17.The Party

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Yn's pov.

I am getting ready for the party ,I am very nervous, I was going to cancel my plan to go to the party but nicole & Emma forced me ,don't know why, but they behaved very weird ,anyways they are weird already.

I got ready , Emma bought this dress for me ,I don't know why she suddenly bought a dress,but still it's very beautiful
,I went down and waited for jk as he said he will pick me up ,I really wanted to decline ,but he requested me ,so I said yes.

Yn's outfit

"Woah!,my daughter is looking so beautiful ", my Mom said and I blushed

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"Woah!,my daughter is looking so beautiful ", my Mom said and I blushed .

Suddenly I heard a horn voice so I went out and saw the man in front of me and I kept staring at the person and he did the same, I couldn't take my eyes off him ,he looks damn handsome, I swear whenever I look at him ,our kiss scene comes in front of my eyes.

Jk's outfit

I broke the eye contact by sudden realisation that he's already taken by someone else

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I broke the eye contact by sudden realisation that he's already taken by someone else.

I went towards him," shall we go?", I asked him ," yes , btw you look beautiful ", he said out of blue and i blushed so hard and I tried to hide it ,but failed miserably, " don't need to hide your face", he said and we sat in the car.

I didn't dared to say anything, I thought it would be better to stay quite ,and he did the same. Soon we reached.

We entered the hall ,it was very big and decorated very beautifully, it was grand .I followed jk wherever he went cause I didn't knew anyone here .

We met a few business and greeted them .

" oh ! Mr.jeon thankyou for coming to my party ", Mr. Han came and greeted jk and he did the same ,and even I greeted Mr.han ," please enjoy the party and get ready to dance,now please excuse me ", saying this Mr.han went and jk started talking with few of his business mates .

" would you like to dance with me?", a random guy came to me and asked for a dance ," no thanks ,I'm OK ", I excused myself ,but he won't leave me ," we'll have fun ,come on", he said and stood infront of me .

" sorry but she's gonna dance with me ", a voice said from my back ,I looked back to see jk standing behind me ,when did he came?,anyways that creepy guy went from there .

I thought jk was just joking about the dance but-," let's dance", he said while extending his hand towards me ,I was hesitating, but he pulled me on the dance floor and pulled me closer by my waist .

I hit his hard chest and my heart beat raised ,I didn't dare to look at him ,I was like a red tomato right now ,but he never leaves the chance to shock me .

He put his one hand on my chin and made me look at him while his other hand was on my waist .

I looked at him and we were dangerously close it was like he would kiss me anytime ,slowly he started moving his body along with mine ,and we started dancing, he was a really good dancer .

His eyes never left mine ,and nor
did mine .

"Why did you said that I have a girlfriend ", he asked me suddenly, "cause I saw you with a girl ," I said while being little sad .

" she was my younger cousin, and she was crying due to her breakup and I was comforting her ", he said this while staring in my soul.

What the hell!!!!!

And here I thought he is in love with someone else ,the heck ,I hate my mind for this ,it doesn't even think before making conclusions.but it won't change the fact that he doesn't love me

" so what will I do , it's your life so you don't have to tell ,it doesn't matter ", I said .

" it does matter ", he said ,

" Why?", I asked ,


To be continued..........

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