Happy Ending

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Gaara's P.O.V.

"i'm here to see (F/N) (L/N)." I say to the nurse. She leads me down the familiar hallway. She  the 3rd door on the right and there is (Y/N). Still wrapped up in bloodied bandages and motionless. I sit myself in the the chair right beside her bed and just watch her. The steady rise and fall of her chest, her shallow breathing. Every time i come here, I feel happy that (Y/N) Is alive but then crushed because if it weren't for me, she wouldn't be here. "I'm so sorry..." I repeat the the familiar words, hoping for a reply. Her finger twitched but then became still again. I reach out and touch her hand. It's as cold as Ice. I hold her hand in mine, trying to warm the limp mass of mussel. She twitched and her hands began to ball up. A nurse walked into the room to taker (Y/N)'s vitals, but then saw how (Y/N) was moving. "The poor child," The nurse said as she began grabbing new bandages. "That's the 3rd nightmare she's had today." Night mare? Is (Y/N) that scared of someone in her dreams? I watched as (Y/N) Kept twitching. "A-Ackitra-train... S-stop..." (Y/N) Said, a bit louder than she had yesterday. I stared at her with some confusion as she began to shake and twitch more and more. "She shouldn't be moving this much, even if she is having a nightmare. I need to go get a doctor." The nurse said running out of the room. I began to fill with fear and panic, not knowing what to do. I stayed by(Y/N)'s side and watched as she kept jerking and twitching. "Ac-Ackatrain!" She yelled as she shot up. I leaned over and held the precious (Y/N) In my arms as she regained her consciousnesses. Her breathing was ragged and she wouldn't stop breathing. "G-Gaara... Where... Why..." (Y/N) said before she had cringed and held her stomach. "Don't worry (Y/N). Just calm down." I said as i slowly leaned her back onto the pillows of the E.R.'s bed. "I'll be right back, I need to find a doctor for you (Y/N)." I say to her. Before i could leave her side, she reached her hand up to mine and held it weekly. ""P-Please don't go." She had said weekly  i froze in her words. She didn't want me to leave. Even though i had caused her all this pain, she didn't want me to go. "But (Y/N). I was the one-" I began to say but she had interrupted  "I-It's not your fault Gaara." Tears began welding up in my eyes as a sat down next to her. The doctors came in and had tried to shoe me out of the room, but i wouldn't move. I had stayed in the room, right next to (Y/N)'s side the entire time. I had planed to never leave her or harm her again.

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