✧- Love is a Powerful Word

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Gustav's POV:

Georg handed me the letter and reading the name it came from knocked some sense into me.

I froze, holding the letter in my eyes.

I shivered as i took a deep breath. "Fuck.." i whispered.

By then, i fell onto the grass and leaned on the backyards gate.

Quickly, i placed the letter down and held my head in my hands, wondering what i was supposed to do.

"Gustav? We're gonna get some snack's!" A girl from the party yelled, opening the door, covering her head popping out.

I sighed and quickly got up. It was starting to rain.

I started walking in a fast pace, slightly pushing the girl from my way.

People cheered me on while i passed, i ignored them all and continued walking.

I slammed the door open and walked on the street, heading towards Bella's house just a few blocks down the street.

I started walking even faster, my eyes looking slightly dead and focused.

Once i got nearer to her house, i started gripping the letter even tighter..trying to prevent myself from crying.

I didn't see both of the car her parents had, so i assumed they weren't there.

But that also could have meant Bella wasn't home either.

The rain suddenly became heavier and my breathing shortened.

I got around the house and knocked on her window. "Bella?" I say in a medium volume.

"Bella? Please, can i talk to you?" I say, knocking again. "Bella, please.." I say in a shaky voice.

"Please, im so sorry Bella." I say again.

Until a few minutes, i didn't see her completely but i knew. Bella was there.

I saw her hand cover her window by closing the curtains.

"Bella, im sorry. Im sorry i changed, i just thought.." i take deep breath's. "No, i didn't think Bella." I say, tears surrounding my eyes.

"Bella i- i didn't know it would go this far.." i whined. "Bella, i never wanted to ignore you. To leave you." I say, placing a hand on her window.

"Your..your father Bella. He..he- he told me to stay away from you." I cry out.

"And, without you.." i sob. "Without you I've turned into someone I'm not Bella." I yelled. "Bella, when i was forced to losing you..i- i lost myself." I cry.

"So I'm serious Bella, please..i just need us to talk Bella.." i say.

Bella opened her curtains, along with her window. I backed away while she climbed out.

Bellas POV:

I climbed out my window.

Seeing Gustav, drenched in the rain and my letter in his hand..did something painful to my heart and i couldn't explain what.

His eyes looked dead and tears fell out, disguised as rain.

He gripped onto my letter while we looked at one another for a few second's.

"Please, go.." i whisper, loud enough for him to hear.

"No Bella, no. I cant go.. i-i cant let you go." He says, stepping towards me. "No, please i need you to go. I can't do this anymore Gustav its- its.. painful." I say.

"Bella, i can't give up on you. Please Bella i-" i cut him off. "No, don't you dare! Im sick of this!" I say, pushing him. "You think you can hurt and leave anyone you like just because you're popular now!" I yell, my voice being stronger than the rain.

"Bella i wanted to tell you why i did what i did but i couldn't!" He yells. Why? Why exactly?! Why did you shut everyone out!.." I yell back.

"Then please..give me another chance. Give us another chance Bella." He whines. "Why? Why exactly should i Gustav?" I bargain.

"So..so we can fight again? So you can be the owner of my first kiss and then leave once more like it was nothing?!" I say pushing him, almost making him trip.

"So you can make me feel like it was all a mistake?!" I yell louder. "Like i was a mistake..?" I say, my tone and eyes softening along with my temper.

"No..no Bella." Gustav says. "W-was i?! A mistake?" I ask, crying. "Bella, please don't think that way.." he says crying, holding me.

"Yeah maybe this was all a mistake! Right?!" I yelled, pushing him away. "Oh what, so its a mistake only because we fight?!" He yells back.

"Well maybe?! What the hell i don't know! Look at us, we're bickering already and we aren't even in decent terms yet!" I yell at him.

He holds me tighter. "Bella, thats what we do! We bicker! We argue! There aren't any perfect stories where people like each other!" He spits out.

"But i don't care Bella! I'm willing to do all of that just to be with you! What don't you understand?" He yells again.

"Everything! I completely don't understand Gustav! You ignore my complete existence and treat me like a piece of shit, then you're back here doing all of this?!" I yell in respond.

"I told you! I ignored you to protect you..i did all just to protect you! If you don't fucking understand Bella, i did it because i loved you! But having to lose you in the process, did a ton of shit to me!" He bargains, holding my face.

"I still do and i always have!.." he yells once more. "I always will." He says.

"You, love me..?" I ask, my cheek filled with tears more than rain. "I do Bella! I do!" He yells again, holding my shoulders. "Gustav.." i whisper.

"I have loved you ever since the day i laid my eyes on you, so don't tell me to give up Bella. Or don't even make me try." He says in a shaking voice from the tears.

I didn't respond, i just smiled with a tear falling down my face. Brushing my expressions with a hint of sadness.

But the important thing was, im not angry anymore.

I held his face in my hands.. "Gustav..?" I whisper.

"I love you too."

I say, shortly kissing him after.

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