1. It's just one sided

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   Hello guys this my first ever story on wattpad ,so please like it and tell me how it is.now let's start the story .


      As I sit here in my first class seat with my legs crossed enjoying the view In front of my eyes,  I suddenly can't stop thinking about him.


     Why does this always happen, whenever I think about him, I can't help but think more...ahh!, it's been years now ,but still this stupid heart can't get over him.

  " Why doesn't it except the fact that it was just one sided.."

   " it hurts when you have someone in your heart but not in your arms."

   And like always thinking about him ,I drifted in my dreamland waiting for the plane to land . Soon I was wide awake due to the announcement, " the plane's gonna land soon."

  A loud sigh left my mouth , I was finally going to meet my family and friends, I'm  very much excited. Soon the plane landed and everyone rushed outside ,some people were happy like me to finally meet their loved ones ,some were here for traveling, there were a quite lot of people but my eyes were searching for a particular figure Until I heard his voice.

  " yn!", he called out loud .

    I turned my head only to see him waving at me smiling widely, my heart melted at the sight, I  quickly went towards him.

  "Dad", I called out as I hugged him tightly ," oh ,I missed you so much my girl ", he said ," I missed you too ", I said finally releasing from his grip ," let's go ", he said and we sat in the car and drove towards home.

   " so this is our new house ", I said 
   Yes we bought a new house because my father is now very rich  and a successful business man ,he is on top 2,first we were not so successful at the time when I was in high school cause he just started the company at that time, and that is also one reason why I was bullied in school ,cause I was not that rich ,I came out of my thoughts when my mom came out of the blue and hugged me tightly, oh I missed her so much.

   " oh, yn how are you ? Are you fine? Did you eat well?, now before she could ask more ,I quickly answered ," yes mom I'm totally fit and fine,and I missed you so much", I said while hugging her ," let's go inside or you wanna stay outside ", my dad said and we went inside.

    We went inside and all my things were shifted in my room ,I went in and had shower ,and then I received a call .

  " helloooo! You came home ,how are you?", she screamed on the call almost ripping my eardrums ," yeah I'm fine ,would you stop screaming ", i said ," oh sorry ,btw let's meet In xxx restaurant for dinner me and Nicole will be there ,so we are meeting right?", she said," yeah let's meet ", I said without hesitation and then ended the call and I went downstairs.

   As soon as I reached I saw my mom and dad discussing about something, I went towards them," what are you'll talking about?", I asked them and they smiled at me In return and said ," we want to talk to you about something important, let's go to a restaurant for dinner and we will talk there only ", my Mom said ," ahh!,  can't we go tomorrow, cause today I'm going g with my friends, so can we?", I asked them with pleading eyes ," ok we will go tomorrow, today you go and enjoy with your friends ", my dad said while making me sit on the couch as I was standing from long time ,and then we started talking  about my life in London and some random things,  and then soon it was time for me to get ready for dinner , so I excused myself and went in my room to get ready .

  " finally I'll meet my friends after 4 years ".

   That was the first chapter , please vote and comment if you like it and I'll try to write the story as fast as possible ,so please be wait guys and stay turned for next part , I'll post the next part tomorrow 😊  . Thank-you for choosing this story.

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