Chapter 5 |

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Maya awoke the next morning, her mind still a jumble of plans and unanswered questions. She was in an opulent cage, but it was a cage nonetheless. She had spent the previous day memorizing the layout of the house and noting potential escape routes, but every door was guarded, every window barred.

Today, she was determined to learn more about the man who held her captive. Luca Lombardi was a powerful figure in both the legitimate business world and the underworld, and understanding him better might provide a clue to her escape.

As she dressed and left her room, a maid met her in the hallway. "Good morning, miss. Mr. Lombardi has requested your presence in his office."

Maya nodded, trying to mask her curiosity and apprehension. She followed the maid down the hallway, through the grand foyer, and into Luca's office. The room was a blend of old-world elegance and modern luxury, with bookshelves lining the walls and a massive desk dominating the space.

Luca looked up as she entered, his eyes briefly softening before hardening again. "Good morning, Maya. Please, have a seat."

She sat down, her back straight and her eyes defiant. "What do you want?"

Luca leaned back in his chair, studying her. "I thought it was time we had a conversation about your situation."

"My situation?" she scoffed. "You mean being held prisoner by a ruthless mafia king?"

His jaw tightened. "I'm trying to keep you safe, Maya."

"By imprisoning me?" she shot back.

"You don't understand the danger you're in," he said, his voice low and tense. "The people who saw you with me—they won't hesitate to kill you if they think you know too much."

Maya's eyes flashed with anger. "Then why don't you just let me go? I'll disappear, and they'll never find me."

"It's not that simple," Luca said, his frustration evident. "You've seen too much. You know too much. I can't risk it."

She leaned forward, her eyes narrowing. "Or is it that you can't bear to lose control?"

Luca's eyes darkened. "You think this is about control?"

"Isn't it?" she challenged. "You're used to getting what you want, no matter the cost."

He stood up abruptly, his hands gripping the edge of the desk. "This is about keeping you alive, Maya."

"Alive, but not free," she muttered, looking away.

There was a tense silence, the air thick with unspoken words. Finally, Luca spoke, his voice softer. "I know you don't trust me. But you have to understand—I'm doing what I think is best."

"For you," she said bitterly.

"For both of us," he insisted. "You may not believe it, but I'm trying to protect you."

She met his gaze, searching for any hint of deceit. "Why should I believe you?"

Luca sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Because I haven't given you a reason not to."

Maya let out a bitter laugh. "You kidnapped me. Isn't that reason enough?"

He looked away, a flicker of guilt crossing his face. "I did what I had to do."

"For your empire," she said, her voice cold. "For your control."

"For your safety," he repeated, his voice firm.

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