13. First Kiss

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Yn's pov..

We were eating dinner when suddenly jeonghan asked me about the food made by him , and I gave him compliment ,but suddenly jk got up and rushed towards his room ,taehyung and jimin were about to go but ," I guess yn should go ", jeonghan said and we all looked at him confused ,but I quickly rushed behind jk and went inside his room before he could close the door ,he went and sat on his bed angrily, I also went towards him and stood infront of him ,but when I saw him ,my heart broke ,he was crying , his tears were continuously flowing ," w-what happened jungkook?", I asked him worriedly ," n-nothing you j-just l-leave from here ," he said while controlling his tears ,listening to his words my heart was breaking more ," tell me what happened jungkook, I'll try to help you out", I said and he quickly stood up from the bed making me back off a bit ," no one could help me ,no one ! Do you understand ", he said while his eyes became fully red ,"what is happening to you jungkook?, why are you behaving like this ,you were not like this before ", I said while finally my tears also came down slowly ," yeah I was not like this before ,it's like this All because of you ,because you came in my life 'DO YOU UNDERSTAND!", he said while holding my shoulder tightly, I closed my eyes because of his scream ,I never heard him scream before ," s-sorry I didn't meant to", he said and leaved my shoulder and I quickly hold his hands ," what happened to you ,why are you saying this ," I said and his expression changed to slightly angry one ,and he left my hand," don't you understand, can't you see ?,huh!", he said making me pissed off now ," what do I can't see ? ,how can I understand you ,when you don't share your problems with me ,don't you think me as your best friend ,cause best friend shares everything with each other ,you always behave weird around me ,and dont say anything, and think i should understand everything,what do you want to say jungkook?", I said ," that's the problem, " he said slowly,but before I could say anything I felt his lips on me ,my world stopped ,I can't think about anything right now ,I felt his one hand on my cheek and other hand on my waist pulling me closer ,he pulled me dangerously close leaving no space between us ,I lost all my senses and my hands automatically travelled up and wrapped around his neck ,he was kissing me like there's no tomorrow and if he leaves me I'll go away from him , I colud feel his tears on my cheeks while my own were flowing ,our tears getting mixed with eachother, he suddenly sild his hand inside my top and I quickly came in my senses and I pushed him away ,I couldn't believe what happened just now ,before he could say anything, I ran from there .

I came in my room and started crying miserably, I couldn't believe what I did ,maybe jk did it cause of stress and sadness ,but what about me ? ,why did I kissed him back ,why couldn't I control my emotions, I felt as if the world around me stopped moving , again ! Again! My heart won over my mind , what will he think now ,I don't want to ruin our friendship, I don't want him to think of me as I have feelings for him ,oh god ! Want will I do now ,I shouldn't have kissed him back ,why !!!......with that I cried more ..

" I love jungkook ", I said to jeonghan, and he looked at me shocked," what! Why ? What about me ? My feelings ?", he said while tears slipping his eyes ," what do you mean?", I asked him confused ," I love you yn ! From many years ", he said while coming close to me ," leave jk ,he'll never love you , he's not the right person for you ,he did nothing for you ,don't you see how much I care for you ,still you think of him ,how can you do this to me ,how can you ", he was saying this while coming close to me while I was going backward.........

"NO! " ,I screamed lightly while breathing heavily ,hushhhh it was just a dream ,I was so scared ,but what if this is real, he can't!he can't have feelings for me , I only look at him as a friend , no! ,while saying this I went out of my room ,it was night and the time was 1.00am ,I slept while crying ,I was going towards jeonghan's room but I saw someone outside ,I looked closer and it was JEONGHAN, I quickly went towards him and sat beside him .

" woah ,you are still awake, btw you look miserable, " he said while teasing me ," I had a nightmare about you ," I said while looking at him ," did I looked hot in it ?", he said ," please this is serious, " I said and he listened carefully, I told him everything and he laughed ," you think I have feelings for you ?, huh ,no way ,you are my bestie, " he said and I became relieved, " btw you didn't told me about jk ,but I knew already," he said ," how?", I asked," the way he behaved around you and the way he looked at you all the time , today I was being clingy to you cause I wanted to see if he gets jealous, and he got very jealous ", he said and I became confused as hell ," what do you mean?", I asked ," you're really dumb ,don't you understand that he likes you ", he said and I stood up ," what are you saying, do you even know?," I said and went in my room .

I came in my room and again started thinking about jeonghan's words ,was all he said real ,was that the reason he kissed me?, if yes then why can't I see it ,am I that blind ,I don't know what's going in my life ,I think my mind will blast if I think more ,I'll just sleep now ,I'm too messed up to think more .

" and he felt like home".

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