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Maya decided to spend a sunny afternoon out with her family, taking Emma and James to explore the bustling streets of Milan. They walked hand-in-hand, enjoying the sights and sounds of the city. Maya's heart felt light as she watched Emma's eyes sparkle with excitement.

While browsing through a quaint little store, Maya spotted a beautiful necklace that caught her attention. She moved closer to examine it, momentarily lost in thought. Across the street, Luca was walking with a business associate when his eyes fell upon a familiar figure.

His breath caught in his throat. It was Maya. He hadn’t seen her in six long years, and there she was, standing just a few meters away. His heart pounded with a mixture of joy and anxiety. He took a step towards her, but before he could reach her, a small voice pierced the air.

"Mommy! Mommy!" Emma's voice rang out as she ran towards Maya, her little feet pattering against the pavement.

Luca froze, watching in disbelief as the little girl threw her arms around Maya's legs. Maya scooped Emma up, laughing and planting a kiss on her forehead. The sight was a knife to Luca's heart, the realization crashing over him like a tidal wave. She had moved on. She had a child.

Just then, James appeared, carrying a few shopping bags. He walked over to Maya and Emma, smiling warmly. He leaned in to give Maya a quick kiss on the cheek, and ruffled Emma's hair affectionately. Luca's world shattered in an instant.

From across the street, he watched them—Maya, her daughter, and a man he assumed was her husband—sharing a moment of pure happiness. It was a scene he had once dreamt of for himself. A life he had envisioned with Maya by his side. Now, it seemed like a distant, impossible dream.

Luca’s associate noticed his distraction. "Luca? Are you okay?"

Luca shook himself out of his stupor, trying to mask the pain in his eyes. "I'm fine," he replied, his voice strained. "Just thought I saw someone I knew."

As Maya, Emma, and James continued their shopping, oblivious to Luca's presence, he turned away, his heart heavy with sorrow and confusion. He couldn't believe that the woman he loved was now living a life he was no longer a part of. The sight of her happy family was too much to bear.

As the afternoon wore on, James decided to take Emma to a nearby park while Maya continued her shopping. The park was lively, filled with the laughter of children and the hum of conversations. James found a bench near the playground and sat down, keeping a watchful eye on Emma as she ran towards the swings.

Luca, still reeling from the shock of seeing Maya with her family, walked through the park in an attempt to clear his mind. He was deep in thought when he heard a familiar voice.

"Mr. Handsome!" Emma's cheerful voice cut through his reverie.

He turned to see Emma running towards him, her face lit up with a bright smile. For a moment, Luca's heart softened. But then the image of Maya and James together flashed in his mind, reigniting his anger and sense of betrayal.

"Mr. Handsome, it's me, Emma!" she said, reaching out to touch his hand.

Luca stiffened, his expression hardening. "What are you doing here alone?" he asked coldly, not meeting her eyes.

Emma's smile faltered, confused by his sudden change in demeanor. "I'm with Daddy James. Mommy is shopping."

James approached, having noticed the interaction from a distance. "Hello, Luca," he greeted politely, though he sensed something was off.

Luca's eyes flashed with anger as he looked at James. "Is this how you watch over your daughter? Letting her run around alone?" His tone was sharp, almost accusatory.

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