3. The New Ceo?

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You can't start a new chapter if you keep reading the last one .


I was sleeping peacefully when suddenly, " yahh, wake up are you gonna sleep till afternoon?, it's already 10.45am ,wake up", my Mom shouted while shaking me ," Amm ,I'm awake " I said and went to freshen up .

It was already morning ,I didn't know when did I slept while thinking about him ,I need to stop now , I came out of the bathroom ,got ready and went downstairs and had my breakfast .

" you are free at evening right ?, cause we are going to restaurant remember?", my Mom asked ," yeah I remember but what you guys Wanna talk about ?, please don't tell me it's about my marriage, no way ", I said while being scared ," no,no ,it's not about your marriage, don't worry we won't force you to marry anyone, you will marry whenever you are OK, it's just something about the business dad wants to talk about , please listen to him and understand him", my Mom said while sitting beside me ," ok Mom, " I said .

Time skip ....

It was evening and I was getting ready for the dinner ,I wonder what dad wants to talk about , after few mins I got ready and went downstairs and saw my mom and dad waiting for me near the car ,I quickly went towards them and we started driving.

Yn's outfit

Soon we reached the restaurant, it was big and beautiful, we took a seat and ordered the food and then started eating , at first it was silent but I decided to break it ," what is it , you wanna talk about?, I asked ,my dad looked at me with a ser...

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Soon we reached the restaurant, it was big and beautiful, we took a seat and ordered the food and then started eating , at first it was silent but I decided to break it ," what is it , you wanna talk about?, I asked ,my dad looked at me with a serious face and then he said," look yn , this is very important , it's about our company , it's very successful now And I've worked hard for it to reach at this point ,but now I want to stop and want you to take over the company , I want you to be the new ceo of kim enterprises, I wanted to do this last year only but you said you want to do a dance course for a year ,so I gave you permission, but now I want you to take responsibility of the company , you understand what I'm saying right ", dad looked at me with a worried expression and I was so surprised and shocked to hear all this , me the new ceo? , how I'm gonna do this , " dad how I'm gonna do this ,I mean I'm not saying that I don't want to do it ,I definitely want to become the ceo but I don't have any experience ,s o how I'll manage everything, I need some practice and experience, then only I could handle the company properly ", I said ," I'm so happy to hear this from you ", my Mom said smiling ," yes me too , and don't worry if you need experience then would you like to work as a secretary in a company for few months or a year?", my dad said while waiting for my answer ," yes ofc I would love to work in a company first , please choose a nice company for me and I'll go for the interview then , and I promise I'll work hard and try to do everything on my own will ", I said proudly while munching my food ," ahh I'm so happy today ,all because of you ,don't worry I'll know a best company and I'll fill the form for your interview ", my dad said.

Ater 1 hour we reached home and we enjoyed a lot , I agreed to the request cause it's my dream to become a ceo and also by working I'll be able to forget about jk and I'll move on easily .

I took a hot shower and changed into night dress and laid on my , then I called nicole& Emma and told them everything, they were happy and we talked for few hours and then I was about to sleep when my dad suddenly came in my room ," ahh ,you scared me ,atleast knock before coming dad ", I said while keeping one hand on my chest ," I'm sorry I just filled your form for a company ,it's the top 1 company and guess what's the post ...., it's the post of personal secretary, and the interview is after 2 days , I just wanted to say this ,now you can sleep ,good night ,and lock the door", he said all this and went .

Huh finally I was gonna to work now no more laziness, just work . And with this I went in my dreamland.

I've finally decided I just wanna be happy ,not confused ,not hurt ,not broken ,just happy .

This was the 3rd chapter. Tell me if you liked it ,and the new part will come soon ,keep reading and follow for more parts.😊😊

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