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As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the London skyline, Maya and Emma returned home after their day out. Emma, now seven years old, had grown into a curious and perceptive child. She often asked questions that Maya found difficult to answer.

That evening, as they settled into their cozy living room, Emma looked up at Maya with wide, innocent eyes. "Mommy, where is my real daddy? And who is he?"

Maya's heart skipped a beat. She had always known this question would come, but she wasn't prepared for it now. Taking a deep breath, she sat down beside Emma and gently stroked her daughter's hair.

"Sweetheart, James is the closest thing you have to a daddy right now," Maya began, choosing her words carefully. "He's been here for us, taking care of you and loving you."

Emma frowned slightly, her young mind trying to grasp the complexities of the situation. "But he's not my real daddy, is he? I call him daddy because he loves me, but he's not really my daddy."

Maya's eyes softened with a mix of sadness and determination. "No, he's not your biological father, Emma. But he loves you very much, and that's what matters. Someday, when you're older, I'll tell you more about your real father."

The little girl, Emma, had grown up calling James "daddy" because he was the closest thing she had to a father figure. The truth about her real father was a secret Maya had guarded fiercely.

Emma nodded slowly, accepting her mother's words for now, but Maya knew the questions would continue as she grew older.

The next day, in the sleek, modern office of Bennett Enterprises, James sat at his expansive desk, reviewing the details of a new business deal. His assistant, Sarah, stood beside him, going over the logistics.

"This new venture is promising, James," Sarah said. "But it requires relocating to a different city. The potential gains are substantial, but it means uprooting your current life here in London."

James leaned back in his chair, contemplating the decision. "Where exactly is this new place?" he asked.

Sarah glanced at her notes before replying, "It's a city you might be familiar with—Milan."

James's expression shifted, knowing the significance of Milan to Maya. It was the very place she had fled from six years ago. He pondered the implications of this move, both professionally and personally.

"I see," James said, his mind racing. "It's a significant opportunity, and we can't afford to miss it. I'll need to talk to my family and prepare for the move."

Sarah nodded and left the room, leaving James to his thoughts. He knew this relocation would be challenging for Maya, reopening old wounds she had tried so hard to heal. But he also knew that facing her past might be inevitable.

That evening, back at the flat, Maya sensed James's tension. As they sat down for dinner, she noticed his preoccupied demeanor.

"Is everything okay, James?" she asked, placing a hand over his.

James sighed, meeting her gaze. "We need to talk, Maya. There's an important deal that's come through, and it requires us to relocate."

Maya's heart skipped a beat. "Relocate? Where to?"

James hesitated before answering. "Milan."

Maya's face paled at the mention of the city. "Milan... James, you know what that place means to me."

"I know, Maya," James said softly, squeezing her hand. "But it's a crucial move for the business. We can make it work. I'll be there with you every step of the way."

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