Flash Back to the Past

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Hey there, there is no correlation between what ever Anime this is from and here. I just chose this picture because he looks the most like how i imaged Ackatrain in my head. Sorry this chapter is so short compared to the others.


I tried to lay as still as possible while slowly opening my eyes to try and figure out where i am as quietly as possible. No... Not here... It can't be. I began Screaming and shaking as hard as i could to get the restraints off my arms and legs. "Oh (Y/N), why are you screaming? I thought you would like it if i were to return you to your old home." Said the familiar bone chilling voice of my nightmares. "A-Ackatrain, let me out!" I yelled, knowing that it wouldn't work. He stared at me with his mercy-less eyes and began to chuckle. "Now now, why would i do such a silly thing like that. Learn your manners and stop screaming, or this time I'm not going to give you any pain killers." He grabbed a small syringe and some shurikens. I still kept on screaming until a shuriken grazed the left side of my neck. "That was a warning shot. now shut up or else i'm going to rip out your vocal cords. Ackatrain said angrily. I stopped screaming, in fear for my life as Ackatrain came close to me with the syringe. "I-I wouldn't do that if i were you. I-I have friends that will come and help me." I say, remembering Gaara's face. "Oh (Y/N), you never do stop believing in fairy tales, Do you?" Ackatrain said over dramatically i stared at him slightly confused. "You think you 'Hero in shining armor' is going to come to your rescue? you've just met the ginger and now you think your friends? Sweetey, FAIRY TALES AREN'T REAL!" Ackatrain yelled. I felt a part of my heart drop as he yelled those words. Now once you wake up into reality you will have two new teammates, Gumo and Akira, all three of you are going to train to be Jonien and you my pretty, are going to be my special weapon." Ackatrain said with an Evil grin.

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