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" I knew you would break my heart but a part of me really hoped you wouldn't ".
~ yn

Yn's pov..

I got ready for the office , i was in a happy mood ,cause of the trip, now I really want to know about jk's real feelings ,I quickly went down and had my breakfast and left for the office .

Yn's outfit

I reached in the office ,but as I was going in jk's cabin jimin stopped me ," wait you can't go inside ", jimin said ," Why?", I said ," jk is with someone important , he said to not allow anyone inside ", jimin said ," but I'm his secretary ,so I...

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I reached in the office ,but as I was going in jk's cabin jimin stopped me ," wait you can't go inside ", jimin said ," Why?", I said ," jk is with someone important , he said to not allow anyone inside ", jimin said ," but I'm his secretary ,so I can go right?", I asked him ,and he thought for a while ," umm, ok ", he said while taking his time .

I went inside jk's cabin and as soon as I saw the seen in front of me ,my heart broke into million pieces ,I saw him hugging a girl and then he kissed her forehead ,I can't believe my eyes ,I quickly went from there before they could see me ,tears dripping from my eyes I quickly went from there and came in my cabin ,and locked the door .

I knew it ! I knew it ! He doesn't like me ,it was all my fault ,I was building fakes hopes in my mind ,I knew it was only gonna stay one-sided ,why ! Just why! I literally got so many hopes after the trip and it just vanished In few seconds ,but I promised myself to accept whatever happens, so I'll have to accept this ,but it's hurting !it's hurting so much .

"Yn ! ,jk is calling you ", jimin said while knocking on the door ," umm ,I'm coming ", I said and he went, I have to accept my destiny. I got up and went in his cabin while wiping my tears.

" Did you called me?", I said in a low voice ," hmm", he said while looking down ,but as soon as he looked at me his expression changed ," did you cried ?", he said while frowning, " n-no ", i said while looking away ,he got up from his seat and came towards me ,and I started going backward, I stopped untill my back hit the door ,he was very close to me ,I got very nervous.

"Why are you lying to me ?", he said while leaning towards me ," its nothing, why did you called me ?", I asked changing the topic ," you can tell me ,I'll help you ", he said ," no ,I don't want to tell you ,just tell me why did you called me here ", I said while straight looking in his eyes.

He gave me some files and I came back in my cabin ,hushhh!, I have to stop loving him, I have to forget him ,he just think of me as his friend .

The whole day I didn't talk to jk that much ,nearly ignored him ,now I was going home ,but suddenly a black car came infront of me, " I'll drop you home ", jk said ," no need ,I can go by myself ", I said and started walking leaving him begind ,suddenly he came out of the car and holds my hand .

" Why are you behaving like this ?, you are ignoring me ", he said ," so! Why do you care?, leave my hand ", I said while trying to get out of his grip but it was of no use as his grip tightens even more ," are you angry with me?, I already apologised to you and you even forgive me ", he said ," huh! You think I'm angry with you ?, why would I be angry with ,you are just a friend nothing more ", I said this and he became shocked ,and his grip loosens, " I have no right to be angry with you ,this right is of your girlfriend and she is not me ,she is someone else, who was in your arms in morning ,so go to her ,don't waste your precious time on me ", I said this and quickly went from there leaving him behind ,while he was standing there shocked .

I quickly came home as the tears were not daring to stop ,I ran in my room ,ignoring my parents questions, I came in my room and locked the door and started crying miserably.

Why does it happens with me ,why can't I be happy with the guy I love ,why does he have to love someone else,WHY!

Don't worry jungkook, I'll not come in between you and your love ,I'll stay away ,and I'll be happy if you are happy .

With that I cried even more ......

" I tried to hate you but the only thing I hated is how much I love you ".

Thanks for reading this ,please vote and comment and follow for more stories .
Btw I'm gonna post a new story soon , it's called REVENGE MARRIAGE.

Love u~😘😘😘😊

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