin, then were all dead." said Akira with a deathly tone. I nodded my head signaling that i understood. All around the room, there was 28 groups of ninja, including my group. that makes 84 ninjas in total. A Jonien appeared and told us all to go to a different room so we could begin the exams. We entered the room and were assigned seats. A man stood at the front of the room and began telling us about the exam. I took a quick scan around the room to figure out where my teammates were. Is that... but it can't be. I quickly switched my gaze to the man in front and continued paying attention. "You will have 2 points taken of each time you're caught cheating. once you get 10 points off then you and your teammates will be kicked out of the exams. I will not be giving out the 10th question until the last final minutes of the exam. Begin!" said the man in front. I tapped my desk and there became a soft spot on Akira and Gumo"s desk. They both causally moved there hand over the spot and continued looking at the test. I taped on the desk some more, this time i said "Check" in morose code. Gumo cracked His Knuckles and Akira started spinning his pencil between his forefinger and thumb, both signaling that our code system worked.. I looked at my test and began answering the questions. Every time i answered one, i would send the answers to my team mates. I felt something grainy on y leg, i looked down to see that it was sand. I leaned over to wipe it off my foot when one of thee Jonien from around the room stood up and said "What do you think you're doing?" Calmly and collectively  i took off my shoe and emptied the sand from it onto my desk. i then proceeded to wipe the sand off my desk and my leg. The Ninja stared at me the returned back to his seat. I took a deep breath once I was in the clear. I finished up the last question, sent it to my teammates, and waited for the man to give us our final question. The man began talking about the question. the more he described it, the harder it sounded. I stuck in there though and was ready to answer it when he had just suddenly said that we had all passed  I stared at him, being quite confused, until i realized that the pressure about the 10th question was infect the 10th question. As the man began explaing that to the rest of the ninjas, a girl ninja appeared out of nowhere and yelled "Time for the 2nd part of the exam!"


"Here is your scroll. You now need to find the opposite scroll." Said a ninja with spiky Wight hair and a mask covering most his face. He handed an Earth scroll and we left the booth. "Judging by the way they have us grouped and how there handing out the scrolls, we're going to be let into the jungle in a pattern of Heaven, Earth, Heaven, Earth, and so on" Said Akira. we walked to out entry gate to the forest and waited for the same wight hared ninja to give us the signal." Aaaannndd... NOW!" he said looking at his watch. Me and my teammates ran into the forest at high speeds and began turning to the right. Gumo stopped on a tree branch and raised his hand. Akira and I both stopped and waited. I jerked my elbow upward and the tree branch that Gumo was on backed up. three Kunai came flying into Gumo's previously owned spot. All three of us jumped down to the ground and prepared ourselves for battle. I saw our opponents  they were three male ninja from the village of leaves. One was fast, one had deadly accuracy and the other was good at genjutsu. I created a distraction with a water dragon as Akira took out the jutsu master and Gumo took out the man with good aim. All that is left is the fast one, but where could he be? I sat down on the ground and focused on the man. Someone is running fast North East of here...they took a sharp left and... NOW! I stood up and stuck my foot out t incredible speeds. The ninja ran right into my foot and fell onto the ground. I leaned over and picked up the heaven scroll strapped to his side and headed to the temple with my Teammates.

TIME SKIP: This part becomes a real tear jerker

"It looks to be getting dark, and i'm tired so (Y/N), set up camp here for us and keep watch" said Akira, sitting next to a tree. I kicked the ground and twisted my arm as three stone walls and a ceiling of leafs appeared over Akira and Gumo's Head. "Aren't you forgetting something?" Gumo asked with a menacing tone. I snapped my finger as a small fire appeared inside the hut. "Good, now keep watch. And remember, it would be quite a shame if we woke up." Said Akira with an Evil grin.I sat down, facing my back to the make shift hut and started watching my surroundings  I looked up to see that the sky had become so beautiful with all its stars. My heart began to ache as i began remembering the names of the constellations. Big dipper, little dipper, Orion's belt, north star... There was a rustle in the leafs in front of me and i stood up in a fighting stance. Slowly, a man with choppy red hair and a gourd came out of the bushes. "(Y/N)..." He said and began walking faster to me. I dropped my defenses an my hands began to shake as i remembered those pain filled pale eyes. "It's... It's really you." Gaara said as he engulfed me into a hug. Tears began to stream down my face once i realized that i was reunited with my only friends in this world. "Y-Your alive. What happen to you?" Asked Tamari, who seemed happy and worried. I froze for a second and then answered their question "I-I was brought back to my village" I say hesitantly. the first words I've spoken in 2 years. "Are you alright? Gaara asked, Softly holding my shoulders. "I'm-I'm Fine." I told him, looking up into his pale eyes. This time they were filled with joy. I panicked as I heard Akira and Gumo waking up. "You need to leave" I say to my friends. I twisted my foot and waved my hand as the ground they were standing on shot back wards into the forest. I quickly sat down and resumed my spot of keeping watch as Gumo and Akira came out of the tent. "Correct me if i'm wrong, but did i just hear you talking?" Said Akira with a hint of a smile on his face. I turned my head left and right, signaling that i wasn't talking. "I think little (Y/N) here is lying Akira, what do you think we should do?" Said Gumo with the same smile on his face. "Lets teach you a lesson" Akira said with a deathly glare in his eyes.

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