✧- Over and Out

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"Mom..Dad? You're home early!" I say, trying to play it safe. "Tell me why i got a call at work, that you were hanging out with some boy?" My dad says.

I froze and a cold shiver spiraled up my spine. "What? Dad what are you talking about i-"

"Your father got a call from work Bella. His fucking workplace!" My mom says, holding my radio up.

"Mom, please it wasn't like that!" I yelled, walking over to them and dropping the groceries. "Then what the fuck was it like Bella?!"  My mother yelled, gripping onto my radio even tighter and raising it into the air more.

My father walked over to my groceries, bumping into me forcefully on purpose while doing so.

"We didn't do anything!" I yelled out. "Mom please don't!" I yelled, trying to reach for my radio. "I spent my money on that!" I say, begging her.

It wasn't even until a blink of my eye til my mother threw my radio on the floor, smashing it completely.

"Mom!.." i yelled, crying. My father pulled my shirt from my back and made me look at a jar of sauce i bought.

"You think you can go ahead and lie to us about buying fucking spaghetti?!" He yelled. "I didn't lie I just had him accompany me dad! Please im sorry!" I yell, begging him to stop.

He threw the jar away towards the wall making me flinch. "Dad please i promise you.." i whisper. "Promise us what?!" My mother yells.

"You could get your heartbroken! Or end up pregnant!" My mother adds on. "It wasn't like that mom!" I yelled out. "We didn't make out! Or do anything stupid! We loved each other!" I plead.

"And YOU both accusing him of making me drunk? That just shows you don't trust me! You wont allow me to be happy, o-or to love?!" I yell.

"You are 15 Bella! What the fuck do you know about love?!" My father shouts. "I know enough to realize what you both do to me isn't anywhere near it!" I fight.

"I know more about love than you both ever will!" I shout. "This isn't LOVE Bella you are infatuated!" My mother yells. "Yeah? Well maybe i am! That's better than you staying with my father for his money even when he fucks other women when you aren't around!" I yell.

My mother paused and looked at my father, confused and tears started to roam around my eyes. "Shut the fuck up you piece of shit!" My father yells, slapping me across my face.

My mother just stood there, didn't even do anything. Meanwhile i sat there, wishing i never had parents like them. "Go to hell." I whispered.

The whole night was quiet. My mother looked at my father differently and my father didn't even look at her at all.

Later on, when i was about to sleep my mother barged into my room and started yelling at me to pack my bags. "Pack your bags you and i are moving out of this place." She says, throwing a suitcase on the floor and rummaging through my closet for my clothes.

"What? What are you talking about?!" I yell, angrily. I felt disrespected for her to just do this after earlier. "You and i are moving towns and theres NOTHING you can do about it!" My mother yelled.

"But mom my school and-" i say, tears in my eyes, walking over to her. "I don't fucking care Bella! You can repeat 9th grade for all i care!" She yells, throwing my clothes into the suitcase.

"I'm not going to do that! I would completely be held back!" I bargain. "You have no choice." She says, zipping up my suitcase. "Grab everything else you need, and lets go." She says, carrying my suitcase. "I stopped having a choice the day i was born!" I yelled.

"Mom we can't just do this!" I say stopping her from going outside. She pushed me and slammed my door shut.

I had no choice but to do as she said and pack up everything i needed. I sobbed the whole time and i wondered how Gustav was going to react to this.

How was i even supposed to tell him?!

We got in the car and me and my mother got into the argument the first minute the ride started.

Gustavs POV:
After i asked Bella to be my girlfriend, she didn't respond to me on my radio. And once it got to the point the day was ending, i worried and was frantic about everything.

I tried to call her friends like Audri and Vittoria but none of them heard from her. I called Georg and neither did he.

I then decided to call Krypto.

"Hello?" Krypto says. "Hey, its Gustav. Have you seen Bella?" I ask. "When i saw you guys at the grocery store earlier..y-yeah." He says.

I noticed him stuttering, and if there was anything i knew about Krypto he stuttered whenever he was close to being caught from hiding something.

"What aren't you telling me?" I ask. "Look man..im sorry." He says. "I was with Liam and the cheerleaders earlier." He adds on.

"Yeah i know cut the bullshit what the fuck did you do?" I say sternly. "I told them, and they told Bella's parents." He says.

"You fucking piece of shit!" I yell, cutting the phone off after. "Fuck.." i whispered.

I decided to take a walk to clear my mind, holding my radio and calling for Bella fhe entire time. "Bella, are you there? Can you hear me?" I say.

I then got to this gasoline station, thats how far i walked. I noticed a car that seemed similar to Bella's mother's. I didn't think much of it.

The station was right near the ocean, and it looked beautiful this time at night.

Immediately i thought of how much Bella would've loved this place.

Once i was about to go farther than the station, i noticed i heard cries. Familiar cries.

I turned around to see a woman, resting her head in her arms, sitting on the beaches sand. I got closer to see it was Bella.

I could tell from the color of her hair and her converse. She always drew on her shoes and that's how i could tell.

Seeing her crying like this and me not knowing the reason, broke something inside of me. I was about to approach her then i heard her mothers voice call for her.

She then got up and i saw them walk to their car and get in. They were heading a certain direction where only people who wanted to get out of town would go.

Obviously, i panicked and called for her on the radio. "Bella, please..im begging you. Please just, explain to me. What's going on why are you leaving town?" I say.

"Bella, what did i do?" I ask. "What it something i said?" I ask again. "Bella please..talk to me." I ask her the entire walk home.

After hours of calling for her with no answer, i was even more worried. "Bella, I'll call for you again tomorrow. I love you, so much Bella. Over and Out." I say, turning off my walkie and heading into my home, forcing my tears to stay back.

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