The Final Exam

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Hay, sorry for the late update. I'm writing a script for a manga idea i had. The song has nothing to do with the story, I just like the song XD


"Hello everyone and welcome to the final round of the chunien exams!" Said the referee. I stood nervously at the sidelines, waiting for the matches to begin. It wasn't to long before i realized that the Uchiaha kid wasn't there. I soon began pondering Gaara's words, wondering i we were going to have to fight each other  I was looking around the arena when i realized that the group of younger kids, participating to be chunien, were all string at me. I walked over to the wall and began thinking about my game plan  I was so wrapped up in my thoughts that i almost missed my fight. "C'mon (Y/N), its your turn to fight." Gaara said pulling me up off the ground. "Oh, thanks Gaara." I looked up into his pale eyes to see to see that he seemed kind of distracted. "Are you ok?" I asked him "Y-yeah, I'm fine. Just... god luck with your fight." I smile grey on his face as I gave him a hug then heeded to the arena  I stared at the ninja, His eyes filled with the excitement of a wolf seeing an easy kill. "How about you save your pretty little face and just quit now so you don't get hurt. He said. I couldn't see his face from all the bandages but i could tell his face grew a sly smile. "How bout naw" i said, preparing myself to grab my kunai. The proctor yelled begin and i quickly turned my back to my opponent  "Hay everyone," I yelled out to the crowed. "You may want to cover your ears, this dude has this boring move where he makes a loud ringing noise." The sound ninja fell for my trick, trying to attack me when he taught i let my guard down. He swung to make a punch and i ducked, bracing myself for the noise from his metal sleeve. It took a few seconds before the sound hit. I sounded like nails on a chalk board put through a megaphone to amplify the sound. I bared through the sound as I went forward and twisted my hand. I giant ball of rock came up and engulfed the metal piece of the sound ninja's arm. The weight of the rock caused him to fall forward and i used that momentum to fling him across the area. Be for he hit the wall I twisted my hand and turned my foot and a giant ball of flames engulfed the ninja. The flames subsided and there was a small poof. In the place of the ninja was a log. "A clo-" I tried to say but was hit with and ear piercing noise that forced me to my hands and knees. I began shaking and a familiar voice echoed out across the arena  "Some little birdie told me that you're scared of thunder." He said with a sly smile. I froze with fear as he slammed his hand across the metal brace on his arm. I crumpled into a ball and tried to fight the tears of fear from burning down my face. The sound ninja jumped down from his place on the tree and slowly began walking towards me. I looked up to see the crowed surrounding the arena  roaring with laughter. I froze and thought for a second. I willed myself to stand up and jump into a near by tree to calm down. I took a deep breath and quietly peered around the leaves of the tree to look at my opponent. "Seems the birdie wasn't lying. *Small chuckle  It wont be long now before I bring you back for a hefty price." He said, walking around the base of a tree. I sat for a second to create another game plan. I swiftly jumped down from my place on the tree "EARTH STYLE!" I yelled, hitting my opponent with a giant fist of rock, then jumping into another tree. i turned to look at him and jumped down at him again  Without hesitating, I knocked hi feet out from under him,  needed him in the face,  and elbowed him with such force, he he went flying into the ground. He lied there in the ground, not moving. Not breathing. The referee came by, nudged the ninja's arm, then proceeded to yell out to the crowd  "The winner of this match is (F/N) (L/N)."  The crowed went wild as I flopped down onto the ground and took in a quivering breath. I looked up to the sky and a small smile crawled across my lips. "(Y/N)" I hear someone yell from the crowed. "Get up so the next round can begin!" I slowly got up and walked my way up to the waiting area  As I walked up the steps to the waiting section, I was suddenly staring face to face with with a kid with spiky black hair and a wight coat that came up to his nose. I stood there for a few seconds before walking around the kid. Realizing that i had won the previous match, I wanted to figure out who i would be fighting on the next round. "Konkuro" I yelled out to the man in the black onzie, over looking the arena  "I didn't catch your battle. Who won?" Konkuro turned around with a small defeated smile, "Bug dude won. Careful when fighting him." I took a small sigh, happy that i didn't have to fight my friends, and looked at the battle that was currently taking place. It was Tamari verses some ninja who was using a shadow styled jutsu. The fight was going bad, the ninja almost won but all of a sudden he stopped and gave up. Tamari then won thee battle and it was time for me to fight again. "Next round is (F/N) (L/N) and Shino Aburame." Yelled the referee I held my head high as i walked back down the steps to the arena but my courage began  to waver once I got a look at the kid's face. There was a small shiver down my spine as the referee yelled begin. "It would bee a good idea if you were to quit now. I haven't fought yet and you just fought a match. I've scene your attacks all ready and you haven't got the slightest clue of my attacks. The odds are extreemley in my favor." He said. I felt something moving in the earth. His bugs! His bugs are digging in the ground. I jumped up and created a small stone pillar. I turned my foot as the ground below me harden  The kid had a suprized look on his face and he looked at the ground. "Have fun there Bug boy. Most your bugs are probably dead now. Having fun yet?" I asked with a cocky grin. I snapped my fingers and turned my wrist and four very tall walls came up around the kid. "Hold up for a second here, OK?" i said. I leaned back to the side of the rock and sneezed. "Alright. Time to die." I held both my hands out in front of me and slowly began to turn my hands palms facing up. The closer my palm came to facing up, the hotter the fire grew inside the little chimney with the kid in it. After a few seconds the referee called the match out and I let the kid go. I let out a heavy sigh and returned to the side lines. "Good job (Y/N)" Said Tamari as i began walking up the steps. "Thanks" I replied I looked over to Gaara who was sitting against the wall. He had a small frown on his face but the referee Had yelled out "The time has come. Now is the time verses Sauske Uchiaha and Gaara of the sand." He bobbed his head up to the field and began walking down the stairs, not looking to anyone. "Good luck Gaara" I said as he passed me. H didn't look up or even acknowledge me. But swear he whispered a despaired sorry. That's when I realized thing were about to become very, very bad.

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