✧- If Ever

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I was packing up my things from band practice with Georg. Georg had already left since he couldn't wait to get home, meanwhile i was still cleaning up.

Then there she was, Bella Greene. She looked like an angel. She seemed to be crying. Tears were sliding down her cheek and her eyes were slightly red. Even while crying, she looked beautiful.

"Bella..?" I say. Walking over to her in the dim yellow light surrounding the room. "Gustav?" She says.

We were now closer enough to each other to see clearly. "Hey, what's wrong?" I ask coming over to her. "Can i stay here for a while? Just until i get a grip of myself.." She said. "Yes, yes of course!" I responded, happily recommending her to sit down on my drum stool.

"Uhm, if you don't mind me asking..what happened?" I ask her, not knowing how to comfort her. "I saw..Liam. With the popular blonde girl." She said, shaking her foot.

"What?! Audri Listing?!" I ask in shock. "No no!" Bella giggled. "I love Audri, she's gonna be a rockstar someday." Bella says while wiping a tear. "The other blonde. You know..the cheerleader type." She added on.

"Wait, what! isn't that your friends sister? You know, chloe's older sister?" I say in disbelief. "Yeah.." she responded, fidgeting with her fingers. "Well, Chloe. She's your friend, talk to her about it." I say, nervously putting a hand on her shoulder

"No no, i think they planned it.." she responded in a shaky voice. "I'm sorry Bella. I mean, theres others out there who wouldn't do this to you?" I comfort her.

"Like, friends?" She says, pulling her face out of the grip of her hands. "Well, no. Wait, well i mean, yeah? But.. well i-i, no wait, im sorry!" I stuttered out. "I mean, romantically. More than that asshole Liam." I say.

"A-and friends too, of course. Friends are important. Real friends, yes." I added on. Gosh, what a loser..What am i saying? "Well, maybe." Bella said with a giggle. Her voice while laughing, was just beautiful. "But really, right now i would need some friends." She says.

This was it! This was going to be my time! "Well, i mean.. i uhm. I can be your friend! if you want of course. No pressure! At all." I say, stuttering again making Bella giggle once more. "Mm, i'd love to be your friend! It would be a big change but sometimes changes are good aren't they?" She responded happily.

"Really? Like, yes yes?" I ask, slightly confused if was dreaming or not. "Yes yes!" She smiled brightly at me. "Alright, so..to be formal, Bella Greene." She says, offering her hand. "And I'm Gustav Schaefer." I responded, smiling as we shook hands.

Bella was always an angel. She was always so polite and kind. Athletic and smart. Beautiful inside with her soul and outside with the looks. She was out of my league.

And this made me wonder. How could a girl like her, ever want to be seen around me? It was mind boggling, or blowing, or whatever. But i appreciated to have another friend besides Georg and my mother. No offense to the both of you although, best friends i could ask for!

After me and Bella were done speaking, she offered to walk home with me. Or in this case, we were going to bike home.

"Hey! Hold on, you're from Almond's Street right?" She says, holding books in her arms again. "Yeah! How'd you know?" I ask her. Georg was with us, smirking the entire time.. "Well, you told us about it on your first day of school as a transferee. So, would you wanna go and bike home with me? We're neighbors and friends anyway. Aren't we?" She says with a cheeky but adorable smile.

"I-if you don't mind!" I respond. "What about you Georg?" I asked him. "Im taking the bus, my motorcycle's broken currently." He said. "Don't worry, i wont bother your alone time." He winked at us. "What?" I say. Bella was smirking and so was Georg. It seemed like i was the only one who didn't understand.

"No no, go on! Bye Schaefer ill call you later." Georg said walking over to his mothers car. Waving bye at us. Me and Bella both waved back. Then, we grabbed our bikes.

Mine was embarrassing. It was slightly beat up from using it so much. And meanwhile, hers had this white basket and it was this shade of teal, completely clean and barely looked use even though it was what she rode everyday.

We took the locks off and got on. "Come on! Be safe alright?" She says clicking on her helmet. Her helmet matched her bike, it was teal and had floral prints on it. Meanwhile mine was just black..literally just, black.

The sun seemed to have been setting. Meanwhile, we had just arrived in our neighborhood. Bellas house was one of the first you'd pass in the neighborhood once you entered. So we had to say our goodbye's already.

"This is my stop." She says, hopping off of her bike. "Bye Gustav! I had fun with you today." She smiled at me. I put one foot down and took a break. "Alright. Bye Bella! And uhm.." i say nervously. "Ill see you tomorrow?" I ask her. She nodded at me and responded with. "Yes, of course. We'll do this again if you would want that." She smiled at me again.

"Okay, yes! Sure, bye now! And uhm..thank you!" I say as she waved bye to me.

After i made sure she got in safely into her home, i rode my bike again to mine. I was smirking the whole time, while pedaling as fast as my heart beats.

I've had the biggest crush on her for a while, ever since we were in 7th grade. Then i moved schools for the 8th and returned for the 9th grade. And to my surprise, Bella was still there.

She would always wave and say hi to me and i would too. I would see her "small" acts, like feeding stray animals on the streets. Or defending her friends who couldn't even do the same. And having a standard for boys, knowing her worth.

I always thought to myself. That Bella, was a real young woman. She knew who she was and what she was capable of, and was aware of what she deserved and aimed for her goals. She was something you would rarely see.

But she never really cared about me. I mean, we weren't ever really close. And even if i wanted to, her little pet Liam would threaten to beat me up.

He brings a gun to school and he'd simply would do who knows what with me if he knew the truth.

But i never understood, i always saw Liam flirting with multiple girls. Including Bellas friends. Although they never dated, Bella seemed to like him.

But it was also clear that Bella didn't know what he was doing, until today..

And because of this. If i ever had a chance to be with her, i would treat her in the way she deserved and more. If ever.

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