19. Proposal

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1 month later...

Yn's pov. ...

It's been one month since me and jk are in relationship, it feels like a dream ,and we are very happy .

Today I'm finally going to be announced as the new ceo of our company ,I'm so excited. Now I'm in our company.and soon jk ,jimin and taehyung also came there.

There were a lot of business men present . Soon my dad came in infront of everyone and called me towards him and everyone went silent.

" ladies and gentleman, this is my daughter kim yn ," everyone smiled at me and I did the same.

" I would like to announce her as the new ceo of our kim company ", as my father Said this everyone cheered for me ,finally I achieved  my dreams , I became a ceo .

Everyone was enjoying the dinner and drinks ,all were very happy ,suddenly jk came behind me ," I wanna give you a surprise ", he said smiling ,and I looked at him," what surprise?", I said confused ,but he just smiled and went towards the middle pulling me with him .

I don't know what he was doing ,suddenly he called everyone, " everyone attention please!", he said while diverting everyone's attention towards us and I was having no idea of what was happening .

" I want to say something ,very important ", he said and looked at me .

"I love you very much yn ,I loved you from many years ,I never thoughts you would come in my life again ,it was like a miracle when I saw you again after 4 years ,I know it took me too much time to confess this but I really love you ,and I want to spend my rest of the life with you ", he said and he kneel down in infront of me . I became so shocked ," t-that means ", I said not believing.

"Yes you thought right , WILL YOU MARRY ME KIM YN", he said extending his hand towards me while kneeling down .

I was so surprised, I looked at him with teary eyes when everyone started shouting," SAY YES!," everyone said together ,and I looked at my parents they also nodded their head .

"Yes I'll marry you ", I said this while putting my hand in his ,he got and we hugged tightly, everyone started cheering.

" yeahhhhh! Finally wooooooooooo my bestie is getting married ", Emma said as we are sitting in my cabin now ,while everyone went ,even my parentswent home ,as we wanted to discuss privately.

So only me ,jk ,his friends and my friends were here ," btw would you also like to get married ", jimin said to Emma and me and jk became shocked ,but Emma's answer made me more shocked," we'll see about it later ", Emma said and jimin smirked .

" wait are you guys dating ?", I asked them surprisingly, and they both smiled ,WHAT !,you guys are dating and didn't even bother to tell me ", I said angrily," wait why are you shouting at me ,even nicole and taehyung are dating ", Emma said and I saw became more shocked ,I saw nicole hiding her face in her palms ," wait why are you hiding now huh!,you guys are so bad ,you didn't tell such big thing ,btw jk do you know about this ?", I asked him and he smiled ," ahhhhhh! You all are so bad ", I said this and started hitting nicole and emma .

" ouchh !, we didn't tell you cause you were so broken ,how would you feel when we tell you that we are dating and you are still struggling ",  nicole said and I thought for a while ," ok I forgive you all ", I said this and we all laughed .

1 week later ....

Now we came here to shop the wedding dress ,we were waiting for jimin and emma ,and soon  emma came .

" yahh how much time you take huh ! And Where'syour boyfriend ?", I said to emma ," he's coming ", she said and he came after few seconds, " you both are the same ,always late ", jk said and we went inside the mall .

After coming inside we started choosing jk's suit first, cause it will not take much time , he tried various suits and  half hour later we finally choosed one , now it was my turn .

This was the suit we chose for jk.

Now we started choosing my gown ,ahhh I knew it will take so much time ,I couldn't find any beautiful dress ,nicole and emma were already fed up but still I couldn't find the perfect dress ,after one and half of searching a dress I finally found a...

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Now we started choosing my gown ,ahhh I knew it will take so much time ,I couldn't find any beautiful dress ,nicole and emma were already fed up but still I couldn't find the perfect dress ,after one and half of searching a dress I finally found a beautiful dress .

I wore the dress and everyone loved it so it was final that I'm taking that dress , Emma, nicole ,jimin and taehyung also selected their dresses and we payed the bill and went from there ,my dress will directly arrive at the wedding day ,cause it needed some fitting .

This is the dress which I chose.

After our shopping was over we decided to have lunch at a restaurant

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After our shopping was over we decided to have lunch at a restaurant.

Now I was waiting for my wedding day ,I'm excited.

Thanks for reading this part, please vote and comment and follow for more parts.
Next part is going to be the last part and it's gonna be very chaotic, I'll post it soon .

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