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The journey back to Milan was filled with a mix of anticipation and anxiety for Maya. As she sat on the plane, she glanced at James, who was engrossed in some documents, and then at Emma, who was excitedly looking out the window. The thought of returning to the city she had fled from filled her with dread, but she knew it was a necessary step for their future.

After landing in Milan, the bustling airport overwhelmed Emma's curiosity. The sights and sounds were new and exciting to her, and she couldn’t help but wander off while Maya and James were busy with their luggage. It wasn’t long before Maya noticed her daughter was missing.

"Emma?" Maya called out, her voice tinged with panic. "Emma, where are you?"

James quickly joined in, searching the surrounding area. "I'll check near the entrance," he said, rushing off in one direction while Maya frantically looked in another.

Meanwhile, Emma had found herself in a quieter part of the terminal, fascinated by a large aquarium filled with colorful fish. Lost in her little world, she didn’t notice the tall, handsome man approaching her.

"Hello there," Luca said, crouching down to her level. "Are you lost?"

Emma looked up at him with wide eyes. "I think so. Mommy and Daddy James are looking for me, but I wanted to see the fish."

Luca chuckled softly, finding the little girl’s honesty endearing. "The fish are beautiful, aren’t they? Let’s go find your mommy and Daddy James. What’s your name?"

"Emma," she replied, smiling up at him. "You’re very handsome. Can I call you Mr. Handsome?"

Luca’s heart melted a little at her innocent compliment. "Sure, you can call me Mr. Handsome. Now, let’s find your family."

As they walked back towards the main terminal, Luca couldn’t shake the feeling of familiarity when he looked at Emma. There was something in her eyes, a spark that reminded him of someone he couldn't quite place.

"So, Emma," Luca started, trying to make her feel comfortable, "what's your favorite thing to do?"

"I love drawing and playing with my dolls," she answered enthusiastically. "And I love stories! Daddy James tells me lots of stories."

Luca smiled warmly. "Stories are wonderful. Maybe one day, I can tell you a story too."

Emma beamed at him. "I would like that, Mr. Handsome."

"Do you travel a lot, Emma?" Luca asked, curious about her life.

"Not really. This is my first time in Milan. Daddy James has a new job here, so we moved," she explained.

Luca nodded, his curiosity piqued further. "It’s a beautiful city. I’m sure you’ll love it here."

As they neared the terminal’s main area, James spotted Emma and hurried over, relief flooding his features. "Emma! There you are. You scared us."

Emma ran into James’s arms. "I was with Mr. Handsome. He helped me find you."

James looked up, meeting Luca’s gaze. "Thank you so much for finding her. We were really worried."

Luca nodded, giving James a firm handshake. "No problem at all. I’m glad I could help."

Unaware of the deeper connection, James introduced himself. "I'm James, and this is Emma. Thank you again."

"It was my pleasure," Luca said, glancing at Emma one last time before turning to leave. "Take care, Emma."

Emma waved enthusiastically. "Bye, Mr. Handsome!"

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