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One evening, Luca suggested they go out for dinner—a rare treat given the recent security concerns. "We deserve a night out," he said, smiling. "Just the two of us."

Maya agreed, hoping the outing would give her some clarity. They chose a quiet, upscale restaurant, a place where they could enjoy a semblance of normalcy. As they dined, Luca spoke of his plans to invest in legitimate businesses, to build a future that didn't rely on the shadows.

"I'm thinking of starting a foundation," he said, his eyes lighting up with enthusiasm. "To help children, like the ones we support now. Give them a real chance at life."

Maya's heart swelled with pride and love. "That's a wonderful idea, Luca."

He reached across the table, taking her hand in his. "I couldn't have done this without you, Maya. You've given me hope."

The moment was perfect, but a nagging fear lingered in the back of Maya's mind. She knew that their happiness was built on borrowed time. Any moment now, the story she had worked so hard to uncover could come to light and destroy everything.

As they returned to the mansion, Luca's phone buzzed with a series of urgent messages. His expression darkened as he read them. "We need to get inside, now," he said, his voice tense.

Maya's heart raced as they hurried into the mansion. Luca's men were on high alert, their faces grim. "What's happening?" she asked, anxiety creeping into her voice.

"There's been a leak," Luca replied, his jaw clenched. "Someone's been feeding information to the police and the media. We need to find out who."

Panic surged through Maya. The leak was her doing, but she couldn't let Luca find out. Not now, when everything was hanging in the balance. She needed to think fast, to find a way to protect both Luca and herself.

In the chaos, Maya slipped away to her room, her mind racing. She needed to contact her editor, to find out if the story had broken yet and to warn them of the potential fallout. She retrieved her hidden phone and dialed Elena's number.

"Elena, it's Maya," she whispered urgently. "What's happening with the story?"

"Maya, we published it this morning," Elena replied, her tone grave. "It's everywhere now. Luca's empire is crumbling."

Maya's heart sank. The truth was out, and there was no going back. "Elena, you need to be careful. Luca is on high alert, and he's looking for the leak."

"We're taking precautions," Elena assured her. "But you need to get out of there, Maya. It's not safe for you anymore."

Maya knew Elena was right, but leaving Luca now felt impossible. She had to find a way to warn him, to protect him from the fallout of her actions. She ended the call and took a deep breath, steeling herself for what she had to do next.

Maya found Luca in his study, surrounded by his most trusted men. His face was a mask of fury and determination. "We need to find out who betrayed us," he was saying as she entered.

"Luca, I need to talk to you," Maya said, her voice steady despite the turmoil inside her.

He looked up, his eyes softening slightly when he saw her. "Not now, Maya. This is serious."

"I know," she replied, stepping closer. "That's why you need to listen to me. I have something to tell you."

Luca's eyes narrowed as he dismissed his men, signaling for them to leave the room. Once they were alone, he turned to her, his expression hardening. "What is it, Maya?"

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