✧- She Was Ms. Popular.

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"Just last night, this town's beloved student Bella Greene..died from a car crash alongside with her mother on their way to an unknown place."

"Police say this was attempted murder, not an accident. Was Bella Greene forced?"

"15 year old high school student Bella Greene, daughter of Tiffany Greene and Elliot Greene, dies from an accident on their plan to exit town."

"Daughter and mother die from a car accident. Was this planned?"

"15 year old Bella Greene, rumored to have been abused by both of her parents for years..has tragically died tonight."

"Police found beloved social butterfly, Bella Greene's body at the site of a car crash."

"Today's news, Unexpected death of teenager Bella Greene."

"She was murdered. People of the town says after the death of their well loved neighbor, friend, student Bella Greene."

"She was 15 years old. A bundle of joy despite of everything she went through. A calm and polite package of sunshine with the biggest potential of becoming a star. Then Bella Greene died young."

"What does her boyfriend have to say about this?"

"Gustav Schaefer. Rumored boyfriend of 15 year old student Bella Greene, what did he know about the death of his lover?"

"Police have officially placed Elliot Greene in handcuffs. Father of the deceased Bella Greene and husband of Tiffany Greene."

"What are her friends going to do now that their beloved social butterfly is gone? Interviewers ask if they had noticed any signs of Bella wanting to commit suicide."

"Did Bella Greene plan this? Police say it might've been possible that she wanted to end her life and attempted on giving her mother the blame."

"Paparazzi and interviewers flood home of Gustav Schaefer, rumored boyfriend of deceased Bella Greene. "What are you gonna do?" And "How did you react to realizing she was gone?" We ask of him."

"Currently no one has been able to get a word out of Mr. Schaefer on his opinion and perspective on teenager Bella Greenes death. He has been avoiding questions and rumored to have been going "insane" by his neighbors and friends."

"She's Ms. Popular. The town responds to the death of 15 year old Bella Greene, whom died at supposedly 4:26 just last night. The town mourns the death of her and her mother."

"Long Live Bella Greene. The town protests."

"She was a great student. Athletic, polite, smart and continued being a good friend even when we wouldn't treat her anywhere near she deserved." Students Stacey Maine and Chloe Alexis, ex friends of deceased Bella Greene say on her unexpected passing."

"She was proof love existed because she was completely full of it. All of our lives will never be complete without her. I regret not hugging her tighter the last time we met. I would have, if i knew that would've been the last time i saw her." Teenager Audri Levine Listing, close friend of passed Bella Greene says on her death."

"She went through so much pain. She didn't deserve any of this. I didn't know her for long, but i didn't have to do so. You could automatically tell how sweet of a soul she was just by the second you spend time with her. I wish i had more time with her. She's forever young now." Vittoria, girlfriend of Tokio Hotel's Tom Kaulitz says on Bella Greenes unexpected death."

"She was a great friend. A good person and someone who you would be lucky to have in your life. Long live Bella Greene." Bassist of Tokio Hotel, Georg Listing says on 15 year old Bella Greenes death."

"Other friends of Bella, her father and rumored boyfriend haven't said anything about her and her mothers death yet."

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"Ill stay alive for you." I whispered, placing flowers on her grave.

"I miss you so much..." i say, touching her gravestone.

"You have always been loved, Bella Greene." I say.

"My name is Gustav Schaefer. My girlfriend Bella Greene died 3 days before we were supposed to celebrate our 5 months of knowing each other. After Bellas death, i distanced myself from everyone. It wasn't long until Georg Listing and Kenny James became just another familiar face in the hall. I've learned to love myself and find new friends, but no one is going to compete to the friends i had when i was 15.

And if i ever do learn to love again, it wont be the same. Because all of the love i had and have for Bella Greene, won't change and only gets stronger by the second.

All though, i really don't expect or see myself loving anyone again. Not until Bella comes back and welcomes me home with warm hands.

I'm eventually going to learn to stop waiting and lingering for someone's return. I am soon going to realize they aren't coming back, again."

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